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10 common mistake in Examination

1) Panicking Before Or During A Paper: Always prepare for a test or exam well in advance.Have a good night’s sleep before the date of the test or exam.Keep reassuring yourself that you can do it. Once you stop doubting yourself, you will stop panicking. If all else fails, comfort yourself that it is only a paper. It’s not the end of the world even if you don’t do well for just one paper.So just relax and Do some breathing exercise to relax

2.Failing To Scan Through The Questions Once: Do not immediately start answer the first question. Give yourself about 5 minutes to read through all the questions. Put a tick against the easy questions and a cross against the difficult ones. Then, proceed to answer the easy questions first! Always leave the difficult questions to the last. This ensures that you would have answered most of the questions in the paper should you run out of time. It also gives you more time for the difficult questions, as you would need relatively less time for the easy ones

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10 things you can do to improve your memory for math formulas

1. Read ahead – Prepare for Tomorrows today.Read over tomorrow’s math lesson today. Get a general idea about the new formulas in advance.As you read ahead, you will recognize some of it, and other parts will be brand new.This technique also gives you an overview of the diagrams, graphs and vocabulary in the new section. Look up any new words in a dictionary so you reduce this stumbling block in class. This step may only take 15 minutes or so before each class, but will make a huge difference to your understanding of the math you are studying.

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How to solve physics numericals effectively

1) Draw a clear diagram showing all the systems and interaction between them.For mechanics problem,Free body diagram provide immense help in solving the problem. Problem will become easiar once it is drawn out.

2) In any problem of physics, some information is given and value of some variable is to be found. Jot down all the known quantities on one side and List all the unknown for which you are solving the problem on the other side

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Super Quick Maths Calculation Using vedic maths

Learning to perform fast mental mathscalculation will help you immensely irrespective of which field of life you deal with.Knowing these mental maths tricks will give you a positive edge over the others.Whether you are a student,aspiring engineer,statistician,scientist,school teacher or anyone else dealing with numbers,learning this quick mental tricks and techniques

(popularly known as Vedic Maths techniques) is always going to benefit you.

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