
NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions: Free PDF download for Class 6 to Class 12

  • NCERT Books designed by National council of educational research and Training aims to inculcate imagination, creativity and curiosity in the students . All the NCERT books from class6 to class 12 tries to bring ideas and information in useful and easily understandble Manner.
  • Each NCERT solutions contains lot of exercise ,try now , intext questions and additional exercises to cater to the various need of the students. The exercise are designed quite carefully and very thought provoking.
  • It is important students should carefully study the NCERT text books and try to detailed examples given in the book and then start solving the NCERT exercise to gain good understanding of the concepts and developed an acumen for solving the problems.
  • Students should check the solutions done by the them with NCERT solution provider and improve the mistake if any
  • We here are giving the NCERT solutions for class 6 to 12 for Science,Maths, Physics,Chemistry, Biology. The solutions are detailed and accurate and prepared very carefully so that students can get maximum benifits from it.
I hope you will like the NCERT solutions

Class 6 NCERT Solutions

Class 7 NCERT Solutions

Class 8 NCERT Solutions

Class 9 NCERT Solutions

Class 10 NCERT Solutions

Class 11 NCERT Solutions

Class 12 NCERT Solutions

NCERT Chapterwise Solutions for Class 6 to Class 12

Class 6 NCERT Maths Chapterwise Solutions

Class 6 NCERT Science Chapterwise Solutions

Class 7 NCERT Science Chapterwise Solutions

Class 7 NCERT Maths Chapterwise Solutions

Class 8 NCERT Science Chapterwise Solutions

Class 8 NCERT Maths Chapterwise Solutions

Class 9 NCERT Science Chapterwise Solutions

Class 9 NCERT Maths Chapterwise Solutions

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