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What is Science and Scientific investigation

In this article we would we discussing Science and Scientific investigation

What is Science: Our knowledge of the natural world and the process through which that knowledge is built

The process of science involves many layers of complexity, but the key points of that process are straightforward.There are many ways into the process
a) New Technology
c) Practical problem
d) Pleasent suprise(e.g., being hit on the head by the proverbial apple)
e) Scientists often begin an investigation by tinkering, brainstorming, trying to make some new observations, chatting with colleagues about an idea, or doing some reading.

Scientific investigation is the main core of the process

What is Scientific investigation
Scientific investigation is the way in which scientists and researchers use a systematic approach to answer questions about the world around us.
The scientific method is a systematic process that involves using measurable observations to formulate, test or modify a hypothesis. Finally, a hypothesis is a proposed explanation for some observed phenomenon, based on experience or research. Scientific investigation is what people like you and me use to develop better models and explanations for the world around them.
Steps for Scientific Investigation

1)Observation  :This is about observing the phenonmenon in the natural world.Sometimes it is direct through our own eyes while sometimes it is through indirect method like tools.Some observations sometimes arise in surprising ways, as in the discovery of radioactivity, which was inspired by the observation that photographic plates (an early version of camera film) stored next to uranium salts were unexpectedly exposed. Sometimes interesting observations (and the investigations that follow) are suddenly made possible by the development of a new technology. For example, the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope in 1990 allowed astronomers to make deeper and more focused observations of our universe than were ever before possible.
2) Asking questions:It’s important to ask the question so that it can be answered in a measurable way. Beginning the question with ‘What’, ‘How’, or ‘Why’ is a good start. The question should also be focused

3) Hypothesis: which is the statement of relationship between the manipulated variable and the responding variable we would expect.A proposed explanation for a fairly narrow set of phenomena, usually based on prior experience, scientific background knowledge, preliminary observations, and logic

4) Experimentation/testing:  You can think of scientific testing as occurring in two logical steps: (1) if the idea is correct, what would we expect to see, and (2) does that expectation match what we actually observe?.  We have to identify all the variable. Create out the experimental procedure. Take the observation from the experiment. Take into account all the human error. Plot the graph and check if the hypothesis is good

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