Types of Learning

This article is about the types of learning. We already have articles on following learning related topics

1. Concept and meaning of learning

2. Characteristics of learning and its importance

Let us now learn about the types of learning in education. Meanwhile, you can also look at this article on different learning styles. Students learn more effectively when they are taught in their own learning styles.

Visit this page for a complete list of teaching and learning B.Ed. notes.

Various Types of Learning

Learning can be divided into the following three categories from a psychological and educational point of view:

1. According to the Type of Learners.

2. According to the Involvement of Bodily Organs.

3. According to the various aspects of Human Behavior.

1. According to the Types of Learners.

Learning is of two types according to the two types of learners:

(a) Animal learning:

Changes in the behavior of animals are Animal learning.

(b) Human Learning:

The changes which occur in human behavior is human learning or learning by a human. Humans learn according to the development stages, such as

  • infant learning,
  • childhood learning
  • adolescence learning.

2. According to the Involvement of Bodily Organs:

This type of learning can be divided into the following sub-categories:

(a) Motor Learning:

This type of learning includes muscular activities. Motor learning is also of two main types:

(i) Sensory Motor Learning:

  • Here person gain learning and simple habits through sense organs,
  • For example learning skills in the playground of nursery schools.

(ii) Perceptual Motor Learning:

  • In this learning, the learner learns habits and complex skills.
  • For example dancing, cycling, writing with hands, swimming, playing some musical instrument, etc.

(b) Ideational Learning:

  • Under this learning, the learner learns ideas, concept, and mental associations.
  • In this type of learning muscular activities are not involved. Ideational learning is also of the following types:

(i) Perceptual Learning:

This type of learning occurs as a result of sense organs, spoken words or written symbols of studying the nature of reading, etc.

(ii) Conceptual Learning: it is also known as abstract learning. In this, concept and abstract ideas are learned.

(iii) Associative Learning:

it is that learning occurs by chance or due to the relationship or through experimentation. It includes the associating information’s in some determined order. Remembering and establishing relationships among mental processes are also included in it.

(iv) Imaginative Learning:

A process in which the things of past, present, and future gets a definite shape in conscious, is known as imagination, and the process through which these things are learned and understood, is known as imaginative learning. It includes acquiring images and those things which the sense organs never experience.

3. According to Various Aspects of Human Behavior:

Human behavior has three aspects:

(i) Cognitive,

(ii) Affective

(iii) Conative or Psycho-motor aspects.

(i) Cognitive Aspect:

This type of learning is concerned with the concept and relationship between them. All the school subjects develop this type of learning. In school, while teaching different subjects, the teacher provides the knowledge of different facts explains the relationships between different concepts and helps in reaching some generalization on the basis of his experiences.

(ii) Attitudinal Learning:

Attitude and values are learned by human behavior. They develop along with the developments of relationships with their own group. As a result of this type of learning, sentiments, and self-realization, etc. are learned.

(iii) Learning by skills:

it includes motor development through practice. In school, this type of learning occurs through various activities such as reading, writing, playing some specific games. The main methods used for developing skills are demonstration method, experimental methods, feedback, and practice.

Some Other Types: Besides above, there are other types of learning such as:

(a) Intellectual Learning:

Along with mental development, reasoning power also develops in the child. The sensitive acquisition of knowledge development is intellectual also.

(b) Appreciation Learning:

when the child develops an understanding for the merits-demerits, good-bad, aesthetics, etc. in respect of objects and events, then he acquires the appreciation learning in the study of poetry, history, drama, etc.

(c) Imitative Learning:

Learning can be imitated, e.g. learning of drama, arts, music takes place through imitation.

(d) Emotional Learning:

At the time of birth, the child cannot express his emotions of fear, love, and jealousy clearly. But, gradually with the passage of time, he develops the ability to express the emotions.

(e) Social Learning: A person learns social working in special conditions which is known as social learning.

(f) Academic Learning:

This type of learning includes that knowledge which a child acquires through books and formal education.

(g) Integrated Learning:

In this type of learning, all the above-mentioned types of learning take place simultaneously.

So here we have classified learning in so many ways. We have done it according to various factors involved in learning itself. Making general distinctions psychologists have divided learning into six general catagories:-

1. Conditioning

2. Motor learning

3. Discrimination learning

4. Verbal learning

5 Concept Learning

6. Problem Solving: As a result of this type of learning, the ability of problem-solving and capacity to select correct response develop.

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