Process of learning in education

This article is about the Process of learning in education. We are already familiar with the
1. Concept and meaning of learning
2. Characteristics of learning and its importance
3. Types of learning

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Learning of any activity means,

performing some activities and acquiring some experience.

Process of learning in education

(steps and definition)

process of learning

We know that what we have learned and our knowledge is the experiences gained from many activities and sub-activities. This makes learning a comprehensive process. The learning process continues throughout life.
There is a process of learning in education. Some steps of the learning process are:

1. Motivation:
Motivation is the very foundation for the process of learning. There is a motivation behind every task which a person wants to do. for some students motivation behind studying is good marks. Some might study to gain knowledge. Further students want to get good marks in exams for getting a good job. Motivation takes you towards the goal. In whatever manner a person acts, there is a one or the other motive behind that act. Due to these motives, a person becomes more active. To achieve the goal, a person is always motivated.
2. Goal:
We set ourselves some goals when we set out to do some tasks. Aims and goals differ from person to person depending on his need. Generally, people do not engage themselves in tasks that are not related to the goals he has set. In fact, a person’s behavior should never be aimless. When a person has aim/goal in mind he works towards achieving it. The clarity of objectives provides a clear direction to the behavior. So, while learning people have goals in mind. These goals modify his behavior in a determined direction.
3. Obstacle:
It is certain to face the obstacles during the acquisition of objectives. In the presence of these obstacles, a person behaves in many possible ways. Only then he reaches to some appropriate behavior. With appropriate behavior, these obstacles can be controlled.
4. Various Responses:
To remove the obstacles and so to reach his objectives, a person responds in a number of ways. Some of the responses are correct and some are not correct. To achieve the goal, the learner should make certain particular responses.
5. Reinforcement:
Reinforcement includes all those activities and facts which force the students to perform those activities.
Teacher’s instructions, self-desires, respect of elders and social prestige, etc. result in the actions which are included in the reinforcement. Any response which is satisfactory or pleasant is reinforced. All the unsuccessful responses are to be forgotten and the successful activities are to be selected to face the situation. In similar situations, similar behavior or response is repeated by an individual.
6. Integration & Generalization: The various parts of learning activity are organized in order to integrate new knowledge with previous knowledge. Unless and until new knowledge is not integrated with old knowledge, the activity does not achieve perfection. Hence, a person establishes a balance between a new successful reaction to the earlier learned activities. It is also known as ‘Linking new knowledge with previous knowledge’. By doing so, the new reaction becomes a part of his knowledge and his entire knowledge gets integrated.

Hence, it is clear that the learning activity is not the name of something special, Learning includes many sub-activities which provide individual completion.

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