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Ecology Class 12 MCQ

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Slash and burn agriculture, which is commonly known as jhum cultivation in the north-eastern state of India, leads to
    a. Deforestation
    b. Reforestation
    c. Afforestation
    d. Water-logging
  2. The relation between species richness and area is described on a logarithmic scale by the equation
    a. log S = log C – Z log A
    b. log S = Z log A
    c. log S = log C + Z log A
    d. log S = log C
  3. Which of the following is/are correct regarding Montreal Protocol?
    I. It is concerned regarding persistent organic pollutants.
    II. It controls global warming and climate change.
    III. It aim is to control the emission of ozone depleting substances.
    IV. It is an international treaty signed to protect Ozone layer.
    a. I and II
    b. III only
    c. III and IV
    d. I and III
  4. Identify the ecologist from the given hints.
    I. He carried out long term ecosystem experiments using outdoor plots.
    II. In his experiments he showed that “increase diversity contributed to higher productivity”.
    a. Ahmed Khan
    b. David Tilman
    c. Stanley Cohen
    d. Ernest Chain
  5. Which of the following statements regarding responses of organism to abiotic factor is false?
    a. All birds and mammals are capable of thermoregulation.
    b. Majority of animals and nearly nearly all plants cannot maintain a constant internal environment.
    c. Shivering is a kind of exercise which produces heat and raises body temperature.
    d. Very small animals are commonly found in polar regions as they have to spend less energy to generate body heat.
  6. The specific position of a species within an ecosystem and its ecological role in the ecosystem is its
    a. Habitat
    b. Ecological niche
    c. Biome
    d. Ecological hierarchy
  7. Mammals from colder areas generally have shorter ears and limbs. This is described by
    a. Gause’s hypothesis
    b. Jordan’s rule
    c. Allen’s rule
    d. Gloger’s rule
  8. Select the incorrect match
    a. Eurythermal – Polar bear
    b. Stenothermal – Penguin
    c. Euryhaline – Salmon
    d. Stenohaline – Shark
  9. Photosynthesis is absent in
    a. littoral zone
    b. euphotic zone
    c. Disphotic zone
    d. aphotic zone
  10. BOD refers to
    a. The oxygen required for bacteria to grow in 1 Litre of effluent
    b. The amount of oxygen consumed if all the organic matter in 1000 mL of water is oxidised by bacteria
    c. The amount of oxygen released if all the organic matter in 1000 mL of water is oxidised by bacteria
    d. The amount of oxygen released when all the organic matter in 1 litre of water is consumed by bacteria
  11. Consider the following statements concerning food chains.
    A. Removal of 80% Tigers from an area will result in greatly increased growth of vegetation.
    B. Removal of most of the carnivores will result in an increased population of deers.
    C. The length of food chain is generally limited to 3 to 4 trophic level due to energy loss.
    D. The length of food chains may vary from 2 to 8 trophic levels.
    Which two of the above statements are correct?
    a. A, D
    b. A, B
    c. B, C
    d. C, D
  12. In an area where DDT had been used extensively, the population of birds declined significantly because
    a. Birds stopped laying eggs.
    b. Earthworms in the area got eradicated.
    c. Cobras were feeding exclusively on birds.
    d. Many of the birds eggs laid did not hatch.
  13. Which one of the following is not a gaseous biogeochemical cycle in ecosystem?
    a. Sulphur cycle
    b. Hydrogen cycle
    c. Nitrogen cycle
    d. Carbon cycle
  14. If there was no carbon dioxide in the earth’s atmosphere, the temperature of the Earth’s surface would be
    a. less than the present level
    b. same as the present level
    c. dependent on the oxygen contain in the atmosphere
    d. more than the present level
  15. Which of the following statements is not true?
    a. The biodiversity decreases with increases latitude.
    b. The biodiversity decreases with increasing altitude
    c. The fishes show greatest biodiversity among vertebrates
    d. The biodiversity of bryophytes is greater than that of angiosperms.
  16. Under unfavourable conditions many zooplanktons in lakes and ponds are known to enter a stage of suspended development called
    a. aestivation
    b. diapause
    c. crepuscular
    d. hibernation
  17. Small sized animals such as shrews are not usually found in polar regions. Why?
    a. They have a large surface area relative to their volume.
    b. They tend to lose body heat quickly.
    c. They have to expend much energy to generate body heat through metabolism
    d. All of these
  18. Kangaroo rat is capable of fullfilling its water requirements by
    a. eating moist seeds
    b. drinking water
    c. internal fat oxidation
    d. eating moist grass
  19. If a population of 50 Euglena increases to 200 after an hour. What would be the birth rate?
    a. 4 offspring per Euglena per hour
    b. 3 offspring per Euglena per hour
    c. 0.25 offspring per Euglena per hour
    d. 0.3 offspring per Euglena per hour
  20. The Pioneer species in xerarch and hydrach succession respectively are
    a. Lichens and sedged
    b. Lichens and rooted hydrophytes
    c. Phytoplanktons and lichens
    d. Lichens and phytoplanktons
  21. A biologist studied the population of rats in a barn. He found that the average natality was 250, average mortality 240, immigration 20 and emigration 30. The net increase in population is
    a. 05
    b. Zero
    c. 10
    d. 15
  22. Which of the following metals are recovered during recycling process of e-waste
    a. Copper
    b. Iron
    c. Gold
    d. All of these
  23. Which of the following processes will be most adversely affected if microorganisms are removed from a forest ecosystem?
    a. Solar energy fixation and nutrient cycling
    b. Decomposition of organic matter and photosynthesis
    c. Nitrogen fixation and decomposition of organic matter
    d. Carbon assimilation and nitrogen fixation
  24. The Eagle can be placed in which of the following tropic level
    a. T2
    b. T3
    c. T4
    d. both T3 and T4
  25. Which of the following will certainly increase the population densityparro?
    a. Emigration > Immigration
    b. Mortality = Emigration
    c. Natality > Mortality
    d. Natality = Emigration
  26. In an exponential growth equation, the intrinsic rate of natural increase can be calculated as
    a. b – d
    b. b + d
    c. 2b – d
    d. 2(b + d)
  27. Which of the following breed only once in their lifetime?
    a. Pelagic fish
    b. Pacific Salman fish
    c. Catfish
    d. Both a and b
  28. In an experiment, all starfish species and Pisaster were removed from the reef. Another species of Starfish (X), whose diet overlaps broadly with that of Pisaster was introduced in the reef. The number species X in the experiment are likely to
    a. increase
    b. decrease
    c. remains constant
    d. may or may not increase
  29. Which one of the following is an example of brood parasitism?
    a. Crow
    b. Cuckoo
    c. Pigeon
    d. parrot
  30. Consider the following four conditions I to IV and select the correct pair of them as adaptation to environment in desert lizards
    I. borrowing in soil to escape from high temperature
    II. Losing heat rapidly from the body during high temperature
    III. Bask in sun when temperature is low
    IV. Insulating body due to thick fatty dermis
    a. III and IV
    b. I and III
    c. II and IV
    d. I and II
  31. Nuclear reactor malfunction in any country is the cause of concern because radiation released from it causes
    a. biomagnification
    b. mutation at a very high rate
    c. thinning of Ozone layer
    d. eutrophication
  32. Waking up to a bulbul’s song in the morning is related to
    a. Narrow utilitarian
    b. Broadly utilitarian
    c. Ethical
    d. Both b and c
  33. Which of the following statements regarding energy flow are false?
    I. The detritus food chain begins with dead organic matter
    II. In aquatic ecosystem, Detritus food chain is the major conduit for energy flow
    III. In terrestrial ecosystem, a large fraction of energy flows through grazing food chain
    IV. Producers belong to the first tropic level of the food chain
    a. II and III only
    b. III and IV only
    c. I and IV only
    d. I and II only
  34. The rate of formation of new organic matter by deer in a forest ecosystem is called
    a. Standing crop
    b. Primary productivity
    c. Net productivity
    d. Secondary productivity
  35. Select the incorrect statement regarding Eltonian pyramids.
    a. The Biomass transferred from lower tropic level to higher tropic level is about 10 to 20%.
    b. Pyramids of energy is more accurate than pyramid of biomass or the pyramid of numbers.
    c. Pyramid of biomass maybe inverted for terrestrial habitats.
    d. Eltonian pyramids have no place for detrivores and decomposers.
  36. Which of the following is not an anatomical adaptation of sciophytes?
    a. Less developed palisade and well developed spongy parenchyma
    b. Narrow stems with shorter internodes
    c. Thin cuticle
    d. Thin walled epidermis
  37. Select the correctly matched pair
    a. Phreatophytes – Prosopis
    b. Halophytes – Tribulus
    c. Macrophytes – Opuntia
    d. Hydrophytes – Salsola
  38. Human contains partially decomposed products of
    a. cellulose only
    b. cellulose and hemicellulose only
    c. cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin
    d. None of these
  39. Which of the following has the maximum diversity of organisms in an ecosystem?
    a. Consumer
    b. Producer
    c. Decomposers
    d. Both b and c
  40. Select the incorrect pair
    a. Secondary consumers – Wild cat and fishes
    b. Secondary carnivores – Jackal and frog
    c. Primary consumers – Antilope and hair
    d. Top carnivores – Eagle and peacock
  41. Which of the following statements incorrect about Phosphorus cycle
    a. Its reservoir pool is lithosphere
    b. Its major component is non-gaseous
    c. Inside soil some phosphorus is lost through leaching
    d. Atmospheric input of phosphorus through rainfall is appreciable
  42. Grevillea robusta does not allow its seedling to grow nearby on account of allochemics produced by its roots. This is due to an interaction named as
    a. Commensalism
    b. Amendalism
    c. Parasitism
    d. Competition
  43. Fugitive species are the species that
    a. occur on a bear area
    b. colonise in newly disturbed habitats
    c. colonise in a climax community
    d. affect the primary succession
  44. Read the following statements about animal adaptations
    I. Ecads are phenotype variants in a population formed due to changes in environment
    II. Desert lizard lack the physiological ability to cope with extreme temperature but keep their body temperature constant by behavioural means.
    III. Phyllobates bicolor found in temperate deciduous forests is highly poisonous.
    IV. Frog, an endothermal animal, shows both hibernation and aestivation
    Which of the above statement is/ are correct?
    a. I, II and IV
    b. II and IV
    c. I and II
    d. II and III
  45. Animals living in deep ocean waters are mostly
    a. Primary consumers
    b. Secondary consumers
    c. Detrivores
    d. Secondary carnivores
  46. Select the mismatched pair
    a. Littoral zone – Shallow water zone
    b. Limnetic zone – Open water body
    c. Euphotic zone – Received no light
    d. Disphotic zone – Receives diffused light
  47. During succession, when the climax community is reached the net productivity
    a. Becomes zero
    b. Decreases
    c. Increases
    d. Becomes stable
  48. “Birds have narrow wings in cold areas”.This statement is supported by
    a. Allen’s rule
    b. Gloger’s rule
    c. Rensch’s rule
    d. Bergmann’s rule
  49. Which of the following is/are an interaction with negative effect?
    a. Protocorporation
    b. Mutualism
    c. Commensalism
    d. Both a and b
  50. In a network of interconnected food chains,
    a. only the members of one tropic level complete for obtaining the same food
    b. adaptability increases among organisms
    c. instability of the ecosystem increases due to isolated food chain
    d. all of these

Answer Sheet

  1. a
  2. d
  3. a
  4. a
  5. c
  6. b
  7. c
  8. a
  9. d
  10. c
  11. b
  12. b
  13. a
  14. d
  15. b
  16. b
  17. d
  18. c
  19. b
  20. d
  21. c
  22. b
  23. c
  24. a
  25. c
  26. a
  27. b
  28. a
  29. b
  30. c
  31. b
  32. d
  33. b
  34. a
  35. c
  36. b
  37. a
  38. c
  39. c
  40. b
  41. d
  42. b
  43. b
  44. c
  45. c
  46. c
  47. d
  48. c
  49. c
  50. b

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