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Human Health and diseases Assertion Reason Based Questions

The following questions consist of two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled the Reason ®. Examine these two statements carefully and select the most appropriate answer codes.
A. Assertion and reason both are correct and reason is the correct explanation of Assertion.
B. Assertion and reason both are correct and reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
C. Assertion is correct but reason is wrong.
D. Both Assertion and Reason are false.

  1. Assertion: Escherichia coli, Shigella sp. and Salmonella sp. are all responsible for diarrhoeal diseases.
    Reason: Dehydration is common to all types of diarrhoeal diseases and adequate supply of fluid electrolytes should be ensured.
  2. Assertion: The phenomenon where tumors cells detach and migrate to other parts of the body where they give rise to secondary tumours is called metastasis.
    Reason: Abnormal antigens on the surface of cell and unusual member of chromosomes cause metastasis.
  3. Assertion: Mast cells in the human body release excessive amount of inflammatory chemicals which cause allergic reactions.
    Reason: Allergens in the environment on reaching human body stimulate mass cells in certain individuals.
  4. Assertion: Many visitors to The hills suffer from skin and respiratory allergy problems.
    Reason: Conifer trees produce the large quantity of wind- Borne pollen grains.
  5. Assertion: Caffeine is a stimulant present in coffee, tea, chocolates and many colas.
    Reason: It takes user to a word of fantasy giving him false and temporary happiness.
  6. Assertion: Organ transplantation patients are given immunosuppressive drugs.
    Reason: Transplant tissue has antigens which stimulate the specific immune response of the recipient.
  7. Assertion: It is advantageous to give the Polio vaccine orally.
    Reason: It prevents reinfection by causing intestinal immunity.
  8. Assertion: Most of the detoxification reaction of drugs and alcohol take place in the liver cells.
    Reason: The smooth ER of liver cells contain an oxidase called cytochrome P-450.
  9. Assertion: Alcohol acts as sedative.
    Reason: Sweating is enhanced by alcohol and so it is endothermic.
  10. Assertion: Fatty liver syndrome occurs by alcoholism.
    Reason: Alcoholics have a rate of carcinoma 10 times higher than that expected in the general population.
  11. Assertion: There is no chance of transmission of Malaria to man on the bite of a male anopheles mosquito.
    Reason: It carries a non virulent strain of plasmodium.
  12. Assertion: Streptococcus pneumoniae and Hemophilus influenzae are responsible for causing infectious disease in human beings.
    Reason: A healthy person acquires the infection by inhaling the dropletes/aerosols released by an infected person.
  13. Assertion: Some diseases that attack in childhood do not attack again.
    Reason: Memory cells play an important role.
  14. Assertion: Immunoglobulin function as antibody
    Reason: Different immunoglobulin molecules have different antigens binding properties.
  15. Assertion: Immunity means all capacity of human body to resist almost all types of organisms or toxins that tend to damage the tissues and organs.
    Reason: spleen is the only organ involved in immunity.
  16. Assertion: Cancer patients are given chemotherapeutic treatments.
    Reason: Chemotherapeutic agents are used to destroy malignant cells.
  17. Assertion: Psychotropic drugs affect behavior and mental activities.
    Reason: Tranquilizers, a psychotropic drug decrease tension and anxiety.
  18. Assertion: Antiserum contains antibodies, usually from an animal that has been deliberately exposed to a particular antigen.
    Reason: Antiserum provides passive immunity that last for shorter period.
  19. Assertion: Entamoeba histolytica, causing amoebiasis in dimorphic.
    Reason: Magna is the large harmful form and minuta is the smaller harmless form of E. histolytica.
  20. Assertion: Diabetes mellitus is caused by a failure of the Beta cells of the pancreas to produce adequate amount of insulin.
    Reason: In diabetes mellitus blood sugar level decreases.
  21. Assertion: Acid of the stomach kills most of the ingested microorganisms entered through food.
    Reason: Stomach acid is a type of physical barrier for body defense mechanism.
  22. Assertion: B- cells form humorl or antibody- mediated immune response.
    Reason: Antibody produced by B-cells defend against pathogens that enter the human body.
  23. Assertion: AIDS patient starts suffering from infections of bacteria especially Mycobacterium, viruses, fungi, etc.
    Reason: In immunodeficiency diseases the defense mechanism of the body become weak, leading to repeated infections.
  24. Assertion: Radiations and chemical agents can bring about changes in genetic material.
    Reason: Some biological agents can cause oncogenic transformations.
  25. Assertion: Thymus is quite small at the time of birth,
    Reason: Thymus provide micro-environment for the development and maturation of T-lymphocytes.

Answer Sheet

  1. B
  2. A
  3. A
  4. A
  5. C
  6. A
  7. A
  8. A
  9. C
  10. B
  11. C
  12. B
  13. A
  14. B
  15. C
  16. A
  17. B
  18. B
  19. A
  20. C
  21. C
  22. A
  23. A
  24. B
  25. D

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