
Important Questions for Class 12 Chapter 6: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

Molecular basis of inheritance question bank

Question 1
If a double stranded DNA has 20 percent of cytosine, calculate the percentage of adenine n the DNA.

Question 2
Mention the importance of LH surge during menstrual cycle?

Question 3
Briefly describe the following:
(a) Polymorphism
(b) Bioinformatics

Question 4
State Chargaff’s base complementarily rule

Question 5
How does HIV differ from a bacteriophage?

Question 6
Define transformation.

Question 7
Name the enzyme that is referred to as Ochoa enzyme.

Question 8
Mention any two ways in which ingle nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) identified in human genome, can bring out revolutionary changes in biological and medical sciences?

Question 9
How is repetitive/ satellite DNA separated from bulk genomic DNA for genetic experiments?

Question 10
10. Mention how DNA polymorphism does arise in a population?

Question 11
What is VNTR?

Question 12
12. Protein synthesis machinery revolves around RNA but in the course of evolution it was replaced by DNA. Justify.

Question 13
Give two reasons why both the strand of DNA are not copied during transcription.

Question 14
14. Differentiate between a cistron and n exon.

Question 15
15. State the difference between the structural genes in a transcription unit of prokaryotes ad Eukaryotes.

Question 16
16. Distinguish between codons and anticodons.

Question 17
17. Mention the role of ribosomes in peptide bond formation. how does ATP facilitate it? Role of Ribosomes:

Question 18
18. Why does DNA replication occur in small replication forks and not in its entire length?
(ii) Why is DNA replication continuous and discontinuous in a replication fork?
(iii) Explain the importance of ‘origin of replication’ in a replication fork.

Question 19
Monocistronic structural genes in eukaryotes have interrupted coding sequences. Explain. How are they different in prokaryotes?

Question 20
Why is tRNA called an ‘adapter’?

Question 21
(a) A tRNA I charged with the amino acid methionine.
  1. Name the process involved in the attachment.
  2. Pont out the mRNA codon and anticodon on tRNA for this amino acid.
(b)What is heterochromatin?

Question 22
What is satellite DNA n a genome? Explain their role in DNA fingerprinting.

Question 23
Mention the contributions of the following scientists:
(i) Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin.
(ii) Erwin Chargaff

Question 24
Name two basic amino acids that provide positive charge to histone proteins?

Question 25
25. Write the two specific codons that a translational units of mRNA is flanled by, one on its either sides?

Question 26
Which chromosome has the maximum number of genes and the one which has least number of genes?

Question 27
It is established that RNA is the first genetic material. Explain giving three reasons.

Question 28
What would happen if histnes were mutated and made rich in amino acids, aspartic acid and glutamic acid in place of basic amino acids such as lysine and arginine?

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