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How to get good score in Mathematics

Here are some tips in get good score in Mathematics.

1) Mathematics is not a Language subjects.So dont just read it,Practice it. When you are looking at the derivation or theroem,try to understand it. If you understand the theorem and derivation, Solving the question would be very quick for you.

2. When doing your math homework, be neat. It does make a difference. Good writing always pays

3. Much of your score is based on the intermediate steps in getting to the answer. So show all your work. If the final answer is even wrong,you will get some marks for your positive attitude

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What is dimension of universal gravitational constant

Dimensional Formula of universal gravitational constant with its Derivation In this article, we will find the dimension of Universal Gravitational Constant Dimensional formula for Universal Gravitational Constant is Where M -> Mass L-> Length T -> Time. We would now derive this dimensional formula. Derivation for expression of Dimension of Universal Gravitational Constant The force

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