Teaching definition: Learning And Teaching B.Ed. first-year notes This article is about Learning And Teaching (or Teaching and Learning) B.Ed. the first year notes. It explains 'concept of teaching', 'What is teaching', Teaching definition and what is teaching in education. Not only this you will gain an insight on the concept of teaching in education.
Sample Question:- What is teaching (Teaching definition)? Describe in brief about nature and characteristics of teaching.
Teaching is one of the instruments of education and is a special function is to impart understanding and skill. The main function of teaching is to make learning effective. The learning process would get completed as a result of teaching. So, teaching and learning are very closely related.
Meaning of teaching:-
Now let us discuss the concept of teaching and teaching definitions as stated by some prominent philosophers and educationists.
Visit this article for learning definition in education.
Concept of teaching
Teaching is a process in which one individual teaches or instruct another individual. Teaching is considered as the act of imparting instructions to the learners in the classroom situation. It is watching systematically. Dewey:- considers it as a manipulation of the situation, where the learner will acquire skills and insight with his own initiation.
Teaching definition:-
(1) H C Morrison:- Teaching is an intimate contact between the more mature personality and a less mature one.
(2) Jackson:- Teaching is a face to face encounters between two or more persons, one of whom ( teacher) intends to effect certain changes in the other participants ( students).
(3) J B Hough and James K Duncan:- Teaching is an activity with four phases, a curriculum planning phase, an instructing phase, and an evaluating phase.
This definition presents the organizational aspect by which we can describe and analyze the teaching process.
(4) N.L.Gage ( Democratic point of view ):- Teaching is interpersonal influence aimed at changing the behavior potential of another person.
(5) Clerk:- Teaching refers to activities that are designed and performed to produce in students behavior.
We can define teaching according to the following three viewpoints.
(a) Authoritarian
(b) Democratic
(c) Liassez faire.
(a) Authoritarian:-
According to this viewpoint-
- Teaching is an activity of memory level only
- This teaching does not develop thoughts and attitude in the students.
- Is known as thoughtless teaching
- This teaching is teachers centric criticism of the teachers.
(b) Democratic teaching:-
According to this-
- Teaching is done at understanding level.
- Memory level teaching is the prerequisite (concept) is first memorized and then understand
- Such teaching is known as thoughtful teaching.
- According to this point of view, teaching is an interactive process, primarily involving classroom talks which takes place between teachers and student.
- Here students can ask questions and criticize the teachers.
- Here students can ask the questions and self-disciplined is insisted.
(c) Laissez Faire Attitude:-
- It is known as reflective level teaching.
- It is more difficult then memory level and understanding level of teaching.
- Memory level and understanding level teaching are must for the reflective level of teaching.
- It is highly thoughtful activity.
- In this level both students and teachers are participants.
- This level produces insights.
Nature and characteristic of teaching:-
Teaching is a social and cultural process, which is planned in order to enable an individual to learn something in his life. We can describe the nature and characteristics of teaching in following way:-
(1) Teaching is a complete social process
Teaching is undertaken for the society and by the society. With everchanging social ideas, it is not possible to describe exact and permanent nature of teaching.
(2) Teaching is giving information
Teaching tells students about the things they have to know and students cannot find out themselves. Communication of knowledge is an essential part of teaching.
(3) teaching is an interactive process
Teaching is an interactive process between the student and the teaching sources, which is essential for the guidance, progress, and development of students.
(4) Teaching is a process of development and learning.
(5) Teaching causes a change in behavior.
(6) Teaching is art as well as science.
(7) Teaching is face to face encounter.
(8) Teaching is observable, measurable and modifiable.
(9) Teaching is skilled occupation:- Every successful teacher is expected to know the general methods of teaching-learning situations.
(10) Teaching facilitates learning
(11) Teaching is both conscious and an unconscious process.
(12) Teaching is from memory level to reflective level.
(13) Teaching is a continuum of training, conditioning, instruction, and indoctrination.
Separation of teaching from other similar processes:-
In order to understand the meaning of teaching, it is essential to understand the difference between teaching and other similar concepts like conditioning, training, instruction, and indoctrination. Here, a brief description is given below:-
Conditioning Vs Teaching:-
- Teaching aims at the development of potential and intellect.
- It has broader scope
- Reinforcement is not necessary for teaching.
- In teaching repetition of the taught subject matter is not necessary.
- In teaching, there is a curriculum that is very comprehensive
- In teaching qualitative and quantitative techniques are used for evaluation.
- Teaching is a broader process with various levels.
- It aims at modification of behavior and learning habits.
- Scope of conditioning is relatively narrow
- Reinforcement plays a vital role here.
- Conditioning is done by the repetition of behavior to be acquired.
- In conditioning, curriculum is fixed
- Evaluation in conditioning is done on the basis of the acquisition of a behavior or a habit.
- Conditioning is considered as the lowest level of the entire process of teaching.
Teaching and instruction
Instruction is the act of telling the learner what to do or what not do.
- Scope is wide
- It is both formal and informal
- teaching is a continuum for modification of behavior
- Teaching means the development of potential of an individual
- Range of methods used in teaching is very wide
- Teaching is imparted in school, library, political group etc.
- Its scope is narrow and limited
- Instruction is always formal
- Instruction is a part of teaching
- Instruction means to impart knowledge of specific subjects
- Instruction is generally confined to the classroom
Teaching and Indoctrination
Indoctrination is the process of forming certain beliefs. Some ideas are infused in the mind of the learner from the beginning. These ideas are continuously put in the minds of the learners and thus such ideas become their firm believes.
- The scope is broad.
- Aims at the development of the potential of the learner.
- Teaching points out that there are different solutions, often to the Same problem
- It provides freedom to the child to learn.
- Discipline is democratic and social discipline is emphasized
- Scope is very narrow
- It aims at changing some beliefs and attitudes.
- Indoctrination poses the belief that there is only one solution to the problem
- There is no freedom for the child.
- Discipline is very rigid.
Further reference
Top 5 Teaching Strategies
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Learning And Teaching by Suresh Bhatnagar…
teaching and learning B.Ed. books
bhaut badhiya…… covered good ….
I really agreed
Expose 4 criteria deducible from the concept of teaching
Good write up but where are references