Importance, nature and characteristics of learning in education

characteristics of learning

Nature And Characteristics of Learning

along with the importance of learning

This article is about the nature and characteristics of learning. We have also had an article on the meaning of learning, where you can learn about the concept, meaning, and definition of learning in education. Teaching and learning are interrelated. Teaching aims to produce learning in the learner. A teacher has pre-determined goals and objectives which must be attained for learning to occur. So, the importance of teaching can not be overlooked when we are talking about learning. Do not forget to visit our teaching and learning page for links to all the notes available for this subject.

Like teaching Learning has its own set of characteristics.

characteristics of learning

    1. Learning is a Continuous Process :
      After birth, the child acquires skill from experiences obtained from the environment. Hence, leaning goes on throughout life. Learning can be formal or informal and it may be direct or indirect. When a learner learns he develop, knowledge, skills, habits, attitudes, and aptitudes.
    2. Learning is Change in behavior :
      The result of the Learning process can be measured as behavioral changes. This change can be in any form. It can be desirable or undesirable. But in desirable form, i.e. these changes should occur in a positive direction. Learning includes all three aspects of human behavior. So, it includes cognitive, affective and conative aspects of mental process.
    3. Learning is a universal process:
      Learning is a universal process. It can happen everywhere. Learning is a process for all living creatures. Human being across all cultures learn as it is a life long process.
    4. Learning is Purposive and Goal-oriented :
      Learning is always has a purpose. It is goal-oriented in the sense that the teacher always has learning objectives in mind while teaching. If we don’t have any aim and goal, then the process of learning will not show any effect. Through the process of learning, we can move towards pre-determined learning objectives. As the learner learn, he/she move towards a pre-determined goal.
    5. Learning is a process of progress and Development :
      Learning can occur in any direction. Theses directions can be desirable or undesirable. We want to bring the individual’s development in a desirable direction through learning. We do not want a child to learn in undesirable directions like stealing or pick-pocketing. So learning should bring progressive changes in the behavior of the learner.
    6. Learning is the Organisation of Experiences :
      The basis of learning is the acquisition of new experiences. Behaviors of learners change as a result of new experiences. New learning experiences evolve as a result of past experiences acquired by the learner.
    7. Learning occurs due to Activity and Environment :
      Interaction with the environment is very essential for the learning process. The more children interact with their environment, the more they learn. The absence of activity and interaction hampers the quality of learning in the child. These interactions provide experience to the children. Due to these interactions changes occur in the behavior of the children.
    8. Learning Helps in Achieving Teaching-learning Objectives :
      Teaching and learning situations have different goals, aims, and objectives. Process of learning helps in achieving the objectives of teaching. With learning, we expect a change in the behavior of the individuals. This change happens with the development of knowledge, insight, interests, skills, and attitudes. So, for achieving teaching-learning objectives, the learning process plays an important role.
    9. Learning is the Fundamental process of Life:
      Without learning the progress of a person is not possible. It acts as the basis for the progress of society and civilization.
    10. Learning is the Relationship between stimulus and Response:
      Learning is generally, a relationship between stimulus and response. A person is considered as a learned-person if he reacts according to the task to be learned. Through learning, a person learns reactions according to the stimuli associated with the environment and other aspects of life.
    11. Learning is transferable:
      The learning acquired in one situation is capable of transfer to some other situation. The knowledge acquired in one situation proves helpful in acquiring knowledge in other situation. This is known as the transfer of learning. The learner should be careful not to let previously gained knowledge interfere in acquiring new knowledge and experiences.

Importance of learning

From the nature and characteristics of learning, we can guess about the importance of learning in education. Learning makes us human beings different from animals who are trained and not taught. Parents enroll their children in school to learn. They want their child to have a good education. Sometimes words education and learning are used interchangeably. Learning develops the cognitive ability of the learner. With learning learner becomes knowledgable, develops skills, and also develops the attitude. Learning helps in all Round Development of personality. Learning affects all the aspects of behavior, which includes skills, knowledge, attitudes, personality, motivation, etc.

I have used the following books to prepare these notes


Learning And Teaching by Suresh Bhatnagar…

If you want to learn more you can study from these books.

For more, you can visit the following link

Consider this slideshere slide to learn about learning, its importance, and characteristics of learning. (In this link you can find various answers that are directly related to the importance of learning.)


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