
Arithmetic Mean/Mean/Average Calculator

  • Enter the values of the numbers seperated by commas whose average need to be found Example 2,3,4
  • Click on the calculate button.

Formula used
$\text{Average} = \frac {x_1 + x_2 + x_3 +..+x_n}{n}$

Average Calculator

What is Average/Mean/Airthmetic Mean

Mean or Average is the Measure of central tendency in statistical values of the data. It is also called Airthmetic mean.
It is defined as
$\text{Average} = \frac {\text{Sum of all numbers involved}}{\text{Count of Numbers}}$
$\text{Average} = \frac {x_1 + x_2 + x_3 +..+x_n}{n}$
This is also sometimes written as
$\text{Average}= \frac {\sum_{1}^{n}x_n}{n}$
$\sum_{1}^{n}x_n$ -> $x_1 + x_2 + x_3 +..+x_n$
n -> Count of the dataset
Few important points
  • The average or the mean may not be the number in the dataset
  • It will always lies between the lowest and highest number in the dataset
  • Average is the single number which is taken as a representative of the set of number.
  • It is calculated for the set of similar quantities i.e we cannot mix height and weight for the average
Example of Few questions where you can use this formula
Question 1
Find the average of 764,456,455,345,576
Average is calculated as
$\text{Average} = \frac {x_1 + x_2 + x_3 +..+x_n}{n}$
$\text{Average} = \frac {764+456+455+345+576}{5}= 519.2$

Question 2
A batsman scored 57, 68,96,102,101,30,40, 45 runs in the world cup. Then Find the average runs of that batsman
Average is calculated as
$\text{Average} = \frac {x_1 + x_2 + x_3 +..+x_n}{n}$
$\text{Average} = \frac {57+68+96+102+101+30+40+45}{8}= 67.375$
So run rate was 67.375$
Question 3
A group of students has following height 151 cm, 152 cm, 151 cm ,160 cm, 165 m, 155 cm, 149 cm . Then Find the average Height of the group
Average is calculated as
$\text{Average} = \frac {x_1 + x_2 + x_3 +..+x_n}{n}$
$\text{Average} = \frac {151+152+151+160+165+155+149}{7}= 154.71$
So average height of the group is 154.71 cm$

How this calculators works

User are request to input the dataset seperated by comma
First Sum of the Number is calculated and then we find the count of the numbers
Then Average is calculated as
$\text{Average} = \frac {\text{Sum of all numbers involved}}{\text{Count of Numbers}}$
$\text{Average} = \frac {x_1 + x_2 + x_3 +..+x_n}{n}$

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