
Diversity in living organisms class 9 questions and answers

Given below are the Diversity in living organisms class 9 important questions
(a) Multiple Choice Questions
(b)Very Short Answer type
(c) Short Answer type
(d) Long Answer type

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Two chambered heart occurs in
(a) crocodiles
(b) fish
(c) aves
(d) amphibian

Question 2.
In which group of animals, coelom is filled with blood? (a) Arthropoda
(b) Annelida
(c) Nematoda
(d) Echinodermata

Question 3.
Which is not an aquatic animal? (a) Hydra
(b) Jelly fish
(c) Corals
(d) Filaria

Question 4.
Karl Von Linne was involved with which branch of science?
(a) Morphology
(b) Taxonomy
(c) Physiology
(d) Medicine


(1) (b)
(2) (a)
(3) (d)
(4) (b)

Very Short Answer type

Question 5.
Rewrite the scientific names correctly
(a)panthera tigris
(b)periplaneta Americana
(c)ficus religiousa(peepal)
(d) zea Mays(maize)
(e) Bombyx Mori(silk moth)


The rules are
(i)The generic name starts with capital letter and the specific epithet with small letter.
(ii)Both are in itallics when typed or underlined when written.
(a)Panthera tigris
(b)Periplaneta americana
(c) Ficus religiousa(peepal)
(d) Zea mays(maize)
(e) Bombyx mori(silk moth)

Question 6.
What is meant by the term hermaphrodite?


A hermaphrodite is an organism (plant or animal) having both male and female reproductive organs

Question 7.
Give the appropriate term for each of the following
(a)Complex sugar that make the fungal cell wall
(b)Basic unit of classification
(c)Plants which bear naked seeds
(d)Group of unicellular eukaryotic organism
(e)Blue-green algae


(a) Chitin
(c) Gymnosperms
(d) Kingdom Protista
(e) Cyanobacteria

Question 8.
Name the carbon compounds which are used to form the endoskeleton and exoskeleton of animals?


calcium carbonate

Question 9.
Identify the animal group having:
(a)Bones light and hollow.
(b)Soft body animals supported by calcareous shells.
(c)Body spiny skinned and triploblastic.
(d)Body is cylindrical rather than flattened.
(e)Jointed legs.
(f)Body differentiation in segmental fashion.


(a) Birds
(b) Mollusca.
(c) phylum Echinodermata
(d) phylum Cnidaria
(e) Phylum Arthropoda.
(f) phylum Annelida.

Question 10.
Name the cytoplasmic extension used by Amoeba for locomotion?



Question 11.
Who proposed five kingdom systems?


Robert Whittaker

Question 12.
Write the scientific name of human?


Homo sapiens

Question 13.
Who gave binomial nomenclature?


Carolus Linnaeus.

Question 14.
Write the name of symbiotic association of fungi and green algae?



Question 15.
What is the major difference between monera and Protista?


The nuclear membrane is absent in Monera while it is present Protista

Question 16.
What is biodiversity?


Biodiversity is the occurrence of diverse or varied forms of living beings which differ from one another in external appearance, size, color pattern, internal structure, nutrition, behavior, habitat etc.

Short Answer Type

Question 17.
What are the difference between amphibians and reptiles?


Diversity in living organisms class 9 questions and answers

Question 18.
What are the main characteristics of Chordates?


Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, coelomate animals inhabiting all types of habitat.
A dorsal hollow tubular nerve cord is present.
Presence of notochord lying ventral to nerve cord. In higher forms, notochord transformed into vertebral column.
Presence of paired gill slits in the throat called pharyngeal clefts.

Question 19.
Protochordates possesses a notochord in larval forms. Appraise the use of this feature in these animals?


Notochord is a long flexible rod like structure present in all chordates which separates the nervous system from the gut. The main function of notochord is to support the body. It serves as a major skeletal element of the developing larva/embryo.

Question 20.
State any two characteristics of mammalian. Name two egg laying mammals?


Mammels are warm-blooded animals with four-chambered hearts. They have mammary glands for the production of milk to nourish their young ones platypus and the echidna lay eggs

Question 21.
Define classification of organisms. Why do we need to classify them? Mention any two major characteristics used for classifying organisms?
Question 22.
Bat can fly still it is placed in mammals? Why?


The reasons are
The wings of bats and birds are not similar.In Bats Skin modifies to fly and form a wing-like structure
Bat has mammary glands as a characteristic feature of mammals.
Bats are viviparous which is a mammalian character.

Question 23.
State any three differences between cryptogamae and phanerogamae?
Question 24.
Which organisms are called primitive and how are they different from the so-called advanced organisms?


Primitive organisms are also known as lesser creatures since they are less complicated and more prone to changes in their bodily functions and architecture. Single cell creatures, for example, are considered primitive organisms, while eukaryotic species are considered sophisticated variants of basic organisms.
When compared to primitive creatures, advanced organisms have more biological functions and are more sophisticated. Humans, for example, are called sophisticated creatures because they have different organs to perform body functions, whereas prokaryotes have a single cell that performs all activities.

Question 25.
How do gymnosperms different from the phanerogams?
Question 26.
How do poriferan animal differ from coelenterate animals?
Question 27.
H How do annelid animals differ from arthropods?
Question 28.
Will advanced organisms be the same as complex organisms? If so why?
Question 29.
What are the advantages of classifying organisms?
Question 30.
Differentiate between monocots and dicots?
Question 31.
How do gymnosperms differ from angiosperms?
Question 34.
Why fungi are called saprophytes?
Question 35.
Write the characteristics features of fungi?

Long Answer type

Question 36.
Write three characteristics each of the following groups of animals:
Question 37.
Draw a diagram of Euglena and label the following parts:
Flagellum, photoreceptor, eyespot, chloroplast, nucleus, contractile vacuole.
Question 38.
Explain the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms?
Question 39.
What was the modification introduced by Woese in kingdom Monera?
Question 40.
X, Y, and Z are living organisms.
(a)Identify the group to which they belong on the basis of following features:
X – Microscopic, unicellular, prokaryotic.
Y - Microscopic, unicellular, eukaryotic and shows locomotion with the help of pseudopodia/flagella.
Z - Microscopic, eukaryotic, filamentous, autotropic and aquatic.
(b)Which amongst the above is most advanced?
(c)Name one organism each belonging to the groups of X, Y and Z.
Question 41.
What do you understand by diploblasty? Give one example of an organism which is diploblastic?
Question 42.
What are the differences between animals belonging to the Aves group and those in the Mammalia groups?
Question 43.
Give comparative account of following
a. Marchantia and Marselia
b. Pinus and Ferns
c. Vlothrix and spirogyra


This Diversity in living organisms class 9 questions and answers is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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