Simulation as Teaching Strategy : B.Ed. Notes

This article (Simulation : B.Ed. Notes) is about the brief overview of "Simulation" which is a teaching strategy. Teaching strategies and their knowledge is very important to a teacher. It can help teacher in effective teaching.

Meaning of simulated teaching

Simulation is a controlled representation of reality. Simulation means role- playing or rehearsal in which the process of teaching is carried out artificially. Simulated teaching is a teacher training technique. It is used to bring about modification in the behavior of the teacher. It introduces pupil teacher to teach in non-stressful conditions.

Simulated teaching is used prior to the classroom teaching practice with the objective of developing a specific skill of communication. It can be used for pre-service teachers to make them effective.

In simulated teaching, one pupil-teacher acts as a teacher and other teacher trainers act as students. The teacher in this situation teaches considering the student as school students.

Basic Assumption

(1) Teacher behavior is modifiable by the use of feedback device.

(2) The underlying skill of teaching can be modified and practiced.

(3) Teacher behavior can be identified.


(1) This technique requires very systematic planning in advance that ensures attainment of desired goals.

(2) This method is effective for the practice of teaching skills by pupil teacher.

(3) The training is provided in artificial situations. Through mock trails learns are fully trained to face real situations.

(4) Through feedback drawbacks are noted in teaching, they are pointed out along with appropriate suggestions to rectify them.

Procedure of simulated training

Following are the six steps that are usually followed in simulated teaching.

(1) Assignment of role:-

The student teachers are assigned the roles of teachers and observe resp. It is done rotation basis.

(2) Deciding skill to be practiced

At this stage, the skill to be practiced is decided and planning and preparation for it are done. Each trainee selects the topic according to his interest and intelligence.

(3) Preparation of work schedule

At this stage, it is decided who will teach first and who will observe and how everyone would be teaching /observing one by one.

(4) Determining technique of observation

In this stage, the decision is taken about the type of observation technique to be adopted. It also includes which type of data is to be collected and how these data are to be intercepted.

(5) Organization of first practice session

The first practice session is started and its observations are recorded for judging the teaching behavior.

This followed by feedback and suggestions for further improvement.

(6) Alteration of procedure

The whole procedure is changed at this stage. There is a change of teacher, change of observers, change of teaching skill and change in topic to be taught. Every student is given the opportunity to play the role of teacher, a student, and a teacher.

Precaution for simulated teaching

(1) Pupils for the same subject should go for practice.

(2) Each pupil-teacher should be provided with the opportunity to play the role of teacher, student, and an observer.

(3) For practice pupil- the teacher should prepare micro- lesson plan.

(4) At the end of the session there should be a decision for diagnostic processes.

Advantage of simulated teaching

(1) It is for experiencing problem situation.

(2) This technique helps us in acquiring some classroom manners.

(3) The use of this technique enables us to study and analyze the teaching problems.

(4) Self-confidence in teaching developers through simulated teaching.

(5) This technique helps in explaining the behavior problems in the classroom and contributes to its solutions.

(6) This technique makes a person more aware of the role.

(7) It bridges the gap between theory and practice of teaching.

(8) It provides them with the reinforcement to develop various teaching skills.

Limitation of simulated teaching

(1) its use can not be made in all subjects of the curriculum.

(2) This method requires a lot of preparation on the part of the teachers which they might not be ready to take.

(3) The observer who is doing the role, may incorrect reading.

(4) For beginners, it may be difficult to practice a few teaching skills such as questioning,

(5) No emphasis is given to teaching the content.

Further reference
Top 5 Teaching Strategies
download learning and teaching document
Learning And Teaching by Suresh Bhatnagar…
teaching and learning B.Ed. books

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