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Microbes in Human Welfare Assertion Reason Based Questions

The following questions consist of two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled the Reason ®. Examine these two statements carefully and select the most appropriate answer codes.
A. Assertion and reason both are correct and reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
B. Assertion and reason both are correct and reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
C. Assertion is correct but reason is wrong.
D. Both Assertion and Reason are false.

  1. Assertion: Statins are products of fermentation activity of Monascus purpureus.
    Reason: Statins commercially used as blood cholesterol lowering agent.
  2. Assertion: Frankia is symbiotically associated with the root nodules of several non-legume plants.
    Reason: Frankis helps in fixation of phosphorous.
  3. Assertion: Saccharomyces cerevisiae is used in baking industry.
    Reason: Carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol produced during fermentation makes the bread porousand soft.
  4. Assertion: Antibiotics are effective against all pathogen.
    Reason: Most antibiotics are useful against one or a few diseases.
  5. Assertion: Bacillus thuringiensis possess the insecticidal Cry protein and thus it kills larvae of certain insects.
    Reason: There are transgenic crop plants that develop natural resistance to insects by inserting cry genes of Bacillus thuringiensis into them.
  6. Assertion: Amylases are used fit clearing turbidity in juices caused by protein.
    Reason: Amylases can degrade starch.
  7. Assertion: Azolla pinnata is used as a biofertiliser in rice fields.
    Reason: Azolla pinnata is a nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria that forms symbiotic association bwith rice plants.
  8. Assertion: Urginea maritima is a natural insecticide that produce radicide.
    Reason: Urginea maritima pollutes air, water and soil and is harmful to animals.
  9. Assertion: Baculoviruses are an important component of Integrated Pest Management (IPM).
    Reason: Baculovirus heliothis is effective against cotton bollworm.
  10. Assertion: BOD is a measure of inorganic matter present in the wastewater.
    Reason: The greater the BOD of waste water, more is its polluting potential.
  11. Assertion: Microbes are very important component of life on earth.
    Reason: All microbes are pathogenic.
  12. Assertion: Cheese is one of the oldest food items.
    Reason: It is prepared by the coagulation of casein.
  13. Assertion: Antibiotics are produced by bacteria and fungi.
    Reason: These drugs are not effective against viruses.
  14. Assertion: Dextran when is a microbially produced biopolymer.
    Reason: It is used as a ‘clot buster’ for removing clots from blood vessels.
  15. Assertion: Sewage cannot be directly discharged into natural water bodies.
    Reason: It contains large amount of pathogenic microbes.
  16. Assertion: Biogas plants are usually build in rural areas.
    Reason: Cattle dung is available in large quantities.
  17. Assertion: Leguminous plants are best preferred for rotation of crops.
    Reason: They have root nodules which have nitrogen fixing bacteria Clostridium.
  18. Assertion: Spirulina is used as source of food.
    Reason: These microorganisms are a type of Cyanobacterium.
  19. Assertion: Sewage treatment is relatively a modern practice.
    Reason: In primary treatment, chemical and physical means are used to produce water pure enough to drink.
  20. Assertion: Thiobacillus ferrooxidans is useful in mining operations.
    Reason: It has ability to oxidize elemental sulphur.
  21. Assertion: Acetic acid is prepared by Acetic Acid bacteria.
    Reason: Alcoholic fermentation and the conversion of alcohol to acetic acid are aerobic processes.
  22. Assertion: Aspergillus nigar produces lactic acid.
    Reason: Rhizopus produces citric acid.
  23. Assertion: Enzymes application in industry is enhanced by its immobilization.
    Reason: Immobilisation provides protection to enzyme without affecting their activity.
  24. Assertion: Rhizobium forms nodules on the roots of legume plants.
    Reason: Rhizobium fixes atmospheric nitrogen into organic forms which is used by the plant as nutrients.
  25. Assertion: Intercropping checks the population of insects.
    Reason: Plants pests can be controlled biologically by their natural parasites and pathogens.

Answer Sheet

  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. D
  5. B
  6. D
  7. B
  8. C
  9. B
  10. D
  11. C
  12. B
  13. B
  14. C
  15. A
  16. A
  17. C
  18. B
  19. C
  20. A
  21. A
  22. B
  23. B
  24. B
  25. B

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