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Tips and tricks

Tips and tricks are important for getting good scores, passing the competitive examinations. It helps us cut time in solving the problem.  This category list various tips and tricks on maths and physics which will be very helpful to the student.

Tips and tricks articles can be used from class 9 to competitive examination

Interesting ways on how to study maths

How to tame Mathematics

Mathematics is a important subjects. Some student are good at it but some student find it difficult to break it.
It is also the most scoring subject.So getting good marks in this examination is imperative for the good percentage.
Here I will try to explain few tips to tame the Mathematics

1) There is very less theory in Maths.So we have less reading in it. Maths is learned by doing it.So Whenever you start with any maths chapter,pick up your pen and copy and starting practicing.You should not mug any therom.You show understand the theorem and solve it with paper and pen. If you know the proof of the theorem, you can solve the problems easily.

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how to solve inequalities questions quickly and easily

What is inequalities
In mathematics, an inequality is a relation that holds between two values when they are different
Solving linear inequalities is very similar to solving linear equations, except for one small but important detail: you flip the inequality sign whenever you multiply or divide the inequality by a negative

Symbols used in inequalities

The symbol < means less than. The symbol > means greater than.
The symbol < with a bar underneath means less than or equal to. Usually this is written as ? The symbol > with a bar underneath means greater than or equal to. Usually this is written as ?
The symbol ? means the quatities on left and right side are not equal

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Revise During Preparation For Exams

You might be good at studies and have ability to learn fast , even the subjects that are considered tough like physics , mathematics, computer science e.t.c., or you might be the one struggling to learn these subjects. This article is for all those who are preparing for one exam or the another. Now once you complete understanding your topic you were studying , you move to another one and then to another one. After a week or two of continuously studying or learning new topics each day you now try to solve problems related to topic you studied two or three weeks back.

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How to get good score in Mathematics

Here are some tips in get good score in Mathematics.

1) Mathematics is not a Language subjects.So dont just read it,Practice it. When you are looking at the derivation or theroem,try to understand it. If you understand the theorem and derivation, Solving the question would be very quick for you.

2. When doing your math homework, be neat. It does make a difference. Good writing always pays

3. Much of your score is based on the intermediate steps in getting to the answer. So show all your work. If the final answer is even wrong,you will get some marks for your positive attitude

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How to solve problems with Body in Static equilibrium

Draw a neat diagram of the system.

Firstly consider the origin of the forces acting on the each object.To do this find out the field forces acting on the each object.Wherever contact in available account the contact force carefully

Isolate the object being analyzed. Draw a free-body diagram and then show
and label all external forces acting on the object, indicating where those forces are applied.This way there will not any confusion about the force acting on each object.

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10 common mistake in Examination

1) Panicking Before Or During A Paper: Always prepare for a test or exam well in advance.Have a good night’s sleep before the date of the test or exam.Keep reassuring yourself that you can do it. Once you stop doubting yourself, you will stop panicking. If all else fails, comfort yourself that it is only a paper. It’s not the end of the world even if you don’t do well for just one paper.So just relax and Do some breathing exercise to relax

2.Failing To Scan Through The Questions Once: Do not immediately start answer the first question. Give yourself about 5 minutes to read through all the questions. Put a tick against the easy questions and a cross against the difficult ones. Then, proceed to answer the easy questions first! Always leave the difficult questions to the last. This ensures that you would have answered most of the questions in the paper should you run out of time. It also gives you more time for the difficult questions, as you would need relatively less time for the easy ones

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10 things you can do to improve your memory for math formulas

1. Read ahead – Prepare for Tomorrows today.Read over tomorrow’s math lesson today. Get a general idea about the new formulas in advance.As you read ahead, you will recognize some of it, and other parts will be brand new.This technique also gives you an overview of the diagrams, graphs and vocabulary in the new section. Look up any new words in a dictionary so you reduce this stumbling block in class. This step may only take 15 minutes or so before each class, but will make a huge difference to your understanding of the math you are studying.

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