
Diversity in living organisms Class 9 Worksheet

Given below are the Diversity in living organisms class 9 worksheet
(a) Multiple Choice Questions
(b) Match the column
(c) Fill in the blank's
(d) Very Short Answer type
(e) Short Answer type
(f) Long Answer type

Multiple Choice Questions

Question 1.
Amphibians do not have the following
(a) Three chambered heart
(b) Gills or lungs
(c) Scales
(d) Mucus glands

Question 2.
Which of the following is not a criterion for classification of living organisms?
(a) Body design of the organism
(b) Ability to produce one’s own food
(c) Membrane bound nucleus and cell organelles
(d) Height of the plant

Question 3.
The ‘Origin of Species’ is written by
(a) Linnaeus
(b) Darwin
(c) Hackel
(d) Whittaker

Question 4.
Anabaena belongs to
(a)kingdom Monera
(b)Kingdom Protista
(c) Kingdom fungi
(d) Kingdom Animila


(1) (c)
(2) (d)
(3) (b)
(4) (a)

Match the Column

Question 5.
Diversity in living organisms class 9 worksheet


Diversity in living organisms class 9 worksheet with answers

Fill in the Blanks

Question 6.
(i) Prokaryotes are grouped in Kingdom_____
(ii) Funaria is a ____
(iii) Chemical nature of chitin is _____
(iv) Paramecium is a protista because of its ___________
(v) Elephantiasis is caused by _____


(i) Monera
(ii) Moss
(iii) Carbohydrates
(iv) Eukaryotic unicellular organisms
(v) Wuchereria

Very Short Answer

Question 7.
Name the phylum in which following animals are placed: -
(a) jellyfish
(b) ascatis
(c) Octopus
(d) rohu
(e) earthworm


(a) phylum coelenterata
(b) phylum Nematoda
(c) Phylum- Mollusca
(d) Phylum- Chordata
(e) phylum Annelida

Question 8.
Write the scientific names of following
(a) earthworm
(b) frog
(c) tiger
(d) cockroach
(e) pea


(b) Rana tigrina
(c) Panthera tigris
(d) Periplaneta americana
(e) Pisum sativum.

Question 9.
Who coin the term biodiversity?


Walter G. Rosen

Question 10.
Why are bryophytes called amphibian of plant kingdom?
Question 11.
Who gave six kingdom classifications?


Carl Woese

Question 12.
Name the substance which makes the cell wall of fungi?


glucans, chitin and glycoproteins.

Question 13.
Ferns belong to which division?



Short Answer type

Question 14.
Name two types of fishes based on their skeleton. Give one example of each type?


Skeletons made entirely of cartilage, such as sharks
Skeleton made of both bone and cartilage, such as tuna or rohu

Question 15.
Give three differences between monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants?
Question 16.
Who proposed the five kingdom classification? State the basis for grouping organisms into five kingdoms?


R. H. Whittaker
These groups are formed on the basis of their cell structure, mode and source of nutrition and body organisation

Question 17.
Homo sapiens is the scientific name of human beings? What do these two terms imply?


Homo is a Genus name means wisdom and knowledge
Sapiens is a species name

Question 18.
Leech, Nereis, prawn and scorpion – all have segmented body organization. Can they be placed in the same group? State yes/ no giving reasons?


Leech and Nereis belong to phylum Annelida because they have a metamerically segmented body, that is, the body is divided into many segments internally by septa. Body segments are lined up one after the other from head to tail.
But Scolopendra, prawn and scorpion belong to phylum Arthropoda as these have jointed legs and open circulating system

Question 19.
Why birds have pneumatic/hollow bones?
Question 20.
A pore bearing organism like creature ‘A’ belongs to a phylum ‘B’ of kingdom Animalia. Identify ‘A’ and ‘B’?
Question 21.
Differentiate between skin of tree frog and human?
Question 22.
Give any two differences between angiosperms and gymnosperms giving one example of each?
Question 23.
What is species?


Species is a group of individuals with similar morphological characters, which are able to breed among themselves and produce fertile offspring of their own kind.

Question 24.
What is binomial nomenclature? Who gave this explain with example?


Binomial nomenclature is a system of giving distinct and proper names to organisms with each name consisting of two words, generic and specific.
Binomial nomenclature was proposed by Carolus Linnaeus (Karl von Linnaeus).

Question 25.
What is the primary characteristics on which the first division of organism is made?
Question 26.
Write the characteristic features of chordates?
Question 27.
Write the features of spirogyra?
Question 28.
Write the characteristics of Echinodermata?
Question 29.
What is taxonomic hierarchy?


The branch of biology concerned with classification is called taxonomy. Taxonomy is a biological science which deals with identification, nomenclature and classification of organisms following certain rules.

Question 30.
Write the difference between annelida and arthropoda?


Question 31.
Write the characteristics of angiosperm?


They are highly evolved plants and they produce seed that are enclosed within fruits.
These are also called flowering plants.
Plant embryos in seeds have structures called cotyledons. Cotyledons are called ‘seed leaves’ because in many cases they emerge and become green when the seed germinates.

Question 32.
How are pteriophytes different from phanerogams?

Long Answer type

Question 33.
Give the outline of the classification of plants on the basis of various features?
Question 34
What are the major divisions in the plantae? What is the basis for these divisions?
Question 35.
Why plants like Pinus and Deodar are called gymnosperms?
Question 36.
Why the presence of ‘coelom’ in an animal’s body is considered as advantageous?
Question 37.
Prove that Labio rohita (rohu) is a chordate?
Question 38.
Draw the diagram of Spirogyra and label the following parts:
Cell wall, Pyrenoids, Nucleus, Chloroplast
Question 39.
In the hierarchy of classification, which grouping will have the smallest number of organisms with a maximum of characteristics in common and which will have the largest number of organisms?
Question 40.
Propose three examples of characteristics used for hierarchial classification. Based of these, develop the definition of characteristics. Why the characteristics of body design used for classification of plants is different from those used for classifying animals?
Question 41.
How are the criteria for deciding divisions in plan kingdom different from the criteria for deciding the sub-groups among animals?
Question 42.
What is binomial nomenclature system? Who proposed this? List four convections that are followed while writing the scientific names?
Question 43.
Explain the following terms:
(a)Bilateral symmetry
(b)Triploblastic animals and
(c)Open circulatory system
Question 44.
Draw the diagram of spirogyra and write its features?


This Diversity in living organisms class 9 worksheet is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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