
Reproduction in Animals Class 8 NCERT solutions

In this page we have NCERT Solution for Class 8 Reproduction in Animals Chapter 6 Science . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

Question 1
Explain the importance of reproduction in organisms.
(1) Reproduction is fundamental feature of all known life.
(2) The organisms reproduce to produce young ones like them.
(3) It helps to carry on their generation.
(4) If reproduction does not take place, no living being will survive on the earth.
(5) special characters of an organism are carried over to its next generation through reproduction only.

Question 2
Describe the process of fertilization in human beings.
(1) Fertilization involves the fusion of the male and the female gamete.
(2) It is the fusion of sperm and ovum
(3) The male and the female gametes are released from the male and the female reproductive organs.
(4) During fertilization, the haploid nucleus of the sperm and that of the ovum fuse with each other to form the zygote. This zygote divides to form an embryo
(5) The embryo further multiples into many cells and develops further into a small baby called foetus.

Question 3
Choose the most appropriate answer.
(a) Internal fertilization occurs
(i) in female body.
(ii) outside female body.
(iii) in male body.
(iv) outside male body.

(b) A tadpole develops into an adult frog by the process of
(i) fertilization
(ii) metamorphosis
(iii) embedding
(iv) budding

(c) The number of nuclei present in a zygote is
(i) none
(ii) one
(iii) two
(iv) four

(a) (i)
(b) (ii)
(c) (ii)

Question 4.
Indicate whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
(a) Oviparous animals give birth to young ones. ( )
(b) Each sperm is a single cell. ( )
(c) External fertilization takes place in frogs. ( )
(d) A new human individual develops from a cell called gamete. ( )
(e) Egg laid after fertilization is made up of a single cell. ( )
(f) Amoeba reproduces by budding. ( )
(g) Fertilization is necessary even in asexual reproduction. ( )
(h) Binary fission is a method of asexual reproduction. ( )
(i) A zygote is formed as a result of fertilization. ( )
(j) An embryo is made up of a single cell. ( )
(a) False
(b) True
(c) True
(d) false
(e) true
(f) false
(g) false
(h) True
(i) True
(j) False

Question 5
Give two differences between a zygote and a foetus.
zygote vs  foetus

Question 6
Define asexual reproduction. Describe two methods of asexual reproduction in animals.
Asexual reproduction is that type of reproduction in which only single parent is involved. Asexual reproduction takes place by different methods like Budding, Binary fission etc.
Reproduction in Animals Class 8 NCERT solutions

Question 7
In which female reproductive organ does the embryo get embedded?
The embryo gets embedded in the wall of the uterus.

Question 8
What is metamorphosis? Give examples.
The transformation of the larva into adult through drastic changes is called metamorphosis. Frogs and insects are examples of organisms showing metamorphosis.

Question 9
Differentiate between internal fertilization and external fertilization.
Reproduction in Animals Chapter 9 Science  Class 8 NCERT solutions

Question 10
Complete the crossword puzzle using the hints given below.
1. The process of the fusion of the gametes.
6. The type of fertilization in hen.
7. The term used for bulges observed on the sides of the body of Hydra.
8. Eggs are produced here.

2. Sperms are produced in these male reproductive organs.
3. Another term for the fertilized egg.
4. These animals lay eggs.
5. A type of fission in amoeba.
Reproduction in Animals Chapter 9 Science  Class 8 NCERT solutions Question 10



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