
Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Extra Questions

Given below are the Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Extra questions
(a)Multiple Choice questions
(b) Vey Short questions
(c) Short answer questions
(d) Long answer questions
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Multiple Choice questions

Question 1
The largest cell in the human body is -
(a)Nerve cell
(b) Muscle cell
(c)Liver cell
(d)Kidney cell

Question 2
Who discovered Golgi Apparatus?
(a)Camillo Golgi.
(b) Robert Hooke
(c) A.V. Leeuwenhoek
(d) None of the above

Question 3
Which of the following cellular part possess a double membrane?
(b) Chloroplast
(d)All of the above

Question 4.
Karyotheca is another name of -
(a)Nuclear envelope
(b) Nucleus
(c)Nuclear pores

Question 5.
Intercellular connections of plant cells are called -
(a)Middle lamella
(b)Micro fibrils


1. (a)
2. (a)
3. (d)
4. (a)
5. (d)

Very Short Answer

Question 5.
Name the Reticulum which has ribosome’s attached to it.
Question 6.
Name a cell that does not have a nucleus, what are they called?
Question 7.
What is Biogenisis?
Question 8
Name the cell organelle which is involved in the formation of lysosomes.
Question 9
What is the shape of Nucleus?
Question 10
What is Endosmosis?
Question 11
Who discovered Protoplasm?
Question 12.
The word cell was derived from a Greek word _____which means small room
Question 13.
Name the person who first coined the term 'Cell'
Question 14 .
What will happen to a cell if its nucleus is removed?
Question 15.
Give 5 examples of single celled organisms.
Question 16.
What are multicellular organisms ? Give an example.
Question 17
The cell organelle which is commonly referred as the suicidal bags of the cell.
Question 18
What is the Study of structure and composition of cell is called ?
Question 19.
What are the chromosomes made up of?


(5) Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
(6) The cells that do not have a nucleus are called Enucleate Cells, Red Blood Cells (RBC) is a enucleate cell..
(7) The production of proteins and lipids for producing membrane by the SER is known as Biogenises.
(8) Golgi Aparatus.
(9) Nucleus is roughly spherical in shape.
(10) The passage (entry) of water from outside to inside of a cell is known as Endosmosis.
(11) Felix Dujardin
(12) Cellulae
(13) Robert Hooke in 1665, first coined the term Cell.
(14) With the passage of time, the cell will die as the nucleus which controls and coordinates all the functions of the cell is absent.
(15) Paramecium, Amoeba, Chlamydomonas, Bacteria, Malarial Parasite
(16) The organisms consisting of more than one (multiple) cells, where each cell performs a specialized function is known as Multicellular Organism. Example:- Animals, Plants, Fungi
(17) Lysosomes.
(18) Cytology
(19) DNA & proteins

Short Answer type

Question 20
Define plasmolysis.


It is the shrinkage of cytoplasm away from cell membrane when kept in a hypertonic medium.

Question 21
Why is endocytosis found in animals only?


For endocytosis to occur, the outermost membrane should be flexible. But in plants cells, cell wall is the outermost membrane which is very rigid. Hence, no endocytosis occurs in plants.

Question 22
Differntiate between diffusion and osmosis.


Question 23
How does an Amoeba obtain its food?


In Amoeba, the food particles get surrounded by a cell membrane invagination called pseudopodia. The pseudopodia then merge with each other forming a food vacuole which is engulfed into the body of Amoeba. These vesicles are called phagosomes where the food is digested.

Question 24
What is membrane biogenesis? How is plasma membrane formed during  this process?


The process of plasma membrane formation is called membrane biogenesis. 
The proteins and lipids are first synthesized in rough endoplasmic reticulum and the smooth endoplasmic reticulum, respectively. These are then transported to the Golgi complex for their modification. After modification, these are transported to the cell surface through vesicles which bud off from Golgi complex to fuse with cell membrane and form a part of the membrane.

Long Answer type

Question 25.
(a)Membrane biogenesis and its significance
Question 26
Differentiate between
(a)Nuclear region of bacterian cell and nuclear region of animal cell
(b)Cork and epidermis
(c)Osmosis and diffusion
(d)Chromatin and chromosome
(e)Cells of meristematic tissue and cels of permanent tissue
(f)Bone and cartilage
Question 27.
(i)Draw and label the parts of a prokaryotic organism that does not have a well-defined nucleus.
(ii)Describe any three structures of the prokaryotic cell you drew in a) How do the structure differ from those in a eukaryotic cell?
Question 28.
Discuss the contribution of the following scientists to the field of biology:
(a)Robert Hooke
(b)Robert Brown
(d) Rudolf Virchow
(e)Watson and Crick


This Class 9 Science Fundamental Unit of Life Extra questions is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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