This page contains Online simulated tests for JEE Physics. Select the test you want and follow the instructions. These JEE physics Online Tests can help you with your JEE Main/Advanced preparation.
Welcome to the online physics test series for the JEE entrance exam. On this page, you can find chapter-wise physics mock tests for the JEE exam. Practicing physics questions is very important as it helps clear the concepts over a period of time. With these physics questions, you can get a boost in your confidence when it comes to problem-solving in physics.
JEE Physics Chapter Wise Mock Test
Physical World
- coming soon
Units and Measurements
- Errors in measurement JEE questions: This is a 20-minute test that consists of 10 questions from error analysis and measurements in physics.
Motion in a Straight Line
Motion in a plane
Laws of motion
Work Energy and power
- coming soon
system of Particles and Rotational Motion
- coming soon
Mechanical Properties Of Solids
- coming soon
Mechanical Properties Of Fluids
Thermal Properties of Matter
- coming soon
Kinetic Theory
- coming soon
- coming soon
Electric Charges And Fields
- coming soon
Electrostatic Potential And Capacitance
Current Electricity
- coming soon
Moving Charges And Magnetism
- coming soon
Magnetism And Matter
- coming soon
Electromagnetic Induction
- coming soon
Alternating Current
- coming soon
Electromagnetic Waves
- coming soon
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
- coming soon
Wave Optics
- coming soon
Dual Nature Of Radiation And Matter
- coming soon
- coming soon
- coming soon
Semiconductor Electronics Materials Devices And Simple Circuits
Communication Systems
- coming soon
JEE Mains Physics Mock Test
- jee mains physics mock test -1
- jee mains Physics Mock test -2
- jee mains Physics Mock test -3
- jee mains physics Mock test -4
- jee mains physics Mock test -5
- jee mains physics Mock test -6
- jee mains physics Mock test -7
- JEE Main MCQ test for Physics
- JEE Main test paper for Physics
JEE Advanced Physics Mock Test
- Jee Advanced Physics Mock test -1
- Jee Advanced Physics Mock test -2
- Jee Advanced Physics Mock test -3
- JEE Advanced Physics MCQ
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