
Conceptual questions on magnetic effects of current for Class 10 physics

Fill in the blanks

  1. 1 Tesla is equivalent to 1 Newton / Ampere X ___
  2. The force on moving charge of velocity v and change Q in a magnetic Field   B is given by ____.
  3. The magnitude of magnetic field produced by a straight current carrying wire at a given points is directly proportional to the   __.. , and inversely proportional to the    ___.
  4. ______ is used as core in electromagnets
  5. Extremely Large current can flow   in domestic wiring under two conditions _______ and _________..
  6. MCB stands for __________
(i) Meter
(ii) BvQ
(iii) Current in the wire, distance of the point from wire
(iv) Soft iron
(v) Overloading, short circuiting
(vi) Miniature Circuit Breakers

Crossword Puzzle

Question for Magnetism
3. All the electric appliances are connected in this combination in the electric circuit
4. The material use to make fuse wire
5. This material should not be used to make fuse
6. The color of Live wire
1. The color of earth wire
2. The color of neutral wire
3. The place in India where angle of declination is zero
4. The Unit of magnetic field

Match the column

True and False

True and False Statements
(A) North poles repel North poles
(B) South poles repel south poles
(C) North poles attract south poles
(D) South poles attract north poles
(E) The force of attraction or repulsion varies directly proportional with the distance squared
(F) The strength of a magnet varies at different locations on the magnet
(G) Magnets are Weakest at their poles
(H) The horse-shoe shape is very commonly used in magnetic separators because its lines of force are mostly at the open end of the horse-shoe, and this helps in the separation of ferrous materials. (I) Magnetic field lines are closed loops.  They enter a magnet at its South Pole, and exit a magnet at its North Pole. Solutions
(A) True
(B) True
(C) True
(D) True
(E) False, it is inversely proportional
(F) True
(G) False, Magnets are strongest at the Poles
(H) True
(I) True

Very Short Answer Based questions

  1. Why do we connect earth wire in house give two reason?
  2. A neutron moving in magnetic fields experience a force. True or false?
  3. Two magnetic field lines intersect each other True of false?
  4. What is role of fuse in domestic circuit??
  5. When a current carrying conductor is placed parallel to the magnetic field. Maximum force acts on the conductor true or false?
  6. Write two properties of Magnetic lines of forces?
(a)it protect us from electric shocks
(b) It also avoids live wire overloading or permits any leakage
(ii) False
(iv)Fuse is used for protecting appliances due to short circuit or overloading
(v) False

Short Answer Based questions

Question 1
Why two magnetic field lines cannot intersect with each other?
if two magnetic field lines intersect with each other, then there will be two tangents drawn  which gives direction of magnetic field at the point of intersection. This is not possible

Question 2
Why do we use fuse in series with any electrical appliance? Why should a fuse with defined rating not be replaced by one with larger rating?
Fuse is used for protecting appliances due to short circuit or overloading. The fuse is rated for a certain maximum current and blows off when a current more than rated value flows through it
If a fuse is replaced by one with large ratings, the appliances may get damaged while the protecting fuse does not burn off.

Question 3
State the rule to determine the direction of force experienced by a current carrying conductor in a magnetic field. How will this force get affected on:
(i) double the magnitude of current?
(ii) Reversing the direction of current flow?
Fleming's left hand rule
(i) Doubled
(ii) Direction will be reversed

Long Answer type

Question 1.
Arun while studying the force experienced by a current carrying conductor in a magnetic Field records the following observation
(i)The force experienced by the conductor is increases as the current in the conductor is decreased
(ii)The force experienced by the conductor is decreases as the strength of magnetic field is decreased
(iii)Direction of the force on the current carrying conductor is determined suing Fleming Left hand rule
Which of these observations is correct? Explain
(a) So as current is decreased, Force also decreases. Observation is Incorrect
(b) Again, Force experience is decreased as strength of magnetic field is decreased. Observation is correct
(c) Observation is correct

Question 2
Write down the difference between permanent magnet and Electromagnet?

Question 3
Answer these short questions regarding Magnetic field?
(a) What does crowding of magnetic lines indicate?
(b) SI unit of Magnetic field?
(c) What is the direction of magnetic field lines outside a bar magnet?
(i)Strength of Magnetic field
(iii)North Pole to South Pole

Question 4
(a)What is difference between Direct Current DC and Alternating Current?
(b)Which one is used to transmit long power over long distances?
(c)What is the frequency of the Power transmission in India?
(a) The difference are noted down below

(b) AC is used to transmit long power as loss of energy in transmission is comparatively small
(c) 50Hz is the frequency of transmission of current in India

Question 5
Write Difference between Electric and Magnetic Field

Question 6
List two characteristics of the material to be used in fuse wire. Name the material it is made up of. A fuse is always connected in series in an electric circuit. Justify this statement giving reason.

Question 7
Series arrangements are not used for domestic circuits. List any three reasons.

Question 8
(a) What is the role of fuse used in series with any electrical appliance?
(b) Why should a fuse with defined rating not be replaced by one with a larger rating?
(c) Name the three types of wires used in household circuits. Out of these three which wire is used as a safety measure especially for those appliances that have metallic body? State the colour of insulation used for this wire. How it ensures the safety of the user?(

Question 9
List four characteristics features of circuit used in residential building.

Question 10
State the significance of the following devices in domestic circuits:
(i) Main switch
(ii) Mains fuse
(iii) Electricity meter

Question 11
(i) What are magnetic field lines? How is the direction of a magnetic field at a point determined? Mention two important properties of magnetic field lines.
(ii) Draw the magnetic field lines (including field directions) of the magnetic field due to a circular coil of current. Name any two factors on which the magnitude of the magnetic field due to this coil depends.

Question 12
Draw the magnetic field lines (Including field directions) of the magnetic field due to a long straight solenoid. Name any two factors on which the magnitude of the magnetic field due to this solenoid depends.

Question 15\3
How will the magnetic field produced in a current carrying circular coil change if we
(i) Increase the value of current.
(ii) Increase the distance from the coil.
(iii) Increase the number of turns of the coil?
(i) Increased
(ii) Decreased
(iii) Increased

Deleted Syllabus Questions

Question 14
Define electromagnetic induction.
(i) On what factors does the value of induced current produced in a circuit depend?
(ii) Name and state the rule used for determination of direction of induced current.

Question 15
State Fleming’s right hand rule.

Question 16
A coil of insulated copper wire is connected to a galvanometer. What happens if a bar magnet is
(i)Pushed into the coil
(ii)Withdrawn from inside the coil
(iii)Held stationary inside the coil
(iv)What is the name of the phenomenon?
(i)An induced current is produced due to electromagnetic induction. Galvanometer will show deflection
(ii)An induced current is produced due to electromagnetic induction. Galvanometer will show deflection in opposite direction
(iii)No deflection
(iv)Phenomenon is electromagnetic Induction

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