Understanding level of teaching

The teaching at the understanding level is of higher quality than the one at memory level teaching. It is more useful and thoughtful. Understanding level of teaching explain pupils about the relationship between principles and facts. It also lets students know where these principles are applicable. For this level of teaching, it is must to get memory level teaching barrier crossed.

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In the understanding level of teaching, the mental development of the learner is at a higher level than that of memory level. Cognitive abilities of the student are developed. Here students become capable to think, present things logically, analyze them, draw inferences. They are able to evaluate the relationships between the principles and facts.

Elements of understanding levels of teaching:-

(1) Objectives:
According to revised Bloom’s Taxonomy, Understanding level teaching aims at the following objectives.

(a) Understanding objectives:-
It is the understanding of instructional messages by means of interpreting, exemplifying, classifying, comparing, inferring etc.

(b) Application Objectives:-
It includes the use of a proper procedure for executing and implementing the use of principle/ rules in practical life situations.

(2) Nature of subject matter:-

The content for teaching-learning at this level is quite wide as compared to that needed at memory level teaching. The content also includes the application of the principle/generalizations in due real life situations.

(3) Methods used:-

For achieving objectives like understanding, comprehension and application following methods of teaching could be used.

  1. Lecture method
  2. Lecture-demonstration
  3. Discussion
  4. Inductive-deductive
  5. Exemplification and explanation

(4) Classroom climate:-

More likely and encouraging as compared to that of memory level teaching.

Learners are actively engaged in the learning process.

This makes the classroom environment positive and enjoyable.

(5) Nature of motivation:-

Motivation at understanding level of teaching is extrinsic as well as intrinsic in nature.

(6) Teaching equipment:-

Teaching becomes very easy and interesting with the help of different teaching aids like

  • models,
  • charts,
  • flash cards,
  • pictures etc.

Students can easily comprehend the concept by using various teaching aids. So the teacher should use the right aid/equipment as per the need and level of students.

(7) Evaluation:

Tools and devices used for evaluation at this level are more comprehensive than that of memory level teaching.
Tests and tools should be properly planned. Planned tests could evaluate the student’s ability to
comprehend, gasp, analyze, synthesize, discriminate etc.

These abilities can be examined using oral and written tests along with some scope for testing practical knowledge.

(8) Role of the teacher:-

Role of teacher is prominent in the understanding level of teaching. He is the person responsible for presenting learning material. Teacher makes sure that pupil understands the content by making it interesting for them.

· In this level of teaching the contents and the sequence of presentation, mode of instruction, methods used in evaluation all remains with is the powers of the teacher.

(9) Role of learner:-

At this level of teaching role of the learner is not so passive like that of the memory level. The learner has to work hard at this level. The learners at this level are secondary and can take some initiative to know further about the contents. Both the teacher and learner interact within the framework set by the teacher to obtain the objectives designed at this level of teaching.

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Dr. G. Madhavi
Dr. G. Madhavi
3 years ago

Sir it not only is highly useful but also easy to understand. Appreciate your efforts sir.
Thank you so much for the material.

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