Frequently asked Questions on CBSE Class 12 Biology
How many chapters are there in Class 12 Biology?
There are total 13 chapters in Class 12 Biology as per the rationalized Syllabus. All the chapters are required for assessment
What is the best books for Class 1 Biology?
Couple of book
(a)NCERT Class 12 Biology textbook
(b)NCERT Class 12 Exemplar
(c)Biology book by Pradeep S
Is Class 12 Biology NCERT Text book Sufficient for CBSE Exams?
It is sufficient if you go through all the questions in the NCERT text book thoroughly and practice them all.However to enhance your biology skill , you can go for NCERT exemplar and other books
what is the best way to learn the concept in Class 12 Biology?
First go through all the Notes and solved examples and Then do the exercises. Practice Lot of questions. The simple Mantra is Practice .Practice and Practice
what is the deleted syllabus in Class 12 Biology?
Chapter Reproduction in Organisms
Full chapter Chapter Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
Full chapter Chapter : Organisms and Populations
Organism and its Environment, Major Aboitic Factors, Responses to Abioitic Factors, Adaptations Chapter : Ecosystem
Ecological Succession and Nutrient Cycles