Team Teaching as teaching strategy

This article is about Team teaching method as teaching strategy and is for B.Ed. students. This is a very important topic from exam point of view. I have tried to give notes in easy to follow language. Hope they help you. You must also know about Lecture method as teaching strategy.
  • In Team teaching a group of teachers work together, plan, conduct and evaluate the learning activities for a group of students.
  • It is a way of organizing staff into groups to enhance teaching.
  • Teams are generally made up of staff members who may represent different areas of subject expertise. They may share the same group of students and a common planning period for the teaching.
  • So we can say that in team teaching the participants to determine their own activities themselves.
  • In this way, team teaching is a well-defined system in which many teachers provide instructions collectively to the group of students.
  • Here the plan of teaching method, time and process is kept flexible. So that it can be modified according to the ability of teachers and students and on objectives of teaching.

Characteristics of team teaching:-

  • Two or more than two teachers take part in teaching.
  • It is based on the co-operation of the participating teachers.
  • Here teachers plans, execute and evaluate the process of teaching collectively.
  • Team teaching is a technique that is flexible in nature.
  • In team teaching teachers get out of their own conceptual boxes and learn new approaches that will enhance their own research and writing.
  • Team teaching gives professors the opportunity to teach in a different way, and to learn in a different way.
  • It allows instructors to sharpen their pedagogical skills and develop new topics per research and scholarship.

Objectives of team teaching:-

  1. To make the classroom teaching effective according to interests and capacities of students.
  2. To increase flexibility in the grouping of the students.
  3. To increase the quality of instructions.
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Elements of mastery learning model:-

Types of team teaching:-

The classification of team-teaching is done on the bases of forms of administration which is as follows.

(1) A team of teachers of the same department :

Such type of classification is done for secondary and secondary classes. It is possible only when more than one teacher is available in the department.

(2) A team of teachers of various departments of the same institution:-

In this case, a team of teachers of different subjects is made and that team is used in a training institution. Interdisciplinary teaching is encouraged. For example for B.Ed. and M.Ed. training a team of teachers from subjects like psychology, philosophy, sociology etc. are used.

(3) A team of teachers of the same department from different institutions:-

In this type of teaching experts from other institutions are also invited to join the team. Such a team can be arranged at every level. A provision of such team teaching for each topic can be made very conveniently. Use of such team teaching is very beneficial.

Steps of team teaching:-

For team teaching, a sequential procedure is followed. Following steps are involved in the process of team teaching.

(1) Planning:-

In this step plan for team-teaching is prepared.

(i) To determine the objective of team teaching.

(ii) The orientation of faculty. Since it is a collaborative activity it is the responsibility of the organizes to provide orientation to the teacher involved about

  • The concept of team teaching.
  • The rationale of implementing it.
  • Responsibilities of each team member.
  • Teachers should also be told about their roles, record making, communication strategies, and scheduling teamwork.

(iii) to write, the objective of team teaching is behavioral terms.

(iv) to make a decision about the topic of teaching.

(v) to determine evaluation techniques.

(vi) to create teaching material and planning for a favorable environment.

(2) Organization:-

To organize team teaching, the objectives of the organization are kept in mind and problems of students are also kept in mind.

Following activities, one performed for the organization of team teaching.

  1.  Teachers judge the entering behavior of students for making a decision about the level of the instructions.
  2.  After determination of entry behavior of students, communication technique is selected.
  3.  The teacher then delivers the lead lecture and fellow teachers of team listen to him and note points where students face difficulties, which topic head more detailing and which parts of the lecture were not presented properly.
  4.  after this other teachers also deliver the lecture and clarify the different elements by supplementing the lead lecture.
  5.  the activities of students are reinforced.
  6.  during these lectures, some tasks are assigned to the students for better compliance in the classroom.

(3)Evaluating team teaching:-

  • This is a very significant step in the entire team teaching process.
  • In this step, evaluation is done in the context of the acquisition of objectives on the basis of the performance of students.
  • In this step oral, written questions and experimental methods are followed for evaluation. Every question evaluates an objective.
  • The drawbacks and difficulties of the students are diagnosed and proper remedies are proposed.
  • Results of evaluation act as the reinforcement in pupils and teachers.


  1. It helps in creating a dynamic and interactive learning environment.
  2. It inspires new ideas and sense of partnership amongst teachers.
  3. Most/important utility of team teaching is that it can be used to improve the quality of instruction.
  4. In team teaching the students to get the opportunity of exposure to more specialist.
  5. Teachers learn from the experience and expertise of other teachers and are able to expand the scope of their teaching capacity.
  6. It leads to the effective utilization of human resources and effective use of available facilities.
  7. Through team teaching, the members and the students get multiple chances to participate in discussions.


  • Team teaching cannot be a success if teachers do not co-operate and co-ordinate with each other.
  • Group responsibility can actually turn out to be no one’s responsibility.
  • Team teaching makes more demands on time and energy. Members must arrange a mutually agreeable time for planning and evaluation.
  • There can be a possibility of conflict between new methods and traditionalism.

Further Reading

  2. download learning and teaching document
  3. Learning And Teaching by Suresh Bhatnagar…
  4. teaching and learning B.Ed. books

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4 years ago

Sir is team teaching is teaching strategy or teaching techniques

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