This article (Strategies of teaching B.Ed. Notes) is about the brief overview of "Strategies of teaching". Teaching strategies and their knowledge is very important to a teacher. It can help teacher in effective teaching. Be sure to check this article on what is teaching in education.
- Main focus of teaching is to bring about a desirable change in the behavior of the learner.
- Teachers meet these objectives using different types of teaching methods , techniques , strategies and teaching aids.
- Teacher generally follow the broad principles of education. Teachers also make use of certain strategies to overcome possible hurdles of teaching.
Meaning of teaching strategy
- Strategy is the skillful planning of a working system to achieve objectives .
- The word strategy is sometimes used in reference with war. Here it is science or art of planning and directing large military operations.
- The strategies are dynamic and they change according to changing situations.
- Term strategy is also used in the field of education.
- Success of teacher’s teaching task depends on the success of his teaching strategy.
- According to Stones and Morris ” Teaching strategy is a generalized plan for a lesson which include structure, desired learner behavior in terms of goals and instructions and an outline of planned tactics necessary to implement strategy”.
- So here when we make any teaching strategy we are determining some kind of policy before presenting the contents to the students, to achieve teaching objectives.
- In this way making strategy helps in pre planning of the lesson so that it can be delivered successfully.
Importance of teaching strategy
- Teaching learning process become effective by using teaching strategies.
- While teaching, strategies create and sustain interest in the pupils.
- Strategies are very helpful in the success of a teaching method.
- These are helpful in bringing something new to the pupils.
- With the help of strategies of teaching, the teacher can speed up the pace of learning.
- Teaching strategies identify the different learning methods available and they enable teachers to develop right strategies for teaching.
Some of the teaching strategies used by a teacher are