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How to solve electric force and field problems

This post is all about how you can easily solve electric force and electric field problems. At a glance problems of physics can seem to be scary and overwhelming for some students but do not worry all you need to do is your willingness to solve problem. So first of all you need to read your problem carefully and then start using following protocol to solve your problems. The procedure I am going to write is for calculating electric forces but you can use the same procedure to calculate an electric field by simply replacing the charge of interest, q, with a convenient test charge and dividing by the test charge at the end. So, to calculate the force,

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What is electrostatics in physics?

In this article electrostatics in physics learn about what electrostatics is all about and about its industrial applications. Electrostatics in Physics Electrostatics is the study of electric charges at rest. Coulomb’s Law explains the relationship between two or more electric charges. In electrostatics, we do not concern with the movement of charges. Electrostatics involves electric

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Trigonometry formulas for class 10

Students can get trigonometry formulas for Class 10 here. Trigonometry is the study of the relationships between triangle angles, lengths, and heights. It contains ratios, functions, identities, and formulas for solving issues based on right-angled triangles. Trigonometry is also used in engineering, astronomy, physics, and architectural design. This chapter is crucial since it covers a

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