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Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks are important for getting good scores, passing the competitive examinations. It helps us cut time in solving the problem.  This category list various tips and tricks on maths and physics which will be very helpful to the student.

Tips and tricks articles can be used from class 9 to competitive examination

How to solve electric force and field problems

This post is all about how you can easily solve electric force and electric field problems. At a glance problems of physics can seem to be scary and overwhelming for some students but do not worry all you need to do is your willingness to solve problem. So first of all you need to read your problem carefully and then start using following protocol to solve your problems. The procedure I am going to write is for calculating electric forces but you can use the same procedure to calculate an electric field by simply replacing the charge of interest, q, with a convenient test charge and dividing by the test charge at the end. So, to calculate the force,

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How to solve Newton’s Law problems

Draw a neat diagram of the system.
Firstly consider the origin of the forces acting on the each object.To do this find out the field forces acting on the each object.Wherever contact in available account the contact force carefully
Isolate the body whose motion is to be analyzed. Draw a free-body diagram for this body. For systems containing more than one objects, draw separate free-body diagrams for each objects

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Tips on How to write in Examination for a better score

1)Checkout all your things you required during exam time Pen , Pencil, sketch Pens, rubber , sharper ,each and everything whether it is small or big matters a lot during your exam time

2) Time management is important. Read out all the questions carefully before writing anything on answer sheet and always start your answering from the questions which will carry maximum marks as well as which you think is tougher . Assign appropiate time to the question and justify the marks given to them.

3) Answer sheet should be neat & clean

4) Write the answer in point method. Just brea

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How to solve assertion reason questions

Almost all the examination carries these type of questions.So these questions are important for success for getting good ranks

Assertion – reason type question has these five different cases
1. Both assertion and reason are true, reason is correct explanation of assertion.
2. Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not a correct explain the assertion.
3. Assertion is true but reason is false.
4. Assertion is false but reason is true.
5. Both are false.

These type of questions test only the concepts of the students. A reasonably well-prepared student can answer these questions in a matter of a few seconds.

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