
Is Matter around us pure Notes

Welcome to Class 9 Science chapter 2 Is Matter around us pure notes.The topics in this page are what is Mixtures ,What is Solutions, colloids, Pure substances and method of Separation of mixtures.This is according to CBSE and the NCERT textbook. If you like the study material, feel free to share the link as much as possible.

Table of contents

What is Mixtures

  • A mixtures consists of two or more substance in any proportion.
  • A mixture can be seperated into pure substances using appropiate seperation technique

Mixtures are Two Types

  • Homogenous
  • Hetrogenous

What is Solutions

  • A solution is a homogeneous mixture of two or more substances. The major component of a solution is called the solvent, and the minor, the solute.
  • We can measure the concentration of a solution through the amount of solute present per unit volume or per unit mass of the solution/solvent

  • A solution of sugar in water is a solid in liquid solution. In this solution, sugar is the solute and water is the solvent.
  • �tincture of iodine� is an Iodine solution which has iodine (solid) as the solute and alcohol (liquid) as the solvent.
  • Carbonated drinks like soda water etc., are gas in liquid solutions.It contain carbon dioxide (gas) as solute and water (liquid) as solvent.
  • Air is a mixture of gas in gas. Air is a homogeneous mixture of a number of gases.

Properties of a solution
  • A solution is a homogeneous mixture.
  • The particles of a solution are smaller than 1 nm (10-9 metre) in diameter. So, they cannot be seen by naked eyes.
  • Because of very small particle size, they do not scatter a beam of light passing through the solution. So, the path of light is not visible in a solution.
  • The solute particles cannot be separated from the mixture by the process of filtration. The solute particles do not settle down when left undisturbed, that is, a solution is stable.

What is Suspension

  • Materials that are in solvent and have particles that are visible to naked eyes, form a suspension.
  • A suspension is a heterogeneous mixture.

What is Colloids

  • They are heterogeneous mixtures in which the particle size is too small to be seen with the naked eye, but is big enough to scatter light. This scattering effect is called tyndall effect
  • Colloids are useful in industry and daily life.
  • The particles are called the dispersed phase and the medium in which they are distributed is called the dispersion medium.
  • They do not settle down when left undisturbed, that is, a colloid is quite stable

Pure substances

  • A pure substance may be defined as a single substance (or matter) which cannot be separated by simple physical methods.
  • Pure substances can be further classified as (i) Elements (ii) Compounds

  • An element consists of only one type of particles. These particles may be atoms or molecules.
  • For example, sodium, copper, silver, hydrogen, oxygen etc. are some examples of elements.

  • It may be defined as a pure substance containing two or more elements combined in a fixed proportion by weight and can be decomposed into these elements by suitable chemical methods.
  • It is important to note that the properties of a compound are altogether different from the constituting elements.

Differences between Compounds and Mixtures


Separation of mixtures

The method to be used for separating a mixture depends on the nature of its constituents. We will consider the following three cases:
  • Mixture of two solids
  • Mixture of a solid and a liquid
  • Mixtures of two liquids

Seperation of Mixture of two solids:

All the mixtures containing two solid substances can be separated one of the following methods:
  1. By using a suitable solvent
  2. By the process of sublimation
  3. By using a magnet

Separation by suitable solvent:

  • This method is based on the differences in the solubilities of the constituents of a mixture.
  • Those mixtures can be separated by suitable solvent in which one constituent of a mixture is soluble in a particular liquid solvent whereas the other constituent is insoluble in it.

  1. This mixture is used to separate a mixture of sugar and sand by using water as solvent.
  2. Mixture of sugar and salt can be separated by using alcohol as a solvent because sugar is soluble in alcohol.
  3. Mixture of sulphur and sand can be separated by carbon disulphide as a solvent.

Separation by sublimation:

  • This process is used to separate those substances from a mixture which sublime on heating.

  1. Mixture of common salt (sodium chloride) and ammonium chloride can be separated by the process of sublimation.
  2. Note: sublimation is the process in which a solid is directly changes into gas on heating without coming in liquid state. For example: camphor, ammonium chloride, iodine, naphthalene etc.

Separation by magnet:

  • If a mixture contains iron as one of the constituent, it can be separated by using a magnet.

  1. Mixture of iron filling and sulphur powder/carbon power can be separated by using a magnet.
  2. In factories scrap iron is separated from the heap of waste material by using electromagnet fitted to a crane.

Separation of mixture of a solid and a liquid:

All the mixtures containing a solid and a liquid are separated by one of the following processes:
  1. By filtration
  2. By centrifugation
  3. By evaporation
  4. By crystallisation
  5. By chromatography
  6. By distillation

By Filtration:

  • Filtration is used for separating insoluble substances from a liquid. This means that a heterogenous mixture of a solid and a liquid can be separated by the process of filtration.

  1. Mixture of chalk/ sand and water is separated by filtration.
  2. The used tea leaves are separated from prepared tea by the method of filtration.

Separation by Centrifugation:

  • Centrifugation is a method for separating the suspended particles of a substance from a liquid in which the mixture is rotated (spun) at a high speed in a centrifuge.
  • By this as a mixture rotated round rapidly, a force acts on the heavier suspended particles in it and brings them down to the bottom of the test tube.
  • The clear liquid being lighter remains on top.

  1. This process is used to separate cream from milk.
  2. We can separate the clay particles suspended in water by this method.
  3. Blood can be separated into blood cells and plasma by centrifugation.

Separation by Evaporation:

  • Evaporation is used to separate a solid substance that has dissolve in water or any other liquid.
  • This process is based on the fact that liquid vaporise easily.
  • The dissolved substance is left as a residue when all the water or liquid has evaporated.

  1. The common salt dissolve in water can be separated by evaporation.
  2. We can separate the coloured component of ink by the process of evaporation.
Evaporation is used from recovering dissolved solid substances from liquid mixtures but the liquid itself cannot be recovered by this method. The liquid vaporises and gets lost to the air.

Separation by Crystallisation:

The process of cooling a hot, concentrated solution of a substance to obtain crystals is called crystallisation. This method is used for obtaining a pure solid substance from impure sample.
Impure copper sulphate can be purified by the method of crystallisation to obtain pure copper sulphate.
  • Take 10gm of copper sulphate and dissolve it in minimum amount of water in china dish to make copper sulphate solution.
  • Filter the solution to remove insoluble impurities.
  • Heat the copper sulphate solution gently on a water bath to evaporate water and obtain a saturated solution. Then stop heating.
  • Then allow a hot, saturated solution of copper sulphate to cool slowly.
  • Crystals of pure copper sulphate re formed. Impurities remain behind in the solution.
  • Separate the copper sulphate crystals from solution by filtration and dry.  

Common salt is also purified by the process of crystallisation.
Advantages of crystallisation over evaporation:
  1. Some solids like sugar decompose or get charred (degrade) on heating to dryness during evaporation. There is no such problem during crystallisation.
  2. The soluble impurities do not get removed in the process of evaporation but such impurities get removed in crystallisation.

Separation by Chromatography:

  • Chromatography is a technique of separating two or more dissolved solids which are present in very small quantities.
  • The separation is based on the fact that though two or more substances are soluble in the same solvent but their solubilities may be different.
  • The most common type of chromatography is paper chromatography.
  • For example: black ink is a mixture of several coloured substance or dyes which can be separated by paper chromatography.

  • Take a thin and long strip of filter paper. Draw a pencil line on about 3cm from one hand.
  • Put a small drop of black ink on filter paper strip at the centre of pencil line.
  • When the drop of ink has dries, put the filter paper strip into a tall grass jar containing some water in its lower part. The strip is held vertically by attaching its upper and to a glass rod with cello tape.
  • The water is gradually rises up the filter paper strip by capillary action. As water moves up the paper strip, it takes along the dyes present in ink.
  • The dye which is more soluble in water dissolve first, rises fast and produced a coloured spot on paper at highest position. The less soluble dyes rise slower and form coloured spot at lower position.
  • When the water reaches near the top end of the strip, the strip is removed from the jar and dried. The paper with it separate coloured spot is called chromatogram.

Is Matter around us pure Notes

  1. Chromatoghaphy is used to separate the solution of coloured substances.
  2. It is used in forensic science to detect and identify the trace amount of substances like poison in the content of the bladder or stomach.
  3. It is used to separate the small amounts of products of chemical reactions.

Separation by Distillation:

  • Distillation is the process of heating a liquid to form vapour and then cooling the vapour to get back liquid.
  • In order to recover both solid as well as liquid from the mixture of solid and liquid, the process of distillation has to be used.
  • Liquid obtained by condensing the vapour is called distillate.

When the homogenous mixture of a solid and a liquid is hated in a closed distillation flask, the liquid being volatile forms vapour. The vapour of liquid are passed through a condenser where they get cooled and condenses to form pure liquid. This pure liquid is collected in a separate vessel. The solid being non volatile remains behind in the distillation flask.

  1. A mixture of common salt and water can be separated completely by the process of distillation.
  2. Pure water or distilled water is made from tap water by the process of distillation.

Separation of mixture of two or more liquids:

All the mixtures containing two or more liquids can be separated by one of the following two methods:
  1. By the process of fractional distillation.
  2. By using separating funnel.

Separation by Fractional distillation:

  • A mixture of miscible liquids is separated by the process of fractional distillation.
  • Fractional distillation is the process of separating two or more miscible liquids by distillation, the distillate being collected in fractions, boiling at different temperature.
  • The separation of two or more liquids by fractional distillation depends on the differences in their boiling point.
Fractionating column:
It is long vertical glass tube filled with glass bead. It is an arrangement for providing diffrenet temperature zone inside it during distillation, the highest temperature being at the bottom of the column and the lowest temperature near its top.
Activity 1:
A mixture of alcohol and water can be separated by fractional distillation. The boiling point of the alcohol is 78°C and the boiling point of water is 100°C.
  • When the mixture is heated, both alcohol and water form vapours as their boiling point approach.
  • When the temperature at the top of the fractionating column reaches 78°C then alcohol vapours passes in to the condenser and get cooled and collects in a beaker kept at the end of the condenser.
  • When the temperature at the top of the fractionating column becomes 100°C, water vapours passes into the condenser get cooled and condenses. Then it is collected in another beaker,

Activity 2:
Separation of mixture of gases from air:
  • The various gases of air (like nitrogen, argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide etc.) are separated from one another by the process of fractional distillation of liquid air because the different gases of air have different boiling points.
  • The boiling of Nitrogen is -196°C, boiling point of Argon is -186°C and boiling point of oxygen is -183°C.
  • The air is first filtered to remove the dust, water vapour and the carbon dioxide.
  • The air is compressed by increasing the pressure and is then cooled by decreasing the temperature to get liquid air.
  • This liquid air is allowed to warm up slowly in a fractional distillation column, where gases get separated at different heights depending upon their boiling points.
  • Liquid nitrogen has the lowest boiling point, so it is collected first and liquid oxygen has highest boiling point, so it is collected last in the beaker.

  1. Fractional distillation is used to separate the mixture of miscible liquids like acetone and water mixture in the laboratory.
  2. It is used to separate gases of air.
  3. It is used to separate crude oil ‘petroleum’ into useful fractions such as kerosene, petrol, diesel etc.

Separation by separating funnel:

  • A mixture of two immiscible liquids can be separated by using a separating funnel. This separation depends in the differences in their densities.
  • In this method two immiscible liquids is put in separating funnel and allowed to stand for sometime. The mixture separates into two layers according to the densities of the liquids in it.
  • On opening the stop cork of the separating funnel, the lower layer of the heavier liquid comes out first and collected in a beaker then the stop cork is closed. The lighter liquid in the upper layer is collected in a separate beaker by opening the stop cork again.

  1. To separate the mixture of oil and water.
  2. In the extraction of iron from the ore, the lighter slag is removed from the top by this method to leave the molten iron at the bottom in the furnace.

Interesting facts

  • The number of elements known at present are more than 100.Ninety-two elements are naturally occurring and the rest are manmade.
  • Majority of the elements are solid.Eleven elements are in gaseous state at room temperature.Two elements are liquid at room temperature–mercury and bromine.
  • Alloys are mixtures of two or  more metals or a metal and a non-metal and cannot be separated into their components by physical methods. But still, an alloy is considered as a mixture because it shows the properties of its constituents and can have variable composition. For example, brass is a mixture of approximately 30% zinc and 70% copper.Other examples of alloy are  steel, solder, pewter, duralumin, bronze and amalgams.
  • Air  is a homogeneous mixture of a number of gases. Its two main constituents are: oxygen (21%) and nitrogen (78%).


Here is Is Matter around us pure Class 9 Notes summary is matter around us pure class 9 notes
  • More than one component (element and/or compound), blended in any ratio, is referred to be a mixture.
  • Mixtures can be separated into pure substances using the right separation procedures
  • A homogenous mixture of two or more components is known as a solution. A solution's principal component is referred to as the solvent, and its lesser component as the solute.
  • The amount of solute present per unit volume or per unit mass of the solution/solvent is known as a solution's concentration.
  • A suspension is created by substances that are insoluble in a solvent and have particles that are visible to the naked eye. A mixture that is heterogeneous is a suspension.
  • Colloids are heterogeneous mixtures in which the particle size is large enough to scatter light but too small to be seen with the naked eye.
  • Elements or compounds can be considered pure substances. A compound is anything made up of two or more different kinds of elements that have been chemically mixed in a specific ratio.
  • While a mixture demonstrates the characteristics of its constituent parts or compounds, a compound has different properties from those of its constituent constituents

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