
physics notes for class 11

Master Class 11 Physics And Be Successful in exams. Here find Physics Notes, assignments, concept maps and lots of study material for easy learning and understanding. We have lots of study material written in easy language that is easy to follow.

How to use this page to learn physics

You are here in this page means you are looking for something to help you study physics of class 11. So this page contains notes of most of the class 11 chapters and we also have assignments of most of the chapters that you can practice. We also have a free class 11 E-book or pdf download page where you can download lots of files. So, to learn any chapter you have to follow these steps
  1. First read and understand the notes.
  2. Try to go through the solved examples of of the chapter you are reading
  3. Now it is the time to solve unsolved assignments and worksheets. You will find plenty of them here or on the respective chapter page.
All the best for better learning of your physics concepts. Hope we helped you when you were looking for physics class 11 notes .
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Chapter 2: Unit and Measurement

This chapter is about Unit and Measurement, Dimensional Analysis, errors
CBSE Worksheets
  1. Units and Measurements NCERT Solutions
  2. Units and Measurements Assignment (Download PDF)
  3. Dimensional analysis worksheet
  4. dimensional analysis practice problems

Chapter 3: Motion in a straight line

This chapter is about One dimensional Motion, Uniform and Non Uniform Acceleration motion ,Relative velocity, Motion graphs
  1. Distance and displacement
  2. Position of particle
  3. Average velocity and speed
  4. Instantaneous velocity and speed
  5. Acceleration
  6. Kinematic equations for uniformly accelerated Motion
  7. Motion in straight line with variable acceleration with Problem and solutions
  8. Free fall acceleration
  9. Relative velocity
  10. 1D Kinematics Problems And Solutions
  11. One dimensional motion problems with solution
  12. Motion graphs worksheet with Answer
CBSE Worksheets
  1. Motion in a straight line NCERT solutions
  2. Motion in one dimension Practice Paper
  3. Acceleration Practice Questions
Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
  1. Important Questions on Kinematics
  2. Kinematics worksheet

Chapter 4: Motion in a plane

This chapter is about Motion in a plane, Projectile Motion ,Relative velocity, Three dimensional motion, Vectors in Physics
  1. Vectors in Physics
  2. Two Dimensional Motion
  3. Motion in a plane with constant acceleration
  4. Relative Velocity in two dimensions
  5. Projectile Motion
  6. Projectile Motion on Inclined Plane
  7. Uniform circular motion
  8. Motion in three dimensions
CBSE Worksheets
  1. Motion in a plane NCERT solutions
  2. Motion in a plane Sample Problems with Solutions
Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
  1. Projectile Motion Problems
  2. 2D Kinematics Problems with Solutions
  3. Projectile motion Worksheet

Chapter 5: Laws Of motion

This chapter is about Newtons Laws of Motion, Frictional forces, Static & kinetic Friction, Impulse & Linear momentum and Laws of Conservation of Momentum
Newton's Law of Motion
  1. Newton's Laws of Motion
  2. Newton's First law of Motion
  3. Inertia and Mass
  4. Newton's second law of motion
  5. Newton's third law of motion
  6. Applying Newton's law of motion
  7. Inertial frame of Reference
  8. Fictitious Forces
  9. Laws of Motion examples
  1. Force of Friction
  2. Static Friction
  3. Kinetic Friction
  4. Rolling Friction
  5. Angle of Friction
  6. Force of Friction examples problem with solutions
Impulse and Linear Momentum
  1. Linear Momentum
  2. Impulse and Momentum
  3. Conservation of Linear momentum
  4. Recoil Velocity of the Gun
  5. Motion of the system with varying mass(Rocket)
  6. Linear Momentum Problems with Solutions
CBSE Worksheet
  1. Laws of Motion Class 11 Important Questions
Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
  1. Laws of Motion Multiple Choice Questions
  2. Laws of Motion Numericals
  3. Friction Multiple Choice Questions
  4. Linear Momentum Questions

Chapter 6: Work Energy and Power

This chapter is about Work done by a force, Kinetic energy,Potential energy, Conservative forces, Law of Conservation of energy,Power, Elastic & Inelastic Collisions
Work Energy and Power
  1. Work done Formula
  2. Work done by variable force
  3. Kinetic energy
  4. Work Energy theorem
  5. Potential energy
  6. Potential energy of the spring
  7. Conservative Forces
  8. Mechanical Energy and Conservation
  9. Power definition
  10. Law of Conservation of energy
  1. Collisions
  2. Coefficient of restitution
  3. Elastic Collisions
  4. Inelastic Collisions
CBSE Worksheets
  1. Work Energy and Power Solved Examples
  2. Work ,energy And Power Important Questions for Class 11
Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
  1. Work Energy & Power Multiple Choice Questions
  2. Work Energy & Power Problems
  3. Collisions Problems with solutions

Chapter 7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion

This chapter is about Center Of mass,Linear Momentum of System of particles, Center Of Mass Frame of Reference,Rotational Motion,Moment of Inertia, Angular momentum ,Torque ,rolling motion and Conservation of Angular momentum
System of Particles
  1. Center of Mass
  2. Velocity of centre of mass
  3. Acceleration of centre of mass
  4. Kinetic energy of the system of particles
  5. Linear Momentum of System of particles
  6. Center Of Mass Frame of Reference
Rotational Motion
  1. Rotational Motion
  2. Angular velocity
  3. Angular acceleration
  4. Rotation with constant angular acceleration
  5. Kinetic energy of Rotation
  6. Calculation of moment of inertia
  7. Parallel Axis Theorem|Theorems of Moment of Inertia
  8. Perpendicular Axis Theorem
  9. Torque
  10. work and power in rotational motion
  11. Angular acceleration
  12. Relationship between Angular momentum and torque
  13. Conservation of Angular momentum
  14. Radius of gyration
  15. Rolling Motion & Kinetic Energy of rolling bodies
  16. Rotational Motion problems with solutions
CBSE Worksheets
  1. CBSE Rotational motion Questions(PDF download)
  2. CBSE Rotational Worksheet(PDF download)
  3. CBSE Moment of Inertia Problems(PDF download)
Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
  1. Rotational Motion Multiple Choice Questions
  2. Rotational Motion Problems
  3. Center of Mass Problems with Solutions

Chapter 8: Gravitation

This chapter is about Gravitation,Kepler's Law,Acceleration due to gravity of earth
  1. Kepler's Law
  2. Universal law of gravitation
  3. Acceleration due to gravity of earth
  4. Gravitational Potential Energy
CBSE Worksheets
  1. Gravitation Practice Problems(PDF) Class 11
  2. Gravitation Numerical Questions(PDF) Class 11
  3. CBSE Gravitation conceptual Questions(PDF)
  4. Gravitation Class 11 NCERT Solutions
Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
  1. Gravitation Problems for JEE

Chapter 9: Mechanical Properties of Solid(Elasticity)

This chapter is about Elasticity,stress, strain,Hook's law,elastic Modulus & Stress-Strain Diagram
  1. Introduction
  2. Stress
  3. Strain
  4. Hook's Law
  5. Elastic Modulus
  6. Poison's Ratio
  7. Stress-Strain Diagram
  8. Solved Examples
CBSE Worksheets
  1. Elasticity Practice Questions(PDF download)
Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
  1. Elasticity Multiple Choice Questions
  2. Elasticity Problems

Chapter 10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids

  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Density
  • Hydrostatic Pressure
  • Pascals law and Its applications
  • CBSE Worksheets
    1. Pressure Test paper
    2. Surface Tension Worksheet
    3. Surface Tension Test paper
    Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
    1. Fluids Problems

    Chapter 11: Thermal Properties of Matter

    This chapter is about Thermal Properties of Matter like Thermal Expansion ,temperature,Specific Heat Capacity.An introduction on Calorimetry & Change of phases & Latent Heat. Then it talks about various mode of Heat transfer like Thermal conduction, Convection & Radiation
    Thermal Properties of Matter
    1. Concept of Heat and Temperature
    2. Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
    3. Measurement of temperature
    4. Ideal Gas Equation and Absolute Temperature
    5. Thermal Expansion
    6. Thermal stress
    7. Specific Heat Capacity
    8. Calorimetry
    9. Change of phases & Latent Heat
    10. Solved Examples
    Heat Transfer
    1. Heat Transfer
    2. Heat Conduction
    3. Thermal Conductivity
    4. Thermal resistance and conductance
    5. Convection heat transfer
    6. Radiation and Black Body Radiation
    7. Stefan Boltzmann law
    8. Nature of thermal Radiation & Wien Displacement law
    9. Kirchhoff's law of Radiation
    10. Newton's Law of Cooling
    Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
    1. Thermal Properties of Matter Problems
    2. Thermal Properties Multiple Choice of Questions
    3. Thermal Expansion and Thermal Stress Questions
    4. Heat Transfer Problems
    5. Heat Transfer Multiple Choice Questions
    Revision Notes
    1. Thermal Properties Of matter Revision Notes
    2. Heat Transfer Revision Notes

    Chapter 12:Thermodynamics

    This chapter is about laws of Thermodynamics,Thermodynamic Processes like Isothermal ,Adiabatic & Isochoric process.It also talks about Heat Engine and efficiency,Principle of a Refrigerator & Carnot's Heat Engine
    1. Introduction
    2. Concept of Heat
    3. P-V Indicator Diagram
    4. Work done by Gas in volume changes
    5. Internal Energy
    6. First Law of Thermodynamics
    7. Specific Heat Capacity of Ideal GAS
    8. Thermodynamic Processes
    9. Quasi static Processes
    10. Isothermal Process
    11. Adiabatic Process
    12. Isochoric process
    13. Isobaric process
    14. Cyclic process
    15. Work done in Isothermal process
    16. Work done in an Adiabatic process
    17. Heat Engine and efficiency
    18. Principle of a Refrigerator
    19. Second law of thermodynamics
    20. Reversibility and irreversibility
    21. Carnot's Heat Engine
    22. Carnot Theorem
    23. Solved Examples
    Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
    1. Thermodynamics Questions
    2. Thermodynamics Multiple Choice Questions
    3. P-V diagram Problems and Solutions
    4. Carnot Cycle Problems
    Revision Notes
    1. Thermodynamics Revision Notes

    Chapter 13: Kinetic Theory of Gas

    1. Molecular nature of matter
    2. Behaviour Of Gases
    3. Kinetic Theory of an ideal gas
    4. Pressure of gas
    5. Kinetic interpretation of temperature
    6. Law of Equipartition of energy
    7. Specific Heat Capacity Of Gases
    8. Specific heat Capacity of Solids
    9. Mean free Path
    10. Solved examples
    Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
    1. Kinetic Theory of Gases Problems
    2. Kinetic Theory Multiple Choice Questions
    3. Ideal Gas Laws Problems
    Revision Notes
    1. Kinetic Theory of Gases Revision Notes

    Chapter 14: Oscillations

    1. Periodic Motion
    2. Simple Harmonic Motion
    3. Equation of SHM
    4. Characteristics of SHM
    5. Velocity of SHM
    6. Acceleration of SHM
    7. Total Energy of SHM
    8. Motion of a body suspended from a spring
    9. Simple pendulum
    10. The compound pendulum
    11. Damped Oscillations
    12. Driven or Forced Harmonic oscillator
    Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
    1. SHM Multiple Choice Questions
    2. SHM Problems

    Chapter 15: Waves

    Assignments (for JEE and Competition level)
    1. Waves Problems and Solutions

    Frequently asked Questions on CBSE Class 11 Physics

    How many chapters are there in Class 11 Physics?

    There are total 14 chapters in Class 11 Physiccs All the chapters are required for assessment

    What is the best books for Class 11 Physics?

    Couple of book
    (a)NCERT Class 11 Physics textbook
    (b)NCERT Class 11 Exemplar
    (c) S .L .Arora

    Which is the easiest chapter of class 11 Physics NCERT Text book?

    Thermodynamics ,Kinetic theory of gases and Thermal properties of Matter are the easiest chapter

    Is Class 11 Physics NCERT Text book Sufficient for CBSE Exams?

    It is not sufficient as you need more question and theory for Physics. I would definitely suggest going with SL Arora or Pradeep along with NCERT Book

    what is the best way to learn the concept in Class 11 Physics?

    First go through all the Notes and solved examples and Then do the exercises. Practice Lot of questions. The simple Mantra is Practice .Practice and Practice

    what is the best way to learn the concept in Class 12 Physics?

    First go through all the Notes and solved examples and Then do the exercises. Practice Lot of questions. The simple Mantra is Practice .Practice and Practice

    what is the deleted syllabus in Class 11 Physics (2023-2024)?

    Chapter 1: Physical worlds
    Complete chapter
    Chapter 2:Units and Measurements
    Measurement of Length,Measurement of Mass,Measurement of Time,Accuracy, Precision of Instruments and Errors in Measurement
    Chapter–3: Motion in a Straight Line
    Average speed and Velocity, Relative velocity
    Chapter–4: Motion in a Plane
    Relative velocity in two -dimensions
    Chapter–5: Laws of Motion
    No Topic deleted
    Chapter–6: Work, Energy and Power
    Various Forms of Energy: the Law of Conservation of Energy
    Chapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational Motion
    Theorems of Perpendicular and Parallel Axes, Rolling Moition
    Chapter–8: Gravitation
    Geostationary and Polar Satellites,Weightlessness
    Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of Solids
    Elastic Behaviour of Solids,Determination of Young’s Modulus of the Material of a Wire
    Chapter–10: Mechanical Properties of Fluids
    Venturi-meter,Blood Flow and Heart Attack,Detergents and Surface Tension
    Chapter–11: Thermal Properties of Matter
    Greenhouse effect.
    Chapter–12: Thermodynamics
    Heat Engines,Refrigerators and Heat Pumps
    Chapter 13 :Kinetic Theory
    Specific Heat Capacity of Water
    Chapter 14 :Oscillations
    Damped Simple Harmonic Motion,Forced Oscillations and Resonance
    Chapter 15 :Waves
    Doppler Effect

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