
Is matter around us pure class 9 worksheet with answers

Given below are the Is matter around us pure class 9 worksheet with answers
(a) True and False problems
(b) Fill in the blank's
(c) Very Short questions
(d) Short questions
(e) Long Anwer questions
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1.Common salt is _________.
2.A mixture contains more than ______ substance mixed in ______ proportion.
3.Properties of a __________ are different from its constituent elements, whereas a _______ shows the properties of its constituting elements.
4.A solution is defined as a mixture that is-----------.
5.We can remove salts from a solution by using the process of ----------
6. A pure substance has a fixed__________ or ______ at constant temperature.
7.An element is made up of only one kind of _________.
8.Miscible liquids are separated by ________ .
9.Immiscible liquids are separated by using a _______.
10.Filtered tea is a _________ mixture.
11.Alloy is a _______.
12.Sublimation of camphor is a _________ change.
13.Most common chemical change we observe in our routine life is rusting of______.


2.One, any
3.Compound, mixture
6.M. P & B. P.
8.Fractional distillation
9.Separating funnel
11.Solid solution


1.Water is homogenous substance.
2.Element is always metal.
3.Substance is always homogeneous
4.In compound elements combine in definite proportion.
5.Iodine can be purified by sublimation.
6.Mixtures are always combinations of the same compounds that are at different states.
7.We can separate all mixtures by filtration.
8.All mixtures are defined as “ heterogeneous”
9.Only specific compounds can be combined to form mixtures.
10.No pure elements are liquids at room temperature.
11.Mixtures are combinations of one or more compounds that can be separated with chemical processes.
12.Crystals can be made of mixtures.




1.What difference in the property of two miscible liquids enables their separation by fractional distillation?
2.Why is solution not heated to dryness to get crystals?
3.Give one example each of homogeneous and heterogeneous mixture.
4.Name the apparatus by which mixture of oil and water can be separated.
5.How can we check whether the given soli substance is pure or not?
6.A hard substance produces a tinkling sound when beat. Is it metal or a non- metal?
7.Is brass a mixture or a compound?
8.What type of solution is an alloy?
Liquid solution or solid solution
9.A mixture consisting of two miscible liquids 'A' and 'B' whose boiling points differ by 50 C can be separated by which process?
10.Which separation, technique is employed to separate complex mixture of organic compounds like carbohydrates, amino acids. Vitamins, hormones, etc?
11.In fractional crystallization two organic compounds gets differentiated on the basis of which property.
12.Which method can be used to separate mixture of iron filings and common salt?
13.Give one example of solid- liquid homogeneous mixture.
14.What is a aquaregia?
15.Which method is used to separate two immiscible liquids?
16.Name two elements which are in liquid state at room temperature?


3) Homogeneous :Brass Heterogenous: Sand and water
4) Seperating funnel
7) Mixture
8) solid solution
9) Fractional distillation
13) Salt in water solution
14) Aqua regia is a highly-corrosive mixture of - nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. The mixture is formed by freshly mixing concentrated nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, usually in a volume ratio of 1:3
15) Seperating funnel


Question 1.
Define element, compound and mixture.


is matter around us pure class 9 worksheet with answers

Question 2.
What are pure substance? Give two examples of metals.


Pure substances are elements and compounds with no impurities
Examples of Metals are Iron and Mercury

Question 3.
What are metals? Given two examples of metals.


Metals are the elements which have lustre, ductile ,malleable,sonorous and good conductor of heat and electricity
Gold and silver are examples of metals

Question 4.
Which method can be used to separate a mixture of naphthalene and common salt?


Sublimation method

Question 5.
Define homogeneous and heterogeneous mixtures.


homogeneous are uniform composition mixtures while heterogeneous are non uniform composition mixtures
Example for Homogeneous : Salt in water
Example of heterogeneous: oil in water

Question 6.
Classify the following into elements, compounds and mixtures.
c.Sugar solution
e.Calcium carbonate


homogeneous are uniform composition mixtures while heterogeneous are non uniform composition mixtures
Example for Homogeneous : Salt in water
Example of heterogeneous: oil in water

Question 7.
Classify each of the following as a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture.
Soda water, wood, air, soil, vinegar


Homogeneous mixtures: Soda water, air, vinegar
Heterogeneous mixtures: wood and soil.

Question 8.
Classify the following elements as metal, nonmetal, or metalloid: aluminum, fluorine, gallium, phosphorus, krypton, tellurium, thorium, barium and strontium.


non-metals : fluorine, phosphorous,krypton.
metals : aluminium,gallium,strontium,barium.
metalloids : tellurium.

Question 9.
Given the names of the elements present in the following compounds:
b.Hydrogen bromide
c.Baking soda
d.Potassium sulphate


a.Quicklime(CaO): Calcium and Oxygen
b.Hydrogen bromide(HBr): Hydrogen and Bromide
c.Baking soda($NaHCO_3$): Oxygen,Sodium,Hydrogen,Carbon
d.Potassium sulphate($K_2SO_4$): Potassium, Sulphur and oxygen

Question 10.
Can an element be distinguished from its compound by examination of its physical properties only? Explain.


Yes as the physical properties get changed when two elements react to form compounds

Question 11.
Explain why, water is a compound and not a mixture?


Water is a compound as a. the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen combined with each other to form water
b. its constituents can be separated only by chemical or electrochemical reactions
c. The elements Hydrogen and oxygen are in fixed ratio

Question 12.
How do the properties of a mixture differ from the properties of the components of the mixture?
Question 13.
In terms of physical properties, what is there about mixtures that makes it possible to separate out the components?


Physical properties like boiling point ,melting point

Question 14.
How would you separate the following mixture?
i.Salt and water
ii.Glass powder and iron filings


a. evaporation or distillation
b. iron is magnetic so it can be used by using magnet (magnetic separation)

Question 15.
Which method is used to separate two immiscible liquids?


two immiscible liquids are seperated using seperating funnel

Question 16.

Name two elements which are in liquid state at room temperature?


mercury and bromine.

Question 17.
Differentiate between miscible and immiscible liquids. Give an example of each.
Question 18.
Write the role of following in water purification system:
(a) Sedimentation Tank
(b) Loading tank
(c) Chlorination tank
Question 19.
Crystallization is better technique than simple evaporation technique. Justify this statement by giving two reasons.
Question 20.
(i) Name a technique to separate a mixture of two or more miscible liquids for which difference in boiling points is less than 25 K.
(ii) Describe the structure of the column used in the above technique. Why is it used?


Question 1.
List five characteristics by which compounds can be distinguished from mixtures.
Question 2.
What is chromatography? Explain by giving principle involved. State its important applications.
Question 3.
Identify the following as homogeneous or heterogeneous matter.
e.Iron nail
g.Aerosol spray
i.Sea water


a.Gasoline : homogeneous
d.Alcohol : homogeneous
e.Iron nail:heterogeneous
g.Aerosol spray:heterogeneous
h.Air :homogeneous
i.Sea water:homogeneous

Question 4.
Suggest a scheme for the separation of constituents of the following mixture:
Sulphur + sand + sugar + iron filings
Question 5.
Which method of distillation is employed for the concentration of raw juice in sugar factories Explain in detail.
Question 6.
Classify the following as physical change or chemical change.
i.Burning of magnesium ribbon in air
ii.Burning of sulphur in air
iii.Electrolysis of water
iv.Purification of copper sulphate from impure copper sulphat by crystallization
v.Preparation of sugar solution
vi.Conversion of milk into curd
vii.Evaporation of alcohol
viii.Burning of coal


i.Burning of magnesium ribbon in air: Chemical change
ii.Burning of sulphur in air: Chemical change
iii.Electrolysis of water: Chemical change
iv.Purification of copper sulphate from impure copper sulphate by crystallization: Physical change
v.Preparation of sugar solution: Physical change
vi.Conversion of milk into curd: Chemical change
vii.Evaporation of alcohol:Physical change
viii.Burning of coal: Chemical change

Question 7.
When do we use the process of centrifugation? State the principle involved in this process. List its any two applications in our daily life.
Question 8.
A mixture contains two liquids A and B, which differ in tyheir boiling points by 20 K. suggest a suitable process to separate them. Draw a neat labeled diagram to explain this process.
Question 9.
Define distillation. What type of mixture can be separated by distillation?
Question 10.
What is the principle of separating funnel technique? How it is useful in extraction of iron from its ore?
Question 11.
Based on the following characteristics distinguish in tabular form the behavior of true solution, suspension and colloidal solution:
(i) Appearance
(ii) Visibility
(iii) Filterability
(iv) Tyndall effect
(v) stability
(vi) Particle size
List any three properties on the basis of which a colloidal solution can be recognized.
Question 12.
How will you separate a mixture of red and blue inks? Name the technique used. Draw a labeled diagram and explain it.
Question 13.
Explain the term fractional distillation. Draw a labeled diagram for carrying out the process of fractional distillation.
Question 14.
Three students A, B and C prepared mixtures using chalk powder, common salt and milk respectively in water. Whose mixture:
(a)Would not leave residue on filter paper after filtration?
(b)Would show Tyndall effect?
(c)Would give transparent/ clear solution?
(d)Would settle down at the bottom when left undisturbed?
(e)Could be filtered by filter paper?


a) Mixture done by B will not leave any residue as salt solution is a true solution.
b) Tyndall effect will be shown by milk solution of C. It's a colloidal solution. So it shows tyndall effect.
c) Salt solution will obviously be the clear solution. So, again its B.
d) Chalk powder mixture of A will settle down when left undisturbed as the particles are too heavy to resist gravity.
e) Again, Chalk powder of A can be filtered by filter paper. Although, it is possible to filter milk solution of C also, if sufficiently micro-porous filter is used.


This Is matter around us pure class 9 worksheet with answers is prepared keeping in mind the latest syllabus of CBSE . This has been designed in a way to improve the academic performance of the students. If you find mistakes , please do provide the feedback on the mail.

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