
Wastewaster Story Worksheet

Fill in the Blanks

Question 1
a. The kinds of material present in the wastewater are called _________
b. Water is used as a coolant in the _________
c. A septic tank is suitable for places having _________
d. _________ are the major cause of water pollution.
e. In an aerated tank_________ is decomposed.
f. The main sewer pipelines are called _________
g. Aerobic bacteria feed on organic matter and produce _________
h. The junction of the sewers from homes is called _________
i. The microorganisms which help in wastewater treatment settle at the bottom of the tank to form _________
j. The sludge from the settlement tank is shifted to another tank called _________
k. Large objects and garbage in the wastewater are removed by passing them through the _________
l. In the final step, the wastewater is treated with _________
m. The activity of bacteria on the sludge causes _________
n. The treatment of wastewater basically includes the removal of _________


b.nuclear plant
c.sandy soil
d.Industries matter
i.activated sludge
j.digester screen

Question 2
(Keywords : acrobic , organic , sludge , waster water treatment plant , earthworm , drainage, contaminants)
i. Vermicomposting toilets are ________________ to treat human waste.
ii. The full form of W WTP is _________________________________
iii. Cooking oil, fats should not be thrown in the ___________________ system directly, as they choke the pipes.
iv. _______________ bacteria consume human waste, food, water etc. in clarified water.
v. ____________ is decomposed by anaerobic bacteria.
vi. Urea is an ____________ impurity present in sewage.
vii. ____________________ is a term used for the undesirable substances present in water.


i. earthworm
ii. waster water treatment plant
iv. acrobic
v. sludge
vi. organic
vii. contaminants

Question 3
Write scientific terms for the following:-
i. Waste water released by homes, industries. Hospitals and offices ____________
ii. Impurities dissolves and suspended in waste water ________________
iii. Water that is safe for drinking ___________________
iv. Large, solid objects have to pass through which part in W WTP. ______________

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 4
Pick from the following one chemical used to disinfect water.
(a) Chlorine
(b) Washing soda
(c) Silica
(d) Coal

Question 5
Sewage is mainly a
(a) liquid waste.
(b) solid waste.
(c) gaseous waste.
(d) mixture of solid and gas

Question 6
Open drain system is a breeding place for which of the following.
(a) Flies
(b) Mosquitoes
(c) Organisms which cause diseases
(d) All of these

Question 7
Which of the following is not a source of waste water?
(a) Sewers
(b) Homes
(c) Industries
(d) Hospitals


4. (a)
5. (a)
6. (d)
7. (a)

Short Answer type

Question 8
The terms sewage, sewers and sewerage are interlinked with each other. Can you explain, how?

Question 9
Describe onsite disposal system.

Question 10
What is sewage?

Question 11
Why is sanitation important?

Question 12
What is wastewater? How is it produced?

Question 13
How are pieces of Glass and wood removed from the sewage?

Question 14
Why is chlorine added to wastewater?

Question 15
What does household wastewater mainly contain?

Question 16
List two better housekeeping practices to manage wastewater?

Question 17
Mention two ways by which awareness for the need of sanitation in public places can be created?

Question 18
A septic tank cannot be built in a place with clayey soil. Why?

Question 19
Explain the types of contaminants with examples?

Question 20
Draw a septic tank and explain how it works?

Question 21
How is sludge disposed?

Question 22
Decomposers are nature's waste disposal system. Explain?

Question 23
Mention two methods which you can personally put into operation for reducing sewage production in your homes?

Question 24
What happens in the secondary stage of wastewater treatment?

Question 25
Explain the sewage system at homes in cities?

Question 26
How do unsanitary conditions prevail due to fresh water?

Question 27
What is a septic tank? How does it function?

Question 28
Schematically represent the process of wastewater treatment?

Question 29
Mrs Mathur disposes of all the waste into the drain. How would you educate her about the effect of negligence on the sewage treatment?

Question 30
Chlorine is passed into water in the sewage treatment plant. Give reason?

Question 31
What is 'Sulabh International' and how have they tackled the problem of environmental sanitation?

Question 32
Why should we plant eucalyptus trees near sewage drains?

Question 33
Describe vermi-processing toilets. What role is played by these toilets in the favour of human being?

Question 34
How can you as an individual take initiative to lesson the load of W WTP?

Question 35
What are the ill effects of open drains?

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