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Principles of Inheritance and Variations, Molecular Basis of Inheritance and Evolution MCQ

This post contains the MCQ for the three chapters Principles of Inheritance and Variations, Molecular Basis of Inheritance and Evolution in Class 12 Biology

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Among the given groups of characters identify the group with recessive characters only.
    a. Dwarf, white flower at terminal position
    b. Dwarf, white flower at axial positions
    c. Dwarf, violet colour of flower
    d. Smooth and yellow seeds, terminal flowers
  2. In humans the possible genotypes for blood groups are
    a. Three
    b. Six
    c. Four
    d. Ninne
  3. In a DNA molecule, the adenine is found to be 19%. The amount of cytosine will be
    a. 19%
    b. 31%
    c. 62%
    d. 81%
  4. Test cross involves
    a. Crossing between two dominant traits
    b. Crossing between two recessive traits
    c. Crossing between two F1 hybrids
    d. Crossing the dominant with the double recessive parent
  5. The non disjunction of 21st pair of autosomal chromosome leads to
    a. Sickle Cell anaemia
    b. Klinefelter’s syndrome
    c. Turner syndrome
    d. Down syndrome
  6. Wings of butterfly and birds are
    a. anatomically similar and perform similar function
    b. show analogy and divergent evolution
    c. anatomically different and show convergent evolution
    d. show homology and divergent evolution
  7. Similar genotypic and phenotypic ratio is obtained in
    a. incomplete dominance
    b. independent assortment
    c. complete dominance
    d. quantitative inheritance
  8. Placental Wolf and Tasmanian wolf show phenomenon
    a. convergent evolution
    b. alalogy
    c. adaptive radiation
    d. artificial selection
  9. The specific event and its probable time of occurrence is given below in mya. Find the incorrect match
    a. 500 mya- Evolution of invertebrates
    b. 2000 mya- First cellular form of life
    c. 350 mya- Evolution of jawless fishes
    d. 450 mya- Evolution of sea weeds and some plants
  10. The main DNA synthesizing enzyme is
    a. DNA dependent DNA polymerase
    b. DNA dependent RNA polymerase
    c. RNA dependent DNA polymerase
    d. primase
  11. In a growth medium for E. coli, lactose is added in the medium. The lactose is transported into bacteria by
    a. beta galactosidase
    b. permease
    c. transacetylase
    d. repressor
  12. The fish like reptiles Ichthyosaurs evolved around
    a. 250 mya
    b. 350 mya
    c. 100 mys
    d. 50 mya
  13. Genetic disorder Turner’s syndrome is caused due to
    a. 45 autosomes and normal sex chromosomes
    b. 44 autosomes and sex chromosome aneuploidy
    c. 45 autosomes and abnormal sex chromosomes
    d. 44 Autosomes and absence of one X chromosome
  14. The mixture taken by Miller in his experiment to prove chemical evolution was
    a. H2, O2, NH3 and H2O
    b. CH4, CN, H2 and O2,
    c. H2, CH4, NH3, and water vapour
    d. CH4, NH3 and O2
  15. Which of the following unit is the largest among all
    a. Nucleotide
    b. Nucleoside
    c. Pyrimidines
    d. Purined
  16. The female heterogamety is a common method of sex determination in
    a. Human beings
    b. Drosophila
    c. Grasshopper
    d. Birds
  17. Following four statements are given about the characteristics of genetic material. Makecorrect choice of statement.
    I. Genetic material has the ability of self duplication
    II. Genetic material does not express itself
    III. Genetic material is very stable and does not change
    IV. Genetic material stores information to control cellular function

a. I and III are correct
b. I and IV are correct
c. II and III are correct
d. II and IV are correct

  1. Which of the following statements are correct only?
    I. RNA polymerase I transcribes rRNAs.
    II. RNA polymerase II transcribes snRNAs.
    III. RNa polymerase III transcribes hnRNA.
    IV. RNA polymerase II transcribes hnRNA.
    a. I and II only
    b. I and III only
    c. I, II and IV only
    d. I and IV only
  2. DNA fingerprinting is based on identifying specific
    a. Promoters
    b. Coding sequences
    c. Non-coding sequences
    d. Both (b) and (c )
  3. Which of the following can be used in DNA fingerprinting?
    a. Blood
    b. Hair follicle
    c. Saliva
    d. All of these
  4. Pleitropy occurs when a gene has
    a. a complementary gene elsewhere
    b. a small effect on one trait
    c. reversible effects on the phenotype, depending on age
    d. many effects on the phenotype
  5. A child’s blood group is ‘O’Brien. The parent’s blood groups cannot be
    a. AB
    b. A and B
    c. B and O
    d. A and A
  6. The distance between two genes in a chromosome is measured in cross over unit, which represent
    a. rate of crossing over that occurs between them
    b. number of crossing over that occurs between them
    c. percentage of crossing over that occurs between them
    d. rate by bivalent formation
  7. Haemophilia is more commonly seen in human males than in human females because
    a. a greater proportion of girls die in infancy.
    b. this disease is due to a Y-linked recessive mutation.
    c. this disease is due to an X-linked recessive mutation.
    d. this disease is due to an X-linked dominant mutation.
  8. X-chromosome of females in a sex- linked inheritance case can be passed on to
    a. Only female progeny
    b. only male progeny
    c. only in grand daughter
    d. male and female progeny


  1. a
  2. b
  3. b
  4. d
  5. d
  6. c
  7. a
  8. c
  9. d
  10. a
  11. b
  12. a
  13. d
  14. c
  15. a
  16. d
  17. b
  18. d
  19. c
  20. d
  21. d
  22. a
  23. c
  24. c
  25. d

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