English 101 Essay Writing Tips for Freshman College Students

Are you excited about your future? College can be the best time in your life, but for some people, it becomes a real disaster! How do you escape this and enjoy your studying to the fullest? Here are some tips for you.

College is not only about studying and learning every piece of information you come across. It is time for you to make friends, have fun and at least some time for yourself and your hobbies. Agree? In this case, we are sharing with you some helpful hints from mature students. 

The most time-consuming activity you will meet with is writing. Some people enjoy it, and they don’t mind producing a lot of texts every month to satisfy their college teachers. Suppose you are not one of them, and writing is something that makes you nervous. 

Students have to deal with diverse topics, and some of these topics are specific and need careful research. To cope with such topics, you must have well-developed qualities of a good writer! In case you are not sure about your writing skills, you probably think something like: “What if I find someone to make my essay?” If you still want to fight with the topic and essay challenge is something that inspires you, read these helpful tips. 

How to Write the Killing Essay

  • Work with the right attitude. Remember that this kind of activity is an important assignment, and you need to give your best to get a good score. Be conscious about it, as this is your primary job as a college student.
  • Plan your time. Set the priorities to manage your time effectively. You don’t want to find out that you need five more hours to complete your essay just ten minutes before the beginning of the lesson in your classroom, right? 
  • Research your question. Before you start writing the essay, make sure you understand your topic and all the instructions provided. Otherwise, you won’t be able to cope with the essential phase any academic writing has. Yes. We are talking about research.
  • Write the notes thoroughly. So, while you are searching the Internet for the best and the most appropriate sources, make sure you note down everything. It is easy to lose a good book or site during this process. The internet now is overwhelmed with all kinds of information. The majority of this info isn’t very credible. So, check your sources before using them in your essay. 
  • Work on your draft variant. Read your draft with a critical attitude, pay attention to vocabulary usage. Double-check facts and sources. Besides, make sure your essay has the correct structure: Introduction, Body text, Conclusion. As a rule, there are three paragraphs in the body text. Confirm that your sources correctly cited according to the required academic style. You can find guidance on the Internet.
  • Write in a professional style. Keep in mind that your college essay is not an Instagram post, so maintain the professional and academic-friendly language. Use words appropriate for your sphere. Don’t use words that have a double meaning and may confuse your readers. 
  • Have enough time to proofread. First of all, check for spelling and grammar mistakes. If you are in doubt, ask a friend to proofread your writing. To be extra sure, you also can use spelling and grammar checking applications.
  • Check for factual errors. If you use sources and evidence to support your thoughts, make sure they are used properly and don’t contradict each other. Sometimes students take citations out of context to support the idea, which has nothing in common with the source cited. It is very unprofessional. Your instructor may check the info and it will result in an unsatisfactory score. 
  • Do not plagiarize! Plagiarism can be considered as not only stealing direct citations from other authors but stealing ideas as well. Nowadays, anyone can easily check a text for plagiarism using various software or even online. Of course, if you take someone’s idea and present it as your own finding, it becomes more difficult to find this out. However, there is a question of ethics. 
  • Rest, then come back to your work. Why do we need to have a rest from writing? This is a useful approach every experienced writer uses. When you are too focused, you might miss certain errors. Changing the type of activity and then returning to your essay again will help you avoid such situations. 
  • Perform a final check. The best idea is to read your essay on loud, keeping in mind its purpose and the specifics of your target audience. Don’t forget to review the instructions. Your thesis statement should be clear and outline the scope of work you have done. 

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