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Tips for JEE Examination

TOP 10 Successful Tips for JEE Examination

I research various interview given by the IITIAN’s and compile a list of Habits/Tips for success in the most coveted examination in the country

Here are the Successful Habits/Tips for clearing IITJEE Examination

1)Single Minded Focus
ALL the successful IITIAN’s share the same view.You need to have single minded focus to clear the examination. All the time in your preparation ,you should stay focus on the goal and works on it to achieve success. This is same as Arjuna focus in Mahabharta.Arjun was able to strike at the right place as he focus on it.

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Ridiculously Effective Time management activities For Students

1) Prepare a Schedule/Calendar for the studies.You only have 24 hours a day, 168 hours a week . Effective study time management means that you use your given time in the most efficient way. Therefore it is important to prepare a regularly updated schedule/calendar, where you:

a) write down all your scheduled tests
b) write down all tasks, assignments and duties,
c) record your planned leisure-activities, such as gym, etc.
d) Write an ordered list of what you need to get done.Prioritize the items on your list.

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Electric charge and electric field questions and answers

This page contains electric charge and field important questions along with their answers. This chapter comes under unit Electrostatics. These are the basic set of questions you must do in order to get good understanding of the subject and get good marks. Physics class 12 chapter 1 important questions Electric Charge One Marks Questions Question

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