
Reproduction in animals Class 8 CBSE Worksheet

In this page we have Reproduction in animals Class 8 CBSE Extra Questions .This includes HOTS question and long answer type questions Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.

Short answer type questions/HOTS:

Question 1
Smith is observing a cow giving birth. After that he thinks that why do hens lay eggs instead of giving birth like cow. Describe two different types of animals based on giving birth.


Cow is a viviparous animal whereas hens are oviparous animal. Organisms give birth to their young ones are called viviparous while those who lay eggs are called oviparous.

Question 2
What is incubation? Why do hens perform incubation?


After the development of an embryo, hens sit on their eggs to provide warmth. This process is called incubation. They perform incubation to provide a suitable developing conditions by maintaining the temperature.

Question 3
What is In-vitro Fertilisation?


It is a method which is used to produce babies externally by mixing the ova and sperms collected from male and female. Babies born with this technique are called test-tube babies.

Question 4
What is gestation or pregnancy period?


The period of developing the baby from fertilisation till the birth is called gestation or pregnancy period. In human beings, the average gestation is nearly 280 days.

Question 5
Distinguish between internal and external fertilisation.


The differences between internal and external fertilisation are as follows: -
Reproduction in animals Class 8 CBSE Extra Questions

Question 6
Distinguish between viviparous and oviparous.


The differences between viviparous and oviparous are as follows: -

Long answer type questions:

Question 7
Draw a well-labelled diagram of male reproductive organ.


male reproductive organ

Question 8
Draw a well-labelled diagram of female reproductive organ.


female reproductive organ

Question 9
Explain the life cycle of a hen. Draw a well-labelled diagram of it.


The hen follows the internal fertilisation process to give birth. The formation of an embryo takes place in the oviduct after zygote divides repeatedly. After the development of an embryo, hens sit on their eggs to provide warmth. This process is called incubation. The embryo takes another three weeks to develop into a chick. After the chick is fully developed, it hatches the egg.
life cycle of a hen

Question 10
Describe the process of an embryo development in human beings. Also, draw a well-labelled diagram.


After mating, millions of sperms disperse and enters into the fallopian tube. Out of all these sperms, only sperm is successful to fertilise the egg to form a zygote. Afterwards, the zygote multiplies repeatedly to form a ball of cells. This ball of cells is called the embryo. Later, the embryo transfers into the uterus from the fallopian tube and attached to the wall of uterus.
embryo development in human beings | Reproduction in animals Class 8 Extra Questions


This Reproduction in animals Class 8 Extra Questions is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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