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How do organisms reproduce class 10 important questions (pdf download)

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How do organisms reproduce class 10 important questions (Chapter 8)


  1. How will an organism be benefitted if it reproduces through spores?
  2. Name the mode of reproduction through which malarial parasite reproduce?
  3. Name the organism causes kala-azar? How it reproduce?
  4. Write two differences between binary fission and multiple fission?
  5. What is regeneration? State a reason why a more complex organism cannot give rise to the new individual through this method?
  6. Name an organism reproduce through spores? List three conditions favorable for spores to germinate and grow?
  7. List three differences between sexual and asexual reproduction?
  8. What happens when Planaria gets cut into pieces?
  9. How regeneration different from reproduction?
  10. Differentiate between fission and fragmentation?
  11. Name the thread like non-reproductive structures present in Rhizopus and the ‘Blobs’ that develop at the tips of non-reproductive threads in Rhizopus?
  12. How does reproduction help in providing stability to populations of species?


  1. What is DNA copying? Why it is essential in reproduction?
  2. Why it is, that asexual reproduction produces exact copies, but sometimes minor variations are also seen in next progeny?
  3. Why is variation beneficial to the species but not necessarily for the individual?
  4. Mention the information source of making proteins in the cells? List two basic events in reproduction?
  5. What are chromosomes? Explain how in sexually reproducing organisms the number of chromosomes in the progeny is maintained?
  6. What is a clone? Why do offsprings formed by asexual reproduction exhibit remarkable similarity?
  7. What is micropropagation? Write it’s two advantages?
  8. Why is vegetative propagation practised for growing some types of plants?
  9. List two advantages of growing grapes or banana through vegetative propagation?
  10. List three advantages of vegetative propagation?
  11. What happens when the leaf of the bryophyllum with notches falls on the soil?


  1. Differentiate between unisexual and bisexual flowers?
  2. How pollination is different from fertilization?
  3. Name the parts a bisexual of flower that are not directly involved in reproduction?
  4. Name the floral parts of a plant that develops into (i) fruit (ii) seeds
  5. Write suitable conditions necessary for seed germination.
  6. Define double fertilization?
  7. Differentiate between self and cross-pollination?
  8. Mention the function of stamen?
  9. Explain the changes that occur in ovary and ovule after fertilization in flower?
  10. Why pollinating agent are essential mainly for unisexual flowers?
  11. Pollen grain transfer can be to the stigma of the same flower or to that of a different flower. Name the type of these flowers?
  12. Draw a diagram showing germination of pollen on the stigma of a flower?


  1. What is the role of seminal vesicle and prostate gland?
  2. Is a woman is using a copper-T, will it help in protecting her from sexually transmitted diseases?
  3. Why does menstruation occur?
  4. How are the modes of reproduction different in unicellular and multicellular organisms?
  5. How does growing nourishment from the mother’s blood?
  6. Name the two types of germ cells present in human beings. How do they structurally different from each other? Give two differences?
  7. Name the male and female sex hormones? Also, write their functions?
  8. State different contraceptive methods?
  9. Explain the role of oviduct and placenta in the human female reproductive system?
  10. Name any two sexually transmitted diseases caused by (i) virus (ii) bacteria
  11. Explain any two surgical methods used for avoiding pregnancy work in females and males?
  12. What happens when testosterone is released in the male reproductive system?
  13. How is the fully developed embryo or the child is born?
  14. Differentiate between vas deference and fallopian tube?
  15. Define zygote?
How Do Organisms Reproduce Class 10 Important Questions
How Do Organisms Reproduce Class 10 Important Questions
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