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Activity 13.3 Class 10 Science – Our Environment

Activity 13.3: Ncert book Science class 10

This activity 13.3 class 10 science is about the presence of pesticides in ready-made food items and their impact on our health. It also focuses on the causes of the presence of pesticides in food items.

This activity encourages us to consider the sources of these pesticides, how they can enter our bodies, and what methods we can apply to reduce our intake of these harmful chemicals.

Aim of activity 13.3 Class 10 Science

Activity 15.3 requires us to discuss the presence and causes of pesticides in food items that are packaged.

The solution to activity 13.3

Question 1. What do you think would be the source of pesticides in these food items?

  • The primary source of pesticides in food items is agricultural practices.
  • Farmers use these chemicals to protect their crops from pests and diseases.
  • Pesticides are absorbed by plants from the soil along with water and minerals.
  • They can also be taken up by aquatic plants and animals from water bodies.

Question 2. Could pesticides get into our bodies from this source through other food products too?

  • Yes, pesticides can enter our bodies from these sources through other food products.
  • Pesticides are not easily degradable and thus get accumulated at each trophic level in the food chain.
  • Humans, being at the top of the food chain, accumulate the maximum concentration of these chemicals.
  • This process is known as biological magnification.
  • As a result, our food grains, vegetables, fruits, and even meat can contain varying amounts of pesticide residues.

Understanding the Impact of Pesticides in Our Food Chain

Pesticides in Our Food Chain

Pesticides are commonly used in agriculture to protect crops from pests and diseases. However, these chemicals, which are often non-biodegradable, can find their way into our food chain.

They are washed down into the soil or water bodies, absorbed by plants and aquatic organisms, and eventually reach us when we consume these organisms. This process is known as biological magnification.

The Source of Pesticides

Newspaper reports about high pesticide levels in ready-made food items are frequent, and some states have even banned these products. But what is the source of these pesticides?

The answer lies in our agricultural practices. Farmers use pesticides and insecticides to protect their crops. These chemicals can enter our food chain through plant products and washed water.

Pesticides in Other Food Products

Could pesticides get into our bodies from this source through other food products too? The answer is yes. In a natural environment, every food product comes from the plant product through the complex food chain.

So if any part of the food chain contains pesticides, all the components of the food chain also receive pesticides.

Reducing Our Intake of Pesticides

So, how can we reduce our intake of pesticides? There are several methods we can apply. First, we can minimize the use of chemical pesticides in our agricultural practices. Second, we can wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before use. Third, we can choose to consume organic fruits and vegetables that are grown without the use of chemical pesticides.

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