
3 Fraction calculator

  • Enter the values of the 3 Fractions whose addition,subtraction,division or multiplication need to be calculated
  • Click on the calculate button.

Fraction Calculator


Example of Few questions where you can use this Fraction calculator
  • Find the value of $\frac {1}{5} + \frac {1}{6} + \frac {1}{2}$ ?
  • Find the value of $\frac {1}{5} - \frac {1}{6} + \frac {1}{3}$?
  • Find the value of $\frac {1}{5} - \frac {1}{2} - \frac {1}{3}$?
  • Find the value of $\frac {1}{5} \times \frac {1}{2} \times \frac {1}{3}$?
  • Find the value of $\frac {1}{5} + \frac {1}{2} \times \frac {1}{3}$?
  • Find the value of $\frac {1}{5} \times \frac {1}{2} + \frac {1}{3}$?

How this Fraction Calculation for Addition,subtraction,Multiplication of fractions works

Let Fractions $\frac {a}{b}$ , $\frac {c}{d}$ and $\frac {e}{f}$
Addition of Fractions
$\frac {a}{b} + \frac {c}{d} + \frac {e}{f} = \frac {adf + cbf+ ebd}{bdf}$
Now we find the HCF between denominator and Numerator and divide both of them by it and present the Answer
subtraction of Fractions
$\frac {a}{b} - \frac {c}{d} - \frac {e}{f}= \frac {adf - cbf - ebd}{bd}$
Now we find the HCF between denominator and Numerator and divide both of them by it and present the Answer
Multiplication of Fractions
$\frac {a}{b} \times \frac {c}{d} \times \frac {e}{f}= \frac {ace}{bdf}$
Now we find the HCF between denominator and Numerator and divide both of them by it and present the Answer
Mixed Fractions
(a) $\frac {a}{b} + \frac {c}{d} - \frac {e}{f} = \frac {adf + cbf - ebd}{bdf}$
Now we find the HCF between denominator and Numerator and divide both of them by it and present the Answer

(b) $\frac {a}{b} - \frac {c}{d} + \frac {e}{f} = \frac {adf - cbf + ebd}{bdf}$
Now we find the HCF between denominator and Numerator and divide both of them by it and present the Answer

(c) $\frac {a}{b} + \frac {c}{d} \times \frac {e}{f} = \frac {a}{b} + \frac {ce}{df} =\frac {adf + ceb}{bdf}$
Now we find the HCF between denominator and Numerator and divide both of them by it and present the Answer
(d) $\frac {a}{b} \times \frac {c}{d} + \frac {e}{f} = \frac {ac}{bd} + \frac {e}{f} =\frac {acf + ebd}{bdf}$
Now we find the HCF between denominator and Numerator and divide both of them by it and present the Answer

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