
Garbage in,Garbage out Extra Questions

In this page we have Extra questions for Class 6 Science Chapter Garbage in,Garbage out. Hope you like them and do not forget to like , social share and comment at the end of the page.


Question 1
Which kind of garbage is not converted into compost by the redworms?


Garbage such as pieces of polythene bags, cloth, nails, old shoes, broken glass, broken toys and Aluminium wrappers etc. are not into compost by the red worms .

Question 2
List the various steps practiced in waste management?


Various steps practiced in waste management are broadly divided into four steps:

  • Collection of wastes
  • Segregation of wastes
  • Reduction and resource recovery
  • Treatment and disposal.

Question 3
What type of garbage is collected in green bins?


Biodegradable garbage like kitchen, plant and animal wastes.

Question 4
Paheli did wonder as to what could be useful garbage? Is there some garbage that is not actually garbage?


The useful garbage are ped of vegetables and fruits, egg shell, tea leaves, paper bags, pieces of paper, etc. Any garbage that can be recycled is not actually a garbage.

Question 5
How redworms grind the food?


Redworms do not have teeth for grinding food. They have a structure called gizzards for grinding their food.

Question 6
What is waste?


Unwanted or unusable remains or by-products of materials or food is known as waste.

Long answer type question

Question 7
Do you think it is better to use compost instead of chemical fertilizers? Why?


We think that compost is better to use instead of chemical fertilizers. Compost fertilizers are those in which plants and animal extracts etc. are used. These fertilizers usually contain all nutrients in varying proportions. These fertilizers are not made in factories. They are prepared by the farmers themselves using indigenous methods.
They contain a large measure of organic matter. No special precautions are required while using them. In this category includes gobar khad, compost or the mixture made out of organic waste and human excreta, green manure and oil cakes etc.
Chemical fertilizers are manufactured artificially in factories with the use of chemicals. These contain large amounts of plant nutrients. These contain only one and two or three nutritional elements. For examples, Urea, Ammonium Sulphate, Super Phosphate, Potassium Sulphate, Sodium Nitrate, Calcium Sulphate etc.

Question 8
a. What is vermicomposting?
b. How is vermicompost useful as compared to chemical fertilizer?
c. Why should we not use wastes that may contain salt, pickles, oil, vinegar and milk preparations as food for redworms in vermicomposting pit?


a. The process of making compost with the help of redworms is called vermicomposting. b. Vermicompost is less expensive, high yielding crops and beneficial for soil health as compared to chemical fertilizers
c. We should not use wastes that may contain salt, pickles, oil, vinegar and milk products as food for redworms because these substances attract disease-causing small organisms in pit which may harm redworms ultimately hindering the preparation of vermicompost.

Question 9
a. Is garbage disposal the responsibility only of the government?
b. Is it possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage?


a. No, it is also our responsibility. Because fresh air, water and locality helps us to make healthy. So, every citizen should care for waste disposal. We should not throw the wastes carelessly. We collect all the garbage carefully in dustbins and should save environment to pollute.
b. Yes, it is possible to reduce the problems relating to disposal of garbage by using re – cyclable materials.

Question 10
In how many groups we can group the garbage of our house?


We separate the garbage of our house into two groups. These are:
Group 1: Bio-Degradable
Garbage from the kitchen like fruit and vegetable peels, egg shells, waste food, tea leaves. Include newspapers, dry leaves and paper bags in this group.
Group 2: Non-Biodegradable
Piece of cloth, polythene bags, broken glass, Aluminium wrappers, nails, old shoes and broken toys.

Question 12
a. What do you do with the left-over food at home?
b. If you and your friends are given the choice of eating in a plastic plate or a banana leaf platter at a party, which one would you prefer and why?


a. We preserve properly the left-over food and reuse. We may also convert it to some other food preparation and consume.
b. In a party I and my friends choose to eat in a banana leaf platter, due to the following reasons.

  • It is easy disposal,
  • It can be recycled,
  • It is more environment friendly.

Question 13
What can we do to minimise garbage generation? ‘


We can take following steps to reduce garbage generation.

  1. We can adopt the method of vermicomposting at home and deal with our kitchen waste carefully.
  2. We should recycle paper, old books, metal cans, glass bottles, etc., by selling these items to kawadiwalas.
  3. We should use both sides of paper to write. We should use a slate for rough work.
  4. As far as possible, we should make our family, friends and others aware of the garbage hazards and to follow proper practices for disposing different kinds of wastes.
  5. In a nutshell, we must bear in our mind and think about that-more garbage we generate, more difficult it will be to get over this menace.

Short answer type questions.

Question 14
Define land fill


A landfill site, also known as a tip, dump, rubbish dump, garbage dump, or dumping ground, is a site for the disposal of waste materials. Landfill is the oldest and most common form of waste disposal, although the systematic burial of the waste with daily, intermediate and final covers only began in the 1940s.

Question 15
How many types of bins are provided by the government for collecting garbage?


The government provides two types of bins for collecting garbage. They are:
Blue bins: It is to collect non-biodegradable wastes like plastic, metal and glass wastes.
Green bins: It is to collect biodegradable wastes like vegetable and fruit peels, tea leaves, etc.

Question 16
What can we do to minimize overuse of plastics?


We should take following steps to minimize overuse of plastics:

  • We should avoid using plastic bags to store eatables.
  • We should not use plastic cutlery.
  • We should not throw plastic bags here and there, after use.
  • We should never burn plastic bags and other plastic items.
  • We should not put garbage in plastic bags and throw it away.

Question 17
Why earthworms are called farmer’s friends?


Earthworms are called farmer’s friends because they help to increase the fertility of soil. They eat dust and make soil fertile. They are used to prepare vermicompost, which gives many nutrients to soil and ultimately to crop plants.

Question 18
Why plastic is not suitable for storing cooked food?


Plastics are not suitable for storing cooked food because they emit harmful
chemicals when they are exposed to high temperatures. Using plastics causes health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and reproductive dysfunction.

Question 19
What are the various methods of garbage disposal? Describe the landfill method.


There are different methods of disposal of garbage depending on the nature of garbage. Some of the effective measures are:

  1. Composting
  2. Vermicomposting
  3. Recycling
  4. Reuse
  5. Landfill

Question 20
We should not burn or heat plastics, why?


All kind of plastics give out harmful gases, upon heating and burning. These gases cause many health problems, including cancer, asthma, etc.,

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