Here we are providing the Table of Factors & Prime Factor 1 – 150. It contains following things
a. Factors of Number from 1 to 100
b. Prime Number from 1 to 150
c. Composite Numbers
d. Prime Factors of the Numbers
e. Prime Factorization
f. Count of factors
Lets Take a look on definition of each of them
Factors: A factor of a number is an exact divisor of that number
Prime Numbers: The numbers other than 1 whose only factors are 1 and the number itself
are called Prime numbers
Composite Numbers: Numbers having more than two factors are
called Composite numbers
Factorisation: When a number is expressed as a product of its factors we say that the number
has been factorised
Prime Factorisation: When a number is expressed as a product of its prime factors

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