MCQ molarity and molality

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  1. Your test contains multiple-choice questions with only one answer type questions. There are a total of 15 questions
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3 years ago

find the molarity of the solution where mole fraction of solute is 0.5000 and Molar Mass of Solute is 49 g/Mole and Molar mass of solvent is 18 g/M and density of solution is 1.769 g/ml

  • 12.24
  • 11.13
  • 10.1
  • 15.24

something is wrong in the question or answera

om prasad
om prasad
3 years ago

can you give solution please!

om prasad
om prasad
3 years ago

please give solution of— question find the molarity of the solution where mole fraction of solute is 0.5000 and Molar Mass of Solute is 49 g/Mole and Molar mass of solvent is 18 g/M and density of solution is 1.769 g/ml?????

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