
Coordinate Geometry Problems with Solutions

Given below are the Class 10 Maths Problems with Solutions for Coordinate Geometry
(a) Short Answer type
(b) Long answer questions

Short Answer type

Question 1
Prove that the points (a, b + c), (b, c + a) and (c, a + b) are collinear.


If the three point are collinear, then Area of the triangle will be zero
Area of triangle is given by
$A= \frac {1}{2} [x_1(y_2 - y_3) + x_2(y_3 -y_1) + x_3(y_1 - y_2)]$
$A= \frac {1}{2} [a(c+a -a -b) + b(a+b -b -c) + c (b+c - c-a)]

Question 2
For what value of x will the points (x, -1), (2, 1) and (4, 5) lie on a line?


If the three point are collinear, then Area of the triangle will be zero
Area of triangle is given by
$A= \frac {1}{2} [x_1(y_2 - y_3) + x_2(y_3 -y_1) + x_3(y_1 - y_2)]$
$0=\frac {1}{2} [x(1 -5) + 2(5+1) +4(-1-1)]$
$0=-4x +12 -8$

Question 3.
Check whether the points (4, 5), (7, 6) and (6, 3) are collinear


If the point are collinear, then Area will be zero
So they are not collinear

Question 4.
Find the value of q for which the points (7, -2), (5, 1), and (3, q) are collinear.


If the point are collinear, then Area must be zero

Long Asnwer type

Question 1.
Find a point on the y – axis which is equidistant from the point A (6, 5) and B (-4, 3).


Let the point of Y-axis is (0,y)
Squaring both the sides
So point (0,9)

Question 2.
Show that the points (p, p), (-p, -p) and (-p3, p3) are the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Also find its area.


Let the point be A(p,p) ,B(-p,-p) and C(-p3, p3)
All Sides equal,It is an equilateral triangle
Area of triangle
=$\frac{(side)^2\sqrt {3}}{4}$
=2 3p2 sq. units

Question 3.
Show that four points (0, -1), (6, 7), (-2, 3) and (8, 3) are the vertices of a rectangle. Also find its area.


Let the point be A(0,-1) ,B(6,7) , C(-2, 3) and D(8,3)3)

So Opposite sides are equal
Diagonals are equal
So these are coordinates of the rectanges

Now Area = Length X breath
=2√20 X √20=40

Question 4.
If two vertices of an equilateral triangle be (0,0), (3, 3), find the third vertex.


Two vertices of an equilateral triangle are (0, 0) and (3, √3).

Let the third vertex of the equilaterla triangle be (x, y)

Distance between (0, 0) and (x, y) = Distance between (0, 0) and (3, √3) = Distance between (x, y) and (3, √3)

√(x2+ y2) = √(32); + 3) = √[(x - 3)2 + (y - √3)2]

x2 + y2 = 12   --(A)
√(x2 + y2)=√[(x - 3)2 + (y - √3)2]
x2 + 9 - 6x + y2 + 3 - 2√3y = x2 + y2
12 -  6x - 2√3y = 0
3x + √3y = 6
x = (6 - √3y) / 3  -(B)
Substituting the values of x in (A)
 [(6 - √3y)/3]2 + y2 = 12
(36 + 3y2 - 12√3y) / 9 + y2 = 12
 36 + 3y2 - 12√3y + 9y2 = 108
 - 12√3y + 12y2 - 72 = 0
 -√3y + y2 - 6 = 0
 (y - 2√3)(y + √3) = 0
 y = 2√3 or - √3

If y = 2√3, x = (6 - 6) / 3 = 0
If y = -√3, x = (6 + 3) / 3 = 3

So, the third vertex of the equilateral triangle = (0, 2√3) or (3, -√3).

Question 5.
If P (2, -1), Q (3, 4), R (-2, 3) and S (-3, -2) be four points is a plane, show that PQRS is a rhombus but not a square. Find the area of the rhombus.


The given points are P(2,-1), Q(3,4), R(-2,3) and S(-3,-2).We have
$PQ= \sqrt {(3-2)^2 +(4+1)^2}=\sqrt {26}$
$QR= \sqrt {(-2-3)^2 +(3-4)^2} =\sqrt {26}$
$RS= \sqrt {(-3+2)^2 +(-2-3)^2} =\sqrt {26}$
$SP= \sqrt {(-3-2)^2 +(-2-3)^2} =\sqrt {26}$
$PR= \sqrt {(-2-2)^2 +(3+1)^2} = 4 \sqrt 2$
$QS= \sqrt {(-3-3)^2 +(-2-4)^2}=6 \sqrt 2$

Therefore Sides are equal
PQ=QR=RS=SP= $\sqrt {26}$
and Diagonal are not equal
$PR \ne QS$
Hence PQRS is a rhombus but not a square.
Now Area of rhombus PQRS is given by
$A= \frac {1}{2} D_1 \times D_2$
Where $D_1$ and $D_2$ are diagonals
$A=\frac {1}{2} 4 \sqrt 2 \times 6 \sqrt 2$

Question 6.
Show that the points (-4, -1), (-2, -4), (4, 0) and (2, 3) are the vertices points of a rectangle.


let A(-4,-1), B(-2,4), C(4,0) and D(2,3) be the given points
$AB= \sqrt {(-2+4)^2 +(-4+1)^2}=\sqrt {13}$
$BC= \sqrt {(4+2)^2 +(0+4)^2}= \sqrt {52}$
$CD= \sqrt {(2-4)^2 +(3-0)^2} = \sqrt {13}$
$AD= \sqrt {(2+4)^2 +(3+1)^2}= \sqrt {52}$
Therefore Oppossite sides are equal
This proves that ABCD is a parallelogram
Now lets look at the diagonals
$AC= \sqrt {(4+4)^2 +(0+1)^2} = \sqrt {65}$
?$BD= \sqrt {(2+2)^2 +(3+4)^2} = \sqrt {65}$
So diagonal are equal
Hence, ABCD is a rectangle

Question 7.
Show that the points A (1, -2), B (3, 6), C (5, 10) and D (3, 2) are the vertices of a parallelogram.


$AB= \sqrt {(1-3)^2 +(-2-6)^2}=\sqrt {68}$
$BC= \sqrt {(3-5)^2 +(6-10)^2}= \sqrt {20}$
$CD= \sqrt {(5-3)^2 +(10-2)^2} = \sqrt {68}$
$AD= \sqrt {(1-3)^2 +(-2-2)^2}= \sqrt {20}$
Therefore Oppossite sides are equal
This proves that ABCD is a parallelogram

Question 8.
Prove that the points A (1, 7), B (4, 2), C (-1, -1) and D (-4, 4) are the vertices of a square.


$AB= \sqrt {(1-4)^2 +(7-2)^2}=\sqrt {34}$
$BC= \sqrt {(4+1)^2 +(2+1)^2}= \sqrt {34}$
$CD= \sqrt {(-1+4)^2 +(-1-4)^2} = \sqrt {34}$
$AD= \sqrt {(1+4)^2 +(7-4)^2}= \sqrt {34}$
$AC= \sqrt {(1+1)^2 +(7+1)^2}=\sqrt {68}$
$BD= \sqrt {(4+4)^2 +(2-4)^2}=\sqrt {68}$
Since All sides are equal and diagonal are equal to each other
This is a square

Question 9.
Prove that the points (3, 0), (6, 4) and (-1, 3) are vertices of a right angled isosceles triangle.


Let A(3, 0), B(6, 4) and C(-1, 3)
$AB=\sqrt {(3-6)^2 +(0-4)^2}=5$
$BC=\sqrt {(6+1)^2 +(4-3)^2}=\sqrt {50}$
$AC=\sqrt {(3+1)^2 +(0-3)^2}=5$
Two sides are equal,so it is isosceles triangle
$BC^2 = AB^2 + AC^2$, So it is right angled isosceles triangle.

Question 10.
Find the circumcenter of the triangle whose vertices are (-2, -3), (-1, 0), (7, -6)


Let the points be A(-2, -3), B(-1, 0), C(7, -6)
Let the coordinates of the circumcentre of the triangle be O(x, y).
$OA= \sqrt {(x+2)^2 +(y+3)^2}$
$OB= \sqrt {(x+1)^2 +(y)^2}$
$OC= \sqrt {(x-7)^2 +(y+6)^2}$
(x, y) will the equidistant from the vertices of the triangle as it is the circumcenter
Taking OA=OB
$\sqrt {(x+2)^2 +(y+3)^2}=\sqrt {(x+1)^2 +(y)^2}$
Squaring both the side and cutting coming terms
x + 3y = -6 --(A)
Taking OB=OC
$\sqrt {(x+1)^2 +(y)^2}=\sqrt {(x-7)^2 +(y+6)^2}$
Squaring both the side and cutting coming terms
4x -3y=21 --(B)
Solving (A) and (B), we get
x=3 and y=-3
Therefore (3,-3) is the coordinate of circumcenter of the triangle

Question 11.
If two opposite vertices of a square are (5, 4) and (1, -6), find the co- ordinates of its remaining two vertices.


Let ABCD is the square and A (5,4) and C(1,-6). Lets us assume the coordinate of B(x,y)
Now Sides are equal in square,Therefore
$\sqrt {(x-5)^2 +(y-4)^2}=\sqrt {(x-1)^2 +(y+6)^2}$
solving this
2x + 5y=1
$x=\frac {1- 5y}{2}$ -(1)
Diagonal= AC = $\sqrt {(5-1)^2 +(4+6)^2}= 2 \sqrt {29}$
Now $\text{Diagonal} = \text{side} \times \sqrt 2$
$\text{side}= \sqrt {58}$
$\text{side}=AB= \sqrt {(x-5)^2 +(y-4)^2}$
$58 = (x-5)^2 +(y-4)^2$
Putting the value of x from (1), we get
$[(\frac {1- 5y}{2} -5)^2 +(y-4)^2]=58$
Solving it ,we get
$29y^2 + 58y -87=0$
Solving this quadratic equation ,we get
y=-3 or 1
Substituting the value of y in (1) ,we get
x=8 or -2
So coordinates of the other vertices are (8, -3) and (-2, 1)

Question 12.
Show that the points A (5, 6), B (1, 5), C (2, 1) and D (6, 2) are the vertices of a square.
Question 13
If the points (p, q) (m, n) and (p - m, q -n) are collinear, show that pn = qm.


If the three point are collinear, then Area of the triangle will be zero
Area of triangle is given by
$A= \frac {1}{2} [x_1(y_2 - y_3) + x_2(y_3 -y_1) + x_3(y_1 - y_2)]$
$0=\frac {1}{2} [p(n -q+n)) + m(q-n -q) +(p-m)(q-n)]$
$0=-pq + 2pm -mn + pq-pn-pm +mn$
pn = qm

Question 14
Find k so tht the point P (-4, 6) lies on the line segment joining A (k, 10) and B (3, -8). Also, find the ratio in which P divides AB.
Question 15
Find the area of the quadrilaterals, the co- ordinates of whose vertices are
(i)(-3, 2), (5, 4), (7, -6) and (-5, -4)
(ii)(1, 2), (6, 2), (5, 3) and (3, 4)
(iii) (-4, -2), (-3, -5), (3, -2), (2, 3)


(i) let A(-3, 2), B(5, 4), C(7, -6) and D(-5, -4)
Area of quadrilateral =Area of triangle ABC + Area of triangle ACD
$=|\frac {1}{2} [-3(4 +6) + 5(-6 -2) +7(2-4)]| + |\frac {1}{2}[-3(-6 +4) + 7(-4 -2) -5(2+6)]|$
$=|-42| + |-38|= 80 $
(ii)Similarly A= 5.5 units

Question 16
Show that the following sets of points are collinear
(i) (2, 5), (4, 6) and (8, 8)
(ii) (1, -1), (2, 1) and (4, 5)


If the three point are collinear, then Area of the triangle will be zero
Area of triangle is given by
$A= \frac {1}{2} [x_1(y_2 - y_3) + x_2(y_3 -y_1) + x_3(y_1 - y_2)]$
(i) $A=\frac {1}{2} [2(6 -8) + 4(8 -5) +8(5-6)]$
(ii) $A=\frac {1}{2} [1(1 -5) + 2(5 +1) +4(-1-1)]$

Question 17.
Find the value of x such that PQ = QR where the co- ordinates of P, Q and R are (6, -1), (1, 3) and (x, 8) respectively.


$\sqrt {(6-1)^2 + (-1-3)^2 } = \sqrt {(1-x)^2 + (3-8)^2}$
Squaring both the sides
$25 + 16 = 1 + x^2 -2x + 25$
$x^2 -2x -15=0$
x = 5 and -3

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Practice Question

Question 1 What is $1 - \sqrt {3}$ ?
A) Non terminating repeating
B) Non terminating non repeating
C) Terminating
D) None of the above
Question 2 The volume of the largest right circular cone that can be cut out from a cube of edge 4.2 cm is?
A) 19.4 cm3
B) 12 cm3
C) 78.6 cm3
D) 58.2 cm3
Question 3 The sum of the first three terms of an AP is 33. If the product of the first and the third term exceeds the second term by 29, the AP is ?
A) 2 ,21,11
B) 1,10,19
C) -1 ,8,17
D) 2 ,11,20

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