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Cell Cycle and Cell Division Assertion Reason Based Questions

The following questions consist of two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled the Reason ®. Examine these two statements carefully and select the most appropriate answer codes.
A. Assertion and reason both are correct and reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
B. Assertion and reason both are correct and reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
C. Assertion is correct but the reason is wrong.
D. Both Assertion and Reason are false.

  1. Assertion: Interkinesis is a stage between two meiotic divisions.
    Reason: Interkinesis is generally short lived.
  2. Assertion: Synthesis of DNA takes place in the S- phase of interphase.
    Reason: Every chromosome, during metaphase, has two chromatids.
  3. Assertion: Meiosis introduces new combination of traits in the progeny.
    Reason: Meiosis involves crossing over.
  4. Assertion: Prokaryotes reproduce asexually by binary fission.
    Reason: Because this division produces two daughter cells identical to the parent cell.
  5. Assertion: The mitotic division is called equational division.
    Reason: The second meiotic division is also homotypic or equational division.
  6. Assertion: Interphase is also called ‘resting stage’.
    Reason: Because no visible changes occur in the nucleus.
  7. Assertion: During G1 phase, cell organelles do not increase in number.
    Reason: The cells in G1 phase are metabolically inactive and do not grow continuously.
  8. Assertion: The characteristic phenomenon during pachytene is the recombination of genes.
    Reason: Crossing over results in the formation of chiasmata.
  9. Assertion: Cell division occurs only in asexually reproducing organisms.
    Reason: A typical Eukaryotic cell divides once in 24 hours.
  10. Assertion: During metaphase, the chromosome align at equatorial plate.
    Reason: Total number of chromosomes can be observed during metaphase.
  11. Assertion: Telophase is a sense is reversible process of prophase.
    Reason: The nuclear membrane and nucleolus reappear during this stage.
  12. Assertion: The colchicine treated meristematic cells show doubling of chromosomes.
    Reason: Colchicine does not inhibit chromosome replication.
  13. Assertion: In animal cells, the poles are formed by the asters.
    Reason: They are called amphiaster, since wo asters are present at the spindle of animal cells.
  14. Assertion: Chiasmata is observed in the zygotene stage.
    Reason: Chiasmata is a X-shaped structure.
  15. Assertion: Meiotic division results in the production of four dissimilar cells.
    Reason: Synapses occurs during zygotene of meiosis.

Answer Sheet

  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. B
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. D
  10. B
  11. A
  12. A
  13. B
  14. D
  15. A

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