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Relation and function class 12 formula

Here is the Relation and function class 12 formulas

What is Relations

A relation R from a non-empty set A to a non-empty set B is a subset of the Cartesian product A × B. It “maps” elements of one set to another set. The subset is derived by describing a relationship between the first element and the second element of the ordered pair (A× B)

Domain of Relations

The set of all first elements of the ordered pairs in a relation R from a set A to a set B is called the domain of the relation R

Range of Relations

The set of all the ending points is called the range of the relation R

Empty relation

it is the relation R in A given by $R = \phi \subset A \times A$

Universal relation

It is the relation R in A given by $R = A \times A$.

Reflexive relation

It is the Relation R in A with $(a, a) \in R \forall a \in A$.

i.e Relation R is reflexive if $(a,a) \in R \forall; a \in A$

Symmetric Relation

R in X is a relation satisfying $(a, b) \in R$ implies $(b, a) \in R$

if $(a,b) \in R$ then $(b,a) \in R$ for all $a,b \in A$

Transitive relation

R in X is a relation satisfying $(a, b) \in R$ and $(b, c) \in R$ implies that $(a, c) \in R$

i.e $(a, b) \in R$ , $(b, c) \in R$ then $(a, c) \in R$ R for all $a,b,c \in A$

Equivalence relation

A relation which is reflexive ,symmetric and transitive all

What is Functions

  1. A function is a “well-behaved” relation
  2. A function f is a relation from a non-empty set A to a non-empty set B such that the domain of f is A and no two distinct ordered pairs in f have the same first element.

One-one functions

A function from a set A to a set B, f is called a one-to-one function or injection, if, and only if, for all elements a1 and a2 in A,
if f(a1) = f(a2), then a1 = a2

Onto functions

A function f: A-> B is said to be onto(surjective) if every element of B is the image of some element of A under f, i,e
for every $y \in B$, there exists a element x in A where f(x)=y

Bijective Functions

A function which is both one-one and onto

Composition of functions

The composition of functions f : A ->B and g : B ->C is the function
$g \circ f$ : A -> C given by $g \circ f (x) = g(f(x))$ $\forall x \in A$

Composition of three Functions

$h \circ (g \circ f) = (h \circ g) \circ f$

Invertible Functions

 A Function f : A-> B is invertible if we can find a function g: B- > A such that
$f \circ g=y$ and $g \circ f=x$

Invertible functions are both one-one and onto functions

Invertibility of composition of the two functions

if f and g are are invertible then

$g \circ f$ is invertible and

$ (g \circ f)^{-1} = f^{-1} \circ g^{-1}$

Binary Operations

A binary operation * on a set A is a function * : A x A -> A, we denote * (a,b) by a * b

Commutative Property on Binary Operations

A binary operation * on the set X is called commutative, if a * b = b * a, for every $a, b \in X$.

Associative Property on Binary Operations

A binary operation * : A x A -> A is said to be associative if (a * b) * c = a * (b * c), for all $a, b, c, \in A$

Identity Property

Given a binary operation * : A x A -> A, an element $e \in A$, if it exists, is called identity for the operation *, if a * e = a = e * a, for all $a \in A$

Inverse of Binary Operations

Given a binary operation * : A x A -> A with the identity element e in A, an element $a \in A$ is said to be invertible with respect to the operation *, if there exists an element b in A such that a * b = e = b * a and b is called the inverse of a and is denoted by a-1

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