Class 3 Maths Addition Quiz

Practice MCQ on addition for class 3 Maths. This Class 3 Maths Addition MCQ is designed as per the school syllabus. This quiz will help strengthen your concept and knowledge about the Addition of numbers.

  • Your test contains multiple-choice questions with only one answer type questions. There are a total of 10 questions
  • This is a 10 min test. Please make sure you complete it in stipulated time
  • You can finish this test any time using the 'Submit' button.
1. 55
+ 58
2. Fill in the blank

65 + 22 = 60 + 20 + 2 + ______
3. 153 + 165 =
4. 21 less than 49
5. A factory made 123 Refrigerator on the first day. On the second day it made 151 Refrigerator. How many Refrigerator did the factory make altogether?
6. Which of these is incorrect?
7. 64 + 241 + 486 =
8. 55+ 65 + 17 + 18 + 19=
9. Reducing 98 by 24 gives
10. 1765 + 2578=


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