
Reproduction in animals class 8 questions and answers

In this page we have Reproduction in animals Class 8 Practice Questions . Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

Fill in the blank type

  1. Fertilization in human beings is takes place in the _________
  2. The human embryo grows and develops in the ________
  3. In a mosquito, the egg hatch to produce _______
  4. Hydra reproduces by the process of ________
  5. As a result of fertilization _______ is formed.
  6. Organisms in which male and female gametes are present in the same organism are called ______
  7. The tube that carries the sperm to the urethra is called _________
  8. The mode of reproduction which involves only one parent is __________
  9. The process of cell changing their size, shape and form specialized cells is called ________
  10. Human are _______ While birds are _______
  11. Sex cells are also called ______. In animals the male sex cell is called ____ And the female sex cell is called an _______
  12. ________ is the male sex hormone , ______ and _______is the female sex hormone.
  13. The ______is connected to the foetus by the umbilical cord.
  14. Foetus is protected by the _________ and ________
  15. Fallopian tube be is also called _________


  1. Fallopian tube
  2. Uterus
  3. Larva
  4. Budding
  5. Zygote
  6. hermaphrodite
  7. Vas deferens
  8. Asexual reproduction
  9. Cell differentiation
  10. Viviparous, oviparous
  11. Gametes, sperm and ovum
  12. Testosterone, oestrogen and progesterone
  13. Placenta
  14. Uterus and amniotic fluid
  15. oviduct

Short- Answer Questions

Question 1
Why is reproduction important?


It is because of reproduction that life continues from generation to generation.

Question 2
What is menstruation?


If the ovum is not fertilized by a sperm, it is expelled from the uterus along with some uterine muscles and blood. This is known as menstruation.

Question 3
How does Hydra reproduce:


Hydra reproduces by budding. In Hydra, a bud appears on the body wall which grows into a full Hydra in a day or two and separates from the parent.

Question 4
How does placenta help the foetus?


The placenta is responsible for providing oxygen and nutrients and removing waste substances.

Question 5
What is metamorphosis?


The series of change in an organism during its life cycle that transform it from the larva to an adult.

Question 6
Differentiate between external and internal fertilization?


reproduction in animals class 8 questions and answers
External Vs.Internal Fertilization

Question 7
How is zygote formed in humans? Where is it formed?


The fusion between a male gamete and a female gamete in the oviduct result in the formation of a fertilized egg or zygote in humans. It is formed in the fallopian tube of female.

Question 8
Which two processes are responsible for the development of embryo in multicellular organisms?


In multicellular organisms, development of embryo occurs by cell division and cell differentiation.

Question 9
Explain what happens after a hen lays a fertlised egg?


The hen then sits s on the egg to keep it warm. Development of the chick takes place inside the shell. After its development is complete, the chick comes out by bursting open the egg shell.

Question 10
What is incubation?


The process of keeping the eggs warm in order to hatch is called incubation.

Long Answer Questions for class 8

Question 1
What is puberty? What is it caused by? What changes occur in boys and girl during puberty?


  • The onset of sexual maturity occurs in boys at the age of 11-16 years, and in girls at the age of 10-15 years. This is known as puberty.
  • Puberty occurs in boys at the age of 11-16 years and in girls at the age of voice 10-15 years.
  • In boys puberty is marked by the voice become deeper, growth of hair on the face and body, and production of sperm by the testes. In girls, breasts become bigger and hips get more rounded.

Question 2
Why do frogs produce a large number of gametes?


Frogs produce large number of gametes because there are always chances of getting eaten by fish present in the water or getting washed out by wind currents and rainfall. As such, not all gametes are involved in fertilization.

Question 3
Differentiate between oviparous and viviparous animals?


reproduction in animals class 8 questions and answers
Oviparous Vs.Viviparous

Question 4
Describe fertilization in hen?


Hen exhibit internal fertilization. The zygote is formed following fertilization, divides repeatedly, and rolls down the oviduct. It gets surrounded by many protective sheath or layers including the hard outermost shell. After the hard shell is formed around the embryo, the hen lays egg. The hen then sits on the egg to keep it warm. Development of the chick takes place inside the shell. It takes about 3 weeks for the embryo to develop in to a chick. After its development is complete, the chick comes out by bursting open the egg shell.

Question 5
Discuss how zygote develops in to an individual in humans?


After fertilization, the zygote passes into the uterus, or womb. It divides again and again to form the embryo. The embryo becomes embedded in the lining of the wall of the uterus. This is called implantation. At two months, the embryo starts resembling the human form is called the foetus. It takes nine months for the embryo to grow and develop into a fully-formed baby.

Practice questions:

  1. Define reproduction?
  2. What is metamorphosis?
  3. How does fertilization occur in frogs?
  4. How and where does fertilization take place in human beings?
  5. Where are sperm produced in human beings?
  6. List the various stages in life cycle of mosquito?
  7. Where does the embryo get implanted in human?
  8. Discuss how zygote develops in to an individual in humans?
  9. Name the two types of gametes?
  10. What is hermaphrodite? Give an example?
  11. What is implantation?
  12. What is binary fission?
  13. Describe male reproductive system in humans?
  14. Differentiate between the following:
    I. Sexual and asexual reproduction
    II. Embryo and foetus
    III. Egg and sperm
  15. Draw the following:
    I. Human sperm
    II. Male and female reproductive system

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1
In human beings, after fertilisation, the structure which gets embedded in the wall of uterus is
(a) ovum
(b) embryo
(c) foetus
(d) zygote

Question 2
Reproduction by budding takes place in
(a) hydra
(b) amoeba
(c) paramecium
(d) bacteria

Question 3
Viviparous organisms are the ones which
(a) Produce eggs
(b) Produce young ones
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these

Question 4
A sperm consists of
(a) Head and Tail
(b) Head ,middle, Tail
(c) Head
(d) None of these

Question 5
The cell formed after fertisation is called
(a) Foetus
(b) Embryo
(c) Zygote
(d) None of these

Question 6
Which of the following sequences is in the correct order?
(a) Zygote -> Embryo -> Foetus -> Baby
(b) Zygote -> Embryo -> Baby -> Foetus
(c) Embryo -> Zygote -> Baby -> Foetus
(d) Foetus -> Zygote -> Embryo -> Baby

Question 7
Which of the following is/are types of asexual reproduction?
(a) Budding
(b) Binary fission
(c) Spore formation
(d)) All the above

Question 8
In humans, the development of fertilised egg takes place in the
(a) ovary
(b) testis
(c) uterus
(d) oviduct

Question 9
The animals which lay eggs are called as
(a) Oviparous animals
(b) Viviparous animals
(c) Domestic animals
(d) Wild animals

Question 10
Which of these are the male reproductive organs in humans?
(a) sperms
(b) testes
(c) ova
(d) ovaries


1. b
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. d
8. c
9. a


This Reproduction in animals Class 8 Important Questions and answers is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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