Mastery learning model

Mastery learning is an approach to organizing instructions.T his approach was formulated by John B. Carroll and B.S.Bloom. Mastery learning helps in attaining a satisfactory level of performance in school subjects. It belongs to the behavioral systems family of models as classified by Joyce and Weil. Mastery learning provides a compact and interesting way to increase the likelihood that more students will attain a satisfactory level of performance in school subjects.

  • Mastery learning model was developed to help the students for gaining mastery over all the aspects of the learning tasks in sufficient time.
  • According to this model of every child can store 90 to 10% and if the child fails it is the failure of system and teacher.
  • The teacher should provide enough time and employ an instructional strategy to help all students achieving mastery level of learning.
  • Time spent on learning is the key to mastery.
  • The student should not be allowed to learn next to the next unit until and unless they have achieved mastery over the present unit.
  • Learning tasks or content is divided into small parts of size, contentment and time according to the learner.
  • The teacher should be child-centric.
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Elements of mastery learning model:-

(1) focus:-

  • This model is based on the assumption that all students of class can learn and attain mastery level if sufficient time, adequate instructions and timely help is provided to them according to their needs, interest and ability.
  • Almost all students (95%) of class with due provisions of sufficient time and appropriate type of help can attain mastery.

(2) Syntax:-

It includes the following phases
Phase 1 – planning for mastery. It includes planning, the division of subtopics, evaluation strategy.
Phase 2 – teaching for mastery.
Phase 3 – formulating evaluation for diagnosing mastery.
Phase 4 – providing differential teaching for mastery.
Phase 5 – re-evaluation and remedial work for mastery.
Phase 6 – summative evaluation and grading for mastery.

(3) The principle of reaction:-

  • The main emphasis in the mode is on helping the student to attain mastery over the material thought.
  • Here the speed of the learner is not taken into consideration.
  • With formative evaluation, the teacher gets to know the nature of difficulties faced by the individual.
  • The teacher remains conscious in reminding the student that learning completely is more important than by just finishing the task.
  • The one who masters the concepts late is in no way inferior to the easy masters.
  • Every student works at his own pace.
  • Helps slow-learners in gaining self-confidence and hope for success.
  • Encourages self-analysis and inspiration.

(4) Social system:-

  • For the attainment of mastery by all students of the class, the teacher has to organize the class in the small group, take the help of early masters as monitors and help the students individual as tutors.
  • Thus the model provides opportunities for pupil-pupil interaction in the classroom.

(5) Support system:-

  • Ample content or resource availability.
  • Aids for differential teaching.


  • It has advantages in terms of cognitive and affective consequences.
  • This model is workable in higher classes.
Further Reading

  2. download learning and teaching document
  3. Learning And Teaching by Suresh Bhatnagar…
  4. teaching and learning B.Ed. books

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