In this article ‘Role of Education in Indian Society’ we would look at a few important roles education seeks to bring about in our society. This is one of the topics for B.Ed. subject Contemporary India and Education.

The role of Education in Indian Society is very important when it comes to national integration and development. It would not be wrong to say that
The destiny of India is now being shaped in her classrooms. This, we believe, is no mere rhetoric. In a world based on science and technology, it is education that determines the level of prosperity, welfare, and security of the people.”
Kothari Commission Report, 1966
Importance of Education in India
India has made steady progress since independence to keep pace with the rapidly changing circumstances in various walks of life. Despite rapid development, the evolving Indian society is surrounded by different problems in various fields, such as economic, educational and political fields, due to British colonial rule.
Our governments from time of independence have been aware of importance of education. So, from time to time lots of education commissions have been arranged from time to time for better education and to uplift the society.
Even to the present day our government is conscious about the importance of education in society as in the words of our Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi,
A society that does not give importance to education cannot progress. Let there be any Government, it must have a vision to make India shine in the field of education.
Quote By PM Narendra Modi
Education should be one of the most important tools we use to make social, economic, and political change. We will now take a look at the field where education has significantly left its impact.
Role of Education in Indian Society

Role of education in modern India
Education plays an important role in modernization of Indian Society. Training and education should be able to generate the following outcome in our society:
- To keep up with new developments in the knowledge change and the curriculum shifts.
- Changing the way teachers teach students by adopting the latest methods and pedagogy.
- Emphasize vocational subjects, Science education, and Research.
- Establishment of major universities across the country.
- Formation of interest, willingness, production of attitude, and values.
- Be able to build independent research and capacity to think and judge for oneself.
Role of education in synthesizing cultural and scientific values
According to education commission of India
“We believe that India should strive to bring science and the values of the spirit together in harmony and thereby pave their way for the eventual emergence of a society which would cater to the needs of the man as a whole and not only to a particular fragment of his personality”
From this statement we can gather that what we want from education is for scientific outlook must become a part of how we live and our culture.
Role of education in promoting international understanding
Education would enable us to
- Highlighting the contribution made by different countries to the advancement of humanity. This makes us committed to bringing change for the betterment of society and humanity as a whole.
- It could also be considered to revise textbooks so as to exclude derogatory information towards other nations.
Importance of Education in Indian Economy
Education plays a key role in a developing economy’s growth. Since independence of India has always been raising the literacy rate. There are many educational policies followed by the Indian government these days to improve the status of education among its citizens.
Let us now highlight the role of education in economic development in points.
- Educating masses can increase the production capacity of a country.
- Secondary schools should be prepared to meet the needs of the workplace and industries. Vocalising education would enable us to meet the needs of industry, agriculture and trade.
- Having work experience as part of high school curriculum is necessary in order to develop an increasingly competitive workforce. This plays an important role in economic empowerment as experienced workforce contribute immensely to country’s economic might.
- Increasing research and education at the university level in science and technology, with special focus on agriculture and related science, would enable the economy to develop.
Education produces skilled and specialised workers. These skilled workers can manage complex machines or techniques that cannot be used by unskilled workers. Human capital increases productivity and, as a result, increased output contributes to economic growth. Increased job rates and decreased wealth inequality are measures of economic growth.
Role of education in developing secular outlook
Following steps are needed for improving secular outlook of citizens of this country
- Introducing guidance on social and spiritual moral values.
- Providing a programme that offers good knowledge on each of the world’s main religions.
- Education motivates students to meet for silent meditation in groups.
- Stress on scientific viewpoints in life.
- Affirms the importance of social justice and civic responsibility.
Role of education in developing democratic values
Education should aim towards the development of following values
- Tolerance and cooperation
- Large heartedness
- Scientific temper of mind
- Respect for culture of other groups
Role of education in promoting social and natural integration
Education is a key vehicle for fostering development and greater prosperity. Education is a way of learning and expanding culture. It leads to the advancement of the human condition through improved knowledge, health, living standards, social justice and efficiency. All these are key indicators of social change.
National unity and emotional integration are two factors that are important when addressing the success and stability of any country. When it comes to about question of national integration education plays an important role. Education aims to do more than support students individually. The aim of a person’s education is to develop socially successful and productive individuals.
Education achieves these aims through stressing on following points
- Constantly creating a common school system of public education.
- Using different events and services to foster national consciousness.
- Making sure students have a forum to connect is a great way to inspire and empower them to engage in community living.
Role of education in establishing socialistic pattern of society
The phrase “socialist pattern of society”, according to the Planning Commission (see this reference), means “that the basic criterion for determining the lines of advance must not be private profit but social gain, and that the pattern of development and the structure of socio-economic relations should be so planned that they result not only in appreciable increases in national income and employment but also in greater equality in incomes and wealth”.
The education system should provide for
- Equality of opportunity in education
- Common school system
- Compulsory social and national service
- Provision of scholarships.