Multiple choice Questions
- The innermost wall layer of the microsporangium is
a. endothelium
b. sporogenous tissue
c. tapetum
d. intine - In embryo sac, the ploidy of Central cell, synergid and egg cell respectively is
a. 2n, n, n
b. n, 2n, n
c. n, 2n, 2n
d. 2n, n, 2n - Which of the following contraceptives involves the role of hormones?
a. Lactational amenorrhea
b. Multiload 375
c. Lippes loop
d. Both (b) and (c ) - Separation of two pairs of alleles independently of each other during gamete formation, resulting in both parental and recombinant traits, explains
a. Law of dominance
b. Law of segregation
c. Linkage
d. Law of independent assortment - Which of the following is not the producer of single cell protein?
a. Methylophilus methylotrophus
b. Candida utilis
c. Fusarium graminearum
d. Mycobacterium leprae - The recombinant protein used to prevent acute kidney transplantation rejection is
a. OKT-3
b. t-PA
c. ReoPro
d. INF – alpha - The equation for Verhulst Pearl Logistic Growth is
a. dN/dt = rN (K- N)/K
b. dN/dt = r(K- N)/K
c. dN/dt = (b-d)N
d. dN/dt = (r-N)/K - Read the given statements
I. In all sexually reproducting organisms, meiosis always occur only at the time of gamete formation.
II. The germinal cells are haploid so undergo mitotic division to form gametes.
III. In Chlamydomonas, the meiosis occur after zygote formation to produce diploid organisms.
IV. Meiosis occurs in sporangia to produce meiospores.
Of the above statements, the incorrect ones are-
a. I and IV only
b. II and IV only
c. II and III only
d. I, III and IV only - In the following tables find the incorrect match of drug and related statement. Drug Statement
a. S Smack Derivative of morphine
b. Marijuana Obtained from Erythroxylum coca
c. Cannabinoid Obtained from Cannabis sativa
d. Cocaine Causes lack of sleep and appetite - Which of the following statement is correct?
a. Down syndrome is due to non- disjunctioning of X- chromosome during oogenesis, resulting in both X- chromosome passing into single egg.
b. Phenolketonaria, an inborn error of metabolism is a sex-linked recessive trait.
c. Haemophilia is an autosomal disorder affecting both males and females.
d. Colour blindness is a sex-linked recessive disorder showing criss-cross inheritance. - Sickle Cell anemia is caused by the substitution of glutamic acid by valine (Val). Which of the following triplets codes for Valine.
a. GAG
b. GUG
c. GAA
d. AAG - Which of the following is a vector borne disease?
a. Ringworm
b. Amoebiasis
c. Ascariasis
d. Filariasis - Transplanted organs are often rejected by the recipient’s immune system. It is due to
a. T- Lymphocytes, responsible for cell mediated immune response
b. B- Lymphocytes, mediating humoral immune response
c. Programmed cell death
d. Property of contact inhibition - Consider the following two statements
I. An effective germplasm collection is the prerequisite step for a plant breeding programme.
II. Genetic variability is the root of any breeding programme.
a. Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct.
b. Both statements I and II are correct.
c. Both statement I and II are incorrect
d. Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect - Select an incorrect option.
a. Cyclosporin A- Trichoderma polysporum
b. Streptokinase- Streptococcus
c. Statins- Monascus purpureus
d. Citric acid- Clostridium acetobutylicum - The pathogen responsible for filariasis is
a. Wuchereria
b. Ascaris
c. Entamoeba
d. Anopheles - Among the given examples, allopolyploid and autopolyploid respectively are
a. Maize and Cotton
b. Nicotiana and Gram
c. Triticale and Helianthus
d. Rice and Wheat - Obligatory parthenogenesis occurs in
a. Lacerta saxicola
b. Typhlina bramina
c. Monocystis
d. Both (a) and (b) - A segment of a DNA has sequence of nucleotides TTAGATCCATT. Which of the following segment show frame shift mutation?
d. TTA GAA TCC ATT - Replacement of the lighter- coloured variety peppered moth (Boston betularia) to it’s darker variety (Boston carbonaria) in England is the example of
a. Natural selection
b. Regeneration
c. Genetic isolation
d. Temporal isolation - A monoecious animal in which self fertilization occurs in
a. Earthworm
b. Sponge
c. Tapeworm
d. All of these - Conversion of milk into curd improves its nutritional quality by increasing
a. Vitamin B12
b. Vitamin A
c. Vitamin D
d. Vitamin E - In the experiment for the selection of recombinants, white colonies are obtained. What can you conclude from the result obtained?
a. These are recombinant colonies as the presence of DNA insert results in insertional inactivation of the beta galactosidase gene.
b. These are non- recombinant colonies as the absence of DNA insertion does not lead to insertional inactivation.
c. These are recombinant colonies as the absence of DNA insert does not need insertional inactivation.
d. These are non-recombinant colonies because the plasmid in the bacteria does not have an insert. - Which of the following is/are examples of recent extinctions?
a. Dodo
b. Quagga
c. Thylacine
d. All of these - What will be the birth rate if there were 20 lotus plants last year and 8 new plants added through reproduction?
a. 2.5
b. 0.6
c. 0.4
d. 0.8 - During on unfavorable conditions, many zooplankton species present in lakes and ponds enter a stage called
a. Dormancy
b. Aestivation
c. Diapause
d. Hibernation - Very small animals are really found in polar region because they have
a. smaller surface area than to their volume
b. slow heart rate
c. larger surface area then their volume
d. high heart rate - Verhulst- Pearl Logistic growth results in ……… curve?
a. linear
b. sigmoid
c. parabolic
d. J- shaped - Hotspots are best described as
a. areas maintained by government and reserve for betterment of wildlife
b. ecological/ biogeographical area, where biological diversity along with natural and cultural resources is protected
c. areas with high degree of endemism and high level of species richness
d. tracts of land with or without lake where small animals/flora can take refuge without being hunted. - Identify the plant that possesses both chasmogamous and cleistogamous flowers to ensure seed formation.
a. Catharanthus
b. Oxalis
c. Mirabilis
d. Vallisneria - Which of yhe following statements are correct?
I. Mammary glands are modified sweat glands.
II. In Dicot embryo, haustorium is the last fell of the suspensor at the end adjacent to the embryo.
III. Eukaryotic DNA, found in nucleus and mitochondria is circular, double standard.
IV. Carboniferous period is the age of amphibians.
a. II, III and IV only
b. III only
c. I and IV only
d. I, II and IV only - Which among the following cloning vectors carries the smallest fragment of DNA?
a. YAC
b. BAC
c. Phagemid
d. Lambda phage - Which poultry disease is caused by manganese deficiency in ration, resulting in the enlargement of tibiometatarsal joint, twisting and bending of the end of Tibia?
a. Aspergillosis
b. Coccidiosis
c. Mycosis
d. Perosis - Cryopreservation is prevention of tissue cultures and animal cells at………. in ……….
a. -196°C, liquid nitrogen
b. 0°C, chilled ethanol
c. – 180°C, dry ice
d. – 20°C, formaldehyde - In the areas with intense solar radiations, photochemical smog forms
a. sulfurous smog
b. brown air
c. black air
d. grey air - Consider the following statements regarding female gametophyte in aangiosperm
I. The angiospermic female gametophyte is an oval multicellular haploid structure embedded in nucellus of ovule.
II. It comprises of 8 nuclei formed as a result of 1 mitotic division of MMC and 3 mitotic division of Megaspore.
III. The micropylar cells act as vegetative cells of embryo sac which provide nourishment to rest of the cells.
IV. The central cell is the largest haploid cell of gametophyte containing highly vacuolated cytoplasm rich in reserve food.
V. The synergids of egg apparatus act as shock absorbers during the penetration of pollen tube into embryo sac.
Of the above statements
a. Only I and II are correct
b. Only II and IV are correct
c. Only I and V are correct
d. Only II, III and IVare correct - Immunoglobin X is the immunoglobin found in sweat, tears, saliva, mucus, colostrum and gastrointestinal secretion. Identify X?
a. IgA
b. IgM
c. IgE
d. IgG - A TtYy plant was self crossed. The ratio of recombinant progenies will be
a. 9:3
b. 3:3
c. 3:1
d. 1:3 - Identify the type of interactio shown by sucker fish attached to Shark for getting protection from predators:
a. Predation
b. Amensalism
c. Mutualism
d. Commensalism - Identify the phase of menstrual cycle from the given events.
I. Release of progesterone from Corpus luteum.
II. Graafian follicle changes into Corpus luteum.
III. Thickening of endometrium and release of watery mucus from Uterine glands.
a. Menstrual phase
b. Luteal phase
c. Follicular phase
d. Ovulatory phase - Which of the following is correctly matched?
I. Alpha- 1- antitrypsin – Treatment of phenylketonuria
II. Rosie – protein enriched milk
III. Mice – Testing of polio vaccine safety
IV. ANDI – Transgenic pig
a. A and C only
b. B and C only
c. B, C and D only
d. A, B and C only - Amino acids deficient in proteins of cereals and millets are
a. Lysine and cysteine
b. Cysteine and methionine
c. Leucine and tryptophan
d. Lysine and tryptophan - Which of the following is not an organo- pesticide?
a. Malathion
b. Benzene hexachloride
c. Parathion
d. Carbamate - Clitoris is :
a. Structure which lies below the urethral opening
b. Thick outer lip of vaginal orifice
c. Membrane that covers the vaginal orifice partially
d. Penis homologous to glans penis - Montreal protocol, an International Treaty was signed to
a. control emission of carbon dioxide to reduce global warming.
b. Limit production of chlorofluorocarbons.
c. Reduce emission of overall greenhouse gases at a level of 5%.
d. All of these. - The missing link between amphibians and reptile is
a. Lycaenops
b. Ichthyostega
c. Seymouria
d. Archaeopteryx - After sewage treatment, the water samples A, B and C are tested for BOD value and recorded value of BOD was 6mg/L, 400mg/L and 20mg/L respectively. What is the correct about these samples?
a. Sample A could be taken from untreated sewage water.
b. Sample B could be belongs to secondary effluent from sewage water treatment.
c. Sample C could be taken from river water.
d. Sample A could be taken from river water. - Extinction of passenger pigeon and Steller’s sea cow was due to
a. fragmentation of habitat
b. over exploitation by human
c. introduction of superior predator species
d. extinction of prey population - Organisms also referred to as primary consumers are
a. Producers
b. Detrivores
c. Herbivores
d. Carnivores - Which of the following alcoholic drinks are produced without distillation
a. Whisky
b. Beer
c. Rum
d. Brandy
Answer Sheet
- c
- a
- a
- d
- d
- a
- a
- c
- b
- d
- b
- b
- a
- b
- d
- a
- b
- d
- a
- a
- d
- a
- a
- d
- c
- c
- c
- b
- c
- b
- c
- d
- d
- a
- b
- c
- a
- b
- d
- b
- b
- d
- b
- d
- b
- c
- d
- b
- c
- b