
Improvement in food resources Extra Questions


Question 1.
Define animal husbandry.
Question 2.
What is the advantage of green manure?
Question 3.
What is vermicompost?
Question 4.
For increasing production, what is common in poultry, fisheries and bee – keeping?
Question 5.
Name two protein containing Rabi crops.
Question 6.
What does the number 1 : 2 mean in intercropping?


Question 1.
What is meant by sustainable agriculture?
Question 2.
“Simply increasing grain production for storage in warehouses cannot solve the problem of malnutrition and hunger.” Give reason.
Question 3.
Name two exotic or foreign and two local breeds of cows selected for long lactation period.
Question 4.
List two characteristics each of roughage and concentrate in relation to animal feed. Give one example of each.
Question 5.
What is pasturage and how is it related to honey production?
Question 6.
In what way broilers’ feed is different from layers’?
(ii) Which one of these mature earlier?
(iii) What type of shelter is provided to them?
Question 7.
Define hybridization. List its any two advantages.
Question 8.
Write four methods of weed control.
Question 9.
Why Italian bee variety is commonly used for commercial honey production?
Question 10.
(a) Describe any two irrigation system adopted in India to supply water to agricultural lands.
(b) Write two advantages of building check dams.
Question 11.
What are the desirable agronomic characteristics for crop improvements?
Question 12.
Give two examples of shellfishes.
Question 13.
Name two desirable traits for variety improvement in poultry farming.
Question 14.
State one factor which affects the quality of honey produced.
Question 15.
What management practices are common in dairy and poultry farming?


Question 1.
‘Green revolution’ and ‘white revolution’ indicate that our natural resources are getting used more intensively. What can be the harmful effects of these?
Question 2.
How is it possible to control weeds in crop fields without using chemicals? Explain.
Question 3.
What are macronutrients? Which physiological processes of plants are effectd by the deficiency of such nutrients?
Question 4.
ention the three major activities involved in improving the crop yields.
Question 5.
How do Sunhemp or guar help in crop production management? How is it better than fertilizers?
Question 6.
Write three points of difference between manures and fertilizers.
Question 7.
Neem and turmeric powders are often used in grain storage?
(i)What are they called?
(ii) What is the purpose of using neem and turmeric?
(iii) What is herbicide?
Question 8.
Distinguish between intercropping and mixed cropping.
Question 9.
(i) State three ways by which pests attack plants.
(ii) Name the chemical used to control pests.
(iii) Explain why excessive use of such chemicals should be avoided.
Question 10.
Compare the use of manures and fertilizers in maintaining the fertility of soil.
Question 11.
List the nutrients supplied by air, water and soil to the plants.
Question 12.
A farmer wants to store his agricultural produce. What factors should he check before storing? What controlling measures should he take?
Question 13.
Explain the meaning of the following desirable factors for which crop variety improvement is done:
(i) Biotic and abiotic resistances.
(ii) Wider adaptability.
(iii) Desirable agronomic traits.
Question 14.
“There has been a four times increase in the production of food grains from 1960 to 2004 with only 25% increase in the cultivatable land area”. Mention the steps undertaken by famers to achieve this success.
Question 15.
Explain river lift system. Where is this system more applicable?
Question 16.
What are Xanthium, Parathenium and Cyperinees rothendus? How do they harm crop production?
Question 17.
ention three practices in which cattle farming is beneficial to mankind.
Question 18.
State three major factors that are needed for good production of poultry birds.
Question 19.
(i) Name one exotic and one local breed of cow.
(ii) Mention one character each of exotic and local breed of cow which are desired in the cross- breed.
Question 20.
What is composite fish culture system? State one merit and one demerit of such a system.
Question 21.
Differentiate between milch and draught animals. What do th following supply to dairy animals: (i) Roughage  (ii) Concentrates?
Question 22.
What are the types of food requirements of dairy animals?
Question 23.
(i) In what way broilers feed is different from layers’?
(ii) Which one of these mature earlier?
(iii) What type of shelter is provided to them?
Question 24.
Government was setting up a school in the village. In the panchayat, Vinod who had just complete his class X suggested that the children should be taught about different agricultural practices and use of modern technology in it. Sarpanch liked the idea and arranged for the same.
(a) Children were taught that wheat cannot be grown in Kharif season. Why?
(b) Mention the desirable agronomic character for cereals.
(c) Do you think that Vinod did the right thing by making the suggestion to sarpanch? Mention any two values for which he is worth admiration.
Question 25.
Gopal who was studying in class IX, thought a lot about what can be done to make his village prosperous? He suggested village Panchayat to integrate farming with animal husbandry.
He took sarpanch to government agencies for loan to buy modern agricultureal equipments, providing safe storage space and buy cattles. He also made them agree to establish a bio- gas plant in the village.
(a) How do good animal husbandary practices benefit farmers?
(b) Write two advantages of having a bio – gas plant in the village.
(c) List any two qualities of Gopal that inspired him to work for the prosperity of the village.
Question 26.
Sohanpur, a small village, where crops were dependent on rain. Villagers were at the mercy of monsoon. To prevent crop failure, they discussed the matter in the panchayat and wanted to do some heaven to appease rain Gods. But Rakesh who was studying in class IX, advised all of them to adopt measures for conserving water and stop crop failure.
(a) if there is low rainfall in a village throughout the year, list at least two measures by which farmers can prevent crop failure in future.
(b) List two traditional ways of conserving water for irrigation.
(c) Write two values of Rakesh that have helped the villagers to sail through the difficult times.
Question 27.
While teaching importance of food management teacher told her class that due to heavy rains in 2010, tones of grain got damagedbecause sufficient precaution was not taken for storage in government warehouse. Due to this the prices of commodities went sky high. Shekher felt very angry with the pesons responsible for food storage
(a) Write two factors that may be responsible for losses to grains during storage.
(b) Government’s decision to let the grains rot in the warehouses was not right. What do you think would have been done at that tme to reduce loss?
(c) List any two values in the decision making officials that required to aoid such situations.
Question 28.
ention three different ways in whih crop plants can be attacked by insect pests. Also suggest one control measure and two preventive measures against pests.
Question 29.
Rahul and Rachna were practicing floriculture in their farm. They sold the flowers to florists in India. They felt that if they start bee – keeping too, their income will increase. They obtained more information from the local officer.
(i) What is pasturage and how is it related to quality of honey?
(ii) Name a bee variety which is commonly used for commercial honey production.
(iii) Why society would appreciate Rahul and Rachna?
Question 30.
Give one word for the following and give one example of each:
(a) Growing one row of crop alternately with the other crop.
(b) Growing two or more crops simultaneously in the same field.
(c) Growing of different crops on a land in pre – planned succession.
Question 31.
(a) Define weed. Give two examples.
(b) Why is it essential to remove weeds from agricultural fields?
(c) What are weedicides?


Question 1.
How growing chick pea or moong bean can help in maintaining soil fertility? What is this practice called?
Question 2.
Describe the types of loss caused by inappropriate conditions of moisture and temperature prevailing during storage of grains.
Question 3.
Define crop rotation? How is it used to increase the yield of crops? Why is this process called environment friendly?
Question 4
.Define Green Revolution. Mention the major factors that lead to the green revolution. Illustrate any one of the factors.
Question 5.
List any six factors for which variety improvement in crops is done.
Question 6.
Excessive use of fertilizers and chemical pesticides is harmful – justify the statement. How can this problem be solved?
Question 7.
(i) What are weeds? Give an example.
(ii) Why should weeds be removed from cultivated fields?
Question 8.
Describe briefly about the traits and their utilities important for a cereal crop in improvement of varieties.
Question 9.
Give the term used for rearing and caring of animals livestock. Explain three major aspects of this practice.
Question 10.
Explain the desirable traits obtained after cross – breeding indigenous and exotic breeds of poultry birds.
Question 11.
(i) A student visited a fish farm where he found Catla, Rohu, Mrigals, Common Carps and Grass Carps cultured in the same pond. Name the type of fish farming observed by the student.
(ii) Mention the advantages of such farming system.
(iii) What is the main problem in such fish farming? How do farmers such problem?
Question 12.
(i) How are new varieties of poultry birds with desired traits produced?
(ii) Mention any four desirable traits for which new varieties are produced.
(iii) List the management practices that are common between dairy and poultry farming.
Question 13.
(i) How does a good animal husbandry practice benefit farmers?
(ii) What are two purposes for which cattle husbandry is followed?
(iii) Which method is commonly used for improving cattle breeds and why?
Question 14.
Define the following:
(a) Milch animals(b) draught animals
(c) Sustainable agriculture(d) White revolution
(e) Fodder crops
Question 15.
(a) State two differences between egg layers and broilers.
(b) How can poultry fowl be prevented from various diseases? State any three methods.
Question 16.
(a) Farmer ‘X’ planted Soyabean + Maize + cowpeas in the same field simultaneously in a set row pattern. Farmer ‘Y’ planted cereal crop in one season and leguminous plants in next season on the same piece of land in preplanned succession. Name the cropping pattern used by farmers ‘X’ and ‘Y’.
(b) State two advantages of different cropping patterns followed by farmers ‘X’ and ‘Y’ respectively.
Question 17.
How do you differentiate between capture fishing, mariculture and aquaculture?
Question 18.
(a) Differentiate between mixed cropping and inter – cropping. Give one example of each.
(b) How is crop – rotation different from the above two?
(c) Mention the factors that are taken into consideration for deciding choice of crops for inter – cropping and crop rotation. Also mention one advantage of each of these cropping patterns.
Question 19.
Define genetically modified crops. How are they made? Explain the significance of genetically modified crops with suitable example.
Question 20.
(a) Name two common sources from which fish are captured.
(b) Why are mussels and shell fish cultivated?
(c) As marine fish stock get depleted, how the demand for more fish can be met?
(d) How are marine fish caught?
(e) Name two marine fish of high economic value, which are also cultured in sea water.
Question 21.
Compare the use of manure and fertilizer in maintaining soil fertility.

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